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大念住经:身随观—界作意 |
再者,诸比丘! [5] “Furthermore, monks, 比丘对这身体随意安置,随意摆放 ,从‘界’观察: -- however it stands, however it is disposed -- in terms of properties: 『在这身体,有1地界、2水界、3火界、4风界。』 ‘In this body there is the earth property, the liquid property, the fire property, & the wind property.’ 诸比丘!譬如熟练的屠牛者,或屠牛者的徒弟, monks, just as a skilled butcher or his apprentice, 杀牛后,(肉)一片一片地分离后,坐在十字路口;同样地; having killed a cow, would sit at a crossroads cutting it up into pieces, 诸比丘!比丘对这身体随意安置,随意摆放,从‘界’观察: monks, the monk contemplates this very body -- however it stands, however it is disposed -- 『在此身,有1地界、2水界、3火界、4风界。』 in terms of properties: ‘In this body there is the earth property, the liquid property, the fire property, & the wind property.’ 这样在身内随观身而住(等),… “In this way he remains focused internally on the body in & of itself, or focused externally... unsustained by anything in the world. 诸比丘!就这样比丘在身随观身而住。 monks, This is how a monk remains focused on the body in & of itself.