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大念住经:身随观—九种墓地观 |
﹝身随观—九种墓地观之一﹞ 再者,诸比丘!譬如比丘应该看丢弃在墓地的尸体: [6] “Furthermore, monks, as if he were to see a corpse cast away in a charnel ground -- 死一日,或死二日,或死三日,膨胀,乌青,生脓; one day, two days, three days dead -- bloated, livid, & festering, 他这样对这身体一起联想:『(我)这身体也是这样,未来会变成这样。』 he applies it to this very body, ‘This body, too: Such is its nature, such is its future, such its unavoidable fate’ 这样在身内随观身而住(等),… “In this way he remains focused internally on the body in & of itself, or focused externally... unsustained by anything in the world. 诸比丘!就这样比丘在身随观身而住。 This is how a monk remains focused on the body in & of itself. ﹝身随观—九种墓地观之二﹞ 再者,诸比丘!譬如比丘应该看丢弃在墓地的尸体: “Or again, monks, as if he were to see a corpse cast away in a charnel ground, 被乌鸦啄,或被鹰啄,或被秃鹫啄, picked at by crows, vultures, & hawks, 或被苍鹫啄,或被狗咬,或被老虎咬, by hyenas, dogs, tigers, 或被豹咬,或被狐狼咬,或被种种小生物咬; leopards, jackals, and various other creatures; 他这样对这身体一起联想:『(我)这身体也是这样,未来会变成这样。』 He applies it to this very body, ‘This body, too: Such is its nature, such is its future, such its unavoidable fate.’ 这样在身内随观身而住(等),… “In this way he remains focused internally on the body in & of itself, or focused externally... unsustained by anything in the world. 诸比丘!就这样比丘在身随观身而住。 monks, this is how a monk remains focused on the body in & of itself. ﹝身随观—九种墓地观之三﹞ 再者,诸比丘!譬如比丘应该看丢弃在墓地的尸体: “Or again, monks, as if he were to see a corpse cast away in a charnel ground, (被)筋连结的骨链,有肉有血;… a skeleton smeared with flesh & blood, connected with tendons... ﹝身随观—九种墓地观之四﹞ (被)筋连结的骨链,无肉、有血涂布;… a fleshless skeleton smeared with blood, connected with tendons... ﹝身随观—九种墓地观之五﹞ (被)筋连结的骨链,无肉无血;… a skeleton without flesh or blood, connected with tendons... ﹝身随观—九种墓地观之六﹞ 没有连结的骨头,散乱在四方、四隅,手骨在另一处, bones detached from their tendons, scattered in all directions -- here a hand bone, 足骨在另一处,足踝(ㄏㄨㄞˊ)骨在另一处,小腿骨在另一处,大腿骨在另一处, there a foot bone, here a shin bone, there a thigh bone, here a hip bone, 髋骨在另一处,肋骨在另一处,嵴椎骨在另一处,肩骨在另一处, there a back bone, here a rib, there a chest bone, here a shoulder bone, 颈骨在另一处,颚骨在另一处,牙齿在另一处,头颅在另一处, there a neck bone, here a jaw bone, there a tooth, here a skull, 他这样对这身体一起联想:『(我)这身体也是这样,未来会变成这样。』 He applies it to this very body, ‘This body, too: Such is its nature, such is its future, such its unavoidable fate.’ 这样在身内随观身而住(等),… “In this way he remains focused internally on the body in & of itself, or focused externally... unsustained by anything in the world. 诸比丘!就这样比丘在身随观身而住。 This is how a monk remains focused on the body in & of itself. ﹝身随观—九种墓地观之七﹞ 再者,诸比丘!譬如比丘应该看丢弃在墓地的尸体: “Or again, as if he were to see a corpse cast away in a charnel ground, 骨头是白的,像螺的颜色,… the bones whitened, somewhat like the color of shells... ﹝身随观—九种墓地观之八﹞ 过了一年后,骨头溷杂泥土,… piled up, more than a year old... ﹝身随观—九种墓地观之九﹞ 骨头腐败,生成粉末; decomposed into a powder: 他这样对这身体一起联想:『(我)这身体也是这样,未来会变成这样。』 He applies it to this very body, ‘This body, too: Such is its nature, such is its future, such its unavoidable fate.’ 这样在身内随观身而住;或在身外,在身随观身而住; “In this way he remains focused internally on the body in & of itself, or externally on the body in & of itself, 或在身内及身外,在身随观身而住。 or both internally & externally on the body in & of itself. 在身随观集法而住;或在身随观灭法而住; Or he remains focused on the phenomenon of origination with regard to the body, on the phenomenon of passing away with regard to the body, 或在身随观集法及(随观)灭法而住; or on the phenomenon of origination & passing away with regard to the body. 或『身存在』的念现起, Or his mindfulness that ‘There is a body’ 这样直到浸入智、浸入忆念为止,他无依止而住,并且在世间一无所取。 is maintained to the extent of knowledge & remembrance. And he remains independent, unsustained by (not clinging to) anything in the world. 诸比丘!就这样比丘在身随观身而住。 This is how a monk remains focused on the body in & of itself.