五明学习: 内明: 净土宗 | 禅宗 | 密宗 | 成实宗 | 地论宗 | 法相宗 | 华严宗 | 律宗 | 南传 | 涅盘宗 | 毗昙宗 | 三论宗 | 摄论宗 | 天台宗 | 综论 | 其它 | 护持 |
大念住经:身随观—正知 |
再者,诸比丘!比丘向前(走)、返回(走),成为全知者; [3] “Furthermore, monks, when going forward & returning, he makes himself fully alert; 看前面时,看旁边时,成为全知者;弯曲时,伸出时,成为全知者; when looking toward & looking away, he makes himself fully alert; when bending & extending his limbs, he makes himself fully alert; 携带僧伽梨衣及鉢及衣时,成为全知者; when carrying his outer cloak, his upper robe & his bowl, he makes himself fully alert; 吃、喝、嚼、尝时,成为全知者; when eating, drinking, chewing, & savoring, he makes himself fully alert; 大便、小便时,成为全知者; when urinating & defecating, he makes himself fully alert; 去、站、坐、睡、醒、语、默时,成为全知者。 when walking, standing, sitting, falling asleep, waking up, talking, & remaining silent, he makes himself fully alert. 这样在身内随观身而住(等),… “In this way he remains focused internally on the body in & of itself, or focused externally... unsustained by anything in the world. 诸比丘!就这样比丘在身随观身而住。 monks, this is how a monk remains focused on the body in & of itself.