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大念住经:身随观—厌逆作意 |
再者,诸比丘!比丘对这身体,从脚掌往上, [4] “Furthermore, a monk reflects on this very body from the soles of the feet on up, 从头顶往下,(被)皮包着,他观察充满种种的不淨: from the crown of the head on down, surrounded by skin and full of various kinds of unclean things: 『在此身,有1头髮、2身毛、3指甲、4牙、5皮、6肉、7腱、 ‘In this body there are 1head hairs, 2body hairs, 3nails, 4teeth, 5skin; 6flesh, 7tendons, 8骨、9骨髓、10肾脏、11心脏、12肝脏、13肋膜、14脾脏、 8bones, 9bone marrow, 10kidneys, 11heart, 12liver, 13pleura, 14spleen, 15肺脏、16肠、17肠间膜、18胃、19粪、20胆、21痰、 15lungs, 16large intestines, 17small intestines, 18gorge, 19feces, 20bile, 21phlegm, 22脓、23血、24汗、25脂肪、26泪、27油脂、28唾液、29鼻涕、30关节滑液、31尿。 22pus, 23blood, 24sweat, 25fat, 26tears, 27skin-oil, 28saliva, 29mucus, 30fluid in the joints, 31urine.’ 诸比丘!好像两口的袋,充满种种供应的穀物, monks, just as if a sack with openings at both ends were full of various kinds of grain -- 这就是:米、稻穀、绿豆、菜豆、芝麻、糙米 。 wheat, rice, mung beans, kidney beans, sesame seeds, husked rice -- 有眼睛的人把它倒出来之后,能观察到: and a man with good eyesight, pouring it out, were to reflect, 『这些是米,这些是稻穀,这些是绿豆,这些是菜豆,这些是芝麻,这些是糙米。』 ‘This is wheat. This is rice. These are mung beans. These are kidney beans. These are sesame seeds. This is husked rice,’ 同样地;诸比丘!比丘对这身体,从脚掌往上, in the same way, monks, a monk reflects on this very body from the soles of the feet on up, 从头顶往下,(被)皮包着,他观察充满种种的不淨: from the crown of the head on down, surrounded by skin and full of various kinds of unclean things: 『在此身,有1头髮、2身毛、3指甲、4牙、5皮、6肉、7腱、 ‘In this body there are 1head hairs, 2body hairs, 3nails, 4teeth, 5skin; 6flesh, 7tendons, 8骨、9骨髓、10肾脏、11心脏、12肝脏、13肋膜、14脾脏、 8bones, 9bone marrow, 10kidneys, 11heart, 12liver, 13pleura, 14spleen, 15肺脏、16肠、17肠间膜、18胃、19粪、20胆、21痰、 15lungs, 16large intestines, 17small intestines, 18gorge, 19feces, 20bile, 21phlegm, 22脓、23血、24汗、25脂肪、26泪、27油脂、28唾液、29鼻涕、30关节滑液、31尿。』 22pus, 23blood, 24sweat, 25fat, 26tears, 27skin-oil, 28saliva, 29mucus, 30fluid in the joints, 31urine.’ 这样在身内随观身而住(等),… “In this way he remains focused internally on the body in & of itself, or focused externally... unsustained by anything in the world. 诸比丘!就这样比丘在身随观身而住。 This is how a monk remains focused on the body in & of itself.