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大念住经:法随观—﹝五﹞盖 |
(D. Mental Qualities) 又,诸比丘!比丘如何在诸法随观诸法而住? “And Monks, how does a monk remain focused on mental qualities in & of themselves? 在这裡,诸比丘!比丘在五盖诸法,随观(五盖)诸法而住 。 [1] “There is the case where a monk remains focused on mental qualities in & of themselves with reference to the five hindrances. 然而,诸比丘!比丘如何在五盖诸法,随观诸法而住? And how does a monk remain focused on mental qualities in & of themselves with reference to the five hindrances? 在这裡,诸比丘!比丘在身内有慾的意欲, There is the case where, there being sensual desire present within, 他详知︰『在我的身内有慾的意欲』; a monk discerns that ‘There is sensual desire present within me. 或在身内无慾的意欲,他详知︰『在我的身内无慾的意欲』; ‘Or, there being no sensual desire present within, he discerns that ‘There is no sensual desire present within me.’ 及像对未被生的慾的意欲出生了,他详知它; He discerns how there is the arising of unarisen sensual desire. 及像对被生的慾的意欲,彻底捨断,他详知它; And he discerns how there is the abandoning of sensual desire once it has arisen. 及像对被彻底捨断的欲的意欲,在未来不出生,他详知它。 And he discerns how there is no further appearance in the future of sensual desire that has been abandoned. 或在身内有瞋,他详知︰『我的身内有瞋』; ‘Or, there being ill will present within, a monk discerns that ‘There is ill will present within me. 或在身内无瞋,他详知︰『我的身内无瞋』; ‘Or, there being no ill will present within, he discerns that ‘There is no ill will present within me.’ 像对未被生的瞋出生了,他详知它; He discerns how there is the arising of unarisen ill will. 及像对被生的瞋,彻底捨断,他详知它; And he discerns how there is the abandoning of ill will once it has arisen. 及像对被彻底捨断的瞋,在未来不出生,他详知它。 And he discerns how there is no further appearance in the future of ill will that has been abandoned. 或在身内有昏沉及呆滞,他详知︰『我的内心有昏沉及呆滞』; ‘Or, there being sloth and drowsiness present within, a monk discerns that ‘There is sloth and drowsiness present within me. 或在身内无昏沉及呆滞,他详知︰『我的内心无昏沉及呆滞』; ‘Or, there being no sloth and drowsiness present within, he discerns that ‘There is no sloth and drowsiness present within me.’ 及像对未被生的昏沉及呆滞出生了,他详知它; He discerns how there is the arising of unarisen sloth and drowsiness. 及像对已被生的昏沉及呆滞,彻底捨断,他详知它; And he discerns how there is no further appearance in the future of sloth and drowsiness that has been abandoned. 及像彻底捨断的昏沉及呆滞,在未来不出生,他详知它。 And he discerns how there is no further appearance in the future of sloth and drowsiness that has been abandoned. 或在身内有掉举与后悔,他详知︰『我的内心有掉举与后悔』; And he discerns how there is no further appearance in the future of restlessness and anxiety that has been abandoned. 或像在身内无掉举与后悔,他详知︰『我的内心无掉举与后悔』; ‘Or, there being no restlessness and anxiety present within, he discerns that ‘There is no restlessness and anxiety present within me.’ 及像对未被生的掉举与后悔出生了,他详知它; He discerns how there is the arising of unarisen restlessness and anxiety. 及像对被生的掉举与后悔,彻底捨断,他详知它; And he discerns how there is no further appearance in the future of restlessness and anxiety that has been abandoned. 及像彻底捨断的掉举与后悔,在未来不出生,他详知它。 And he discerns how there is no further appearance in the future of restlessness and anxiety that has been abandoned. 或在身内有疑,他详知︰『我的内心有疑』; ‘Or, there being uncertainty present within, a monk discerns that ‘There is uncertainty present within me. 或像在身内无疑,他详知︰『我的内心无疑』; ‘Or, there being no uncertainty present within, he discerns that ‘There is no uncertainty present within me.’ 及像对未被生的疑出生了,他详知它; He discerns how there is the arising of unarisen uncertainty. 及像对被生的疑,彻底捨断,他详知它; And he discerns how there is the abandoning of uncertainty once it has arisen. 及像彻底捨断的疑,在未来不出生,他详知它。 And he discerns how there is no further appearance in the future of uncertainty that has been abandoned. 这样在身内,在(五盖)诸法,随观诸法而住; “In this way he remains focused internally on mental qualities in & of themselves, 或在身外,在(五盖)诸法,随观诸法而住; or externally on mental qualities in & of themselves, 或在身内及身外,在(五盖)诸法,随观诸法而住。 or both internally & externally on mental qualities in & of themselves. 或在(五盖集)诸法,随观诸集法而住; Or he remains focused on the phenomenon of origination with regard to mental qualities, 或在(五盖灭)诸法,随观诸灭法而住; or on the phenomenon of passing away with regard to mental qualities, 或在(五盖集及灭)诸法,随观集法及灭法而住, or on the phenomenon of origination & passing away with regard to mental qualities. 或『诸法存在』的念现起, Or his mindfulness that ‘There are mental qualities’ 这样直到浸入智、浸入忆念为止,他无依止而住,并且在世间一无所取。 is maintained to the extent of knowledge & remembrance. And he remains independent, unsustained by (not clinging to) anything in the world. 诸比丘!就这样比丘在五盖,随观诸法而住。 Monks, this is how a monk remains focused on mental qualities in & of themselves with reference to the five hindrances.