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大念住经:受随观 |
(B. Feelings) 然而,诸比丘!比丘如何在诸感受,随观诸感受而住?在这裡,诸比丘! “And monks, how does a monk remain focused on feelings in & of themselves? There is the case where a monk, 比丘感受乐受时,他详知︰『我感受乐受』; When feeling a pleasant feeling, he discerns that he is feeling a pleasant feeling. 感受苦受时,他详知︰『我感受苦受』; when feeling a painful feeling, discerns that he is feeling a painful feeling. 感受不苦不乐受时,他详知︰『我感受不苦不乐受』。 When feeling a neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling, he discerns that he is feeling a neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling. 感受有污染的乐受时,他详知︰『我感受有污染的乐受』; When feeling a pleasant feeling of the flesh, he discerns that he is feeling a pleasant feeling of the flesh. 感受无污染的乐受时,他详知︰『我感受无污染的乐受』; When feeling a pleasant feeling not of the flesh, he discerns that he is feeling a pleasant feeling not of the flesh. 感受有污染的苦受时,他详知︰『我感受有污染的苦受。』 “When feeling a painful feeling of the flesh, he discerns that he is feeling a painful feeling of the flesh. 感受无污染的苦受时,他详知︰『我感受无污染的苦受』, When feeling a painful feeling not of the flesh, he discerns that he is feeling a painful feeling not of the flesh. 感受有污染的不苦不乐受时, When feeling a neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling of the flesh, 他详知︰『我感受有污染的不苦不乐受。』 he discerns that he is feeling a neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling of the flesh. 感受无污染的不苦不乐受时, When feeling a neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling not of the flesh, 他详知︰『我感受无污染的不苦不乐受。』 he discerns that he is feeling a neither-painful-nor-pleasant feeling not of the flesh. 这样在身内,在诸感受随观诸感受而住;或在身外,在诸感受随观诸感受而住; “In this way he remains focused internally on feelings in & of themselves, or externally on feelings in & of themselves, 或在身内及身外,在诸感受随观诸感受而住。 or both internally & externally on feelings in & of themselves. 或在诸感受随观集法而住; Or he remains focused on the phenomenon of origination with regard to feelings, 或在诸感受随观灭法而住;或在诸感受随观集法及灭法而住, on the phenomenon of passing away with regard to feelings, or on the phenomenon of origination & passing away with regard to feelings. 『感受存在』的念现起, Or his mindfulness that ‘There are feelings’ 这样直到浸入智、浸入忆念为止,他无依止而住,并且在世间一无所取。 is maintained to the extent of knowledge & remembrance. And he remains independent, unsustained by (not clinging to) anything in the world. 诸比丘!就这样比丘在诸感受随观诸感受而住。 Monks, this is how a monk remains focused on feelings in & of themselves.