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大念住经:苦谛解说 |
诸比丘!什麽是苦圣谛?生也是苦,老也是苦, [a] “Now what is the noble truth of stress? Birth is stress, aging is stress, 死也是苦,生也是苦,愁悲苦忧伤心苦 , death is stressful; sorrow, lamentation, pain, distress, & despair are stress; 怨憎会是苦,爱别离是苦, association with the unbeloved is stress; separation from the loved is stress; 所求不得也是苦;简单说,五取蕴即是苦。 not getting what is wanted is stress; not getting what is wanted is stress. In short, the five aggregates for clinging/sustenance are stress. 又,诸比丘!什麽是‘生’?凡是各种有情,于各种有情类之 “And what is birth? 1生、2和合发生、3趣入、4出现、5诸蕴显现,6诸处获得, Whatever 1birth, 2taking birth, 3descent, 4coming-to-be, 5coming-forth, 6appearance of aggregates, & acquisition of [sense] spheres of the various beings in this or that group of beings, 诸比丘!这被称为‘生’。 that is called birth. 又,诸比丘!什麽是‘老’?凡是各种有情,于各种有情类之 “And what is aging? 1年老、2老衰、3齿落、4髮白、5皮皱,6寿命的耗尽、 Whatever 1aging, 2decrepitude, 3brokenness, 4graying, 5wrinkling, 6decline of life-force, 7诸根老朽。诸比丘!这被称为‘老’。 7weakening of the faculties of the various beings in this or that group of beings, that is called aging. 又,诸比丘!什麽是‘死’?凡是各种有情,于各种有情部类之 “And what is death? 1脱离、2脱离状态、3迸裂、4消失、5死、6死亡、7死期到、8诸蕴的迸裂、 Whatever 1deceasing, 2passing away, 3breaking up, 4disappearance, 5dying, 6death, 7completion of time, 8break up of the aggregates, 9身躯的抛下、10命根全断,诸比丘!这被称为‘死’。 9casting off of the body, 10interruption in the life faculty of the various beings in this or that group of beings, that is called death. 又,诸比丘!什麽是‘愁’?诸比丘!凡是俱有种种不幸, “And what is sorrow? 为种种苦法所恼的1愁、2悲伤、 Whatever 1sorrow, 2sorrowing, 3伤心、4内愁、5内怆,诸比丘!这被称为‘愁’。 3sadness, 4inward sorrow, 5inward sadness of anyone suffering from misfortune, touched by a painful thing, that is called sorrow. 又,诸比丘!什麽是‘悲伤’?诸比丘!凡是俱有种种不幸, “And what is lamentation? 为种种苦法所恼的1悲、2悲痛、 Whatever 1crying, 2grieving, 3叹息、4悲哀、5悲歎、6悲怆,诸比丘!这被称为‘悲’。 3lamenting, 4weeping, 5wailing, 6lamentation of anyone suffering from misfortune, touched by a painful thing, that is called lamentation. 又,诸比丘!什麽是‘苦’?诸比丘!凡是1身的痛苦, “And what is pain? Whatever is experienced as 1bodily pain, 2身的不愉快,3感受身触所生之痛、4及不愉快, 2bodily discomfort, 3pain or 4discomfort born of bodily contact, 诸比丘!这被称为‘苦’。 that is called pain. 又,诸比丘!什麽是‘忧’?诸比丘!凡是1心的苦, “And what is distress? Whatever is experienced as 1mental pain, 2心不愉快,3感受意触所生之痛苦、4及不愉快, 2mental discomfort, 3pain or 4discomfort born of mental contact, 诸比丘!这被称为‘忧’。 that is called distress. 又,诸比丘!什麽是‘闷’? “And what is despair? 诸比丘!凡是俱有种种的不幸, Monks, 被苦法所恼的1愁、2闷、3气馁、4沮丧, whatever 1despair, 2despondency, 3desperation of anyone suffering from misfortune, 4touched by a painful thing, 诸比丘!这被称为‘闷’。 that is called despair. 又,诸比丘!什麽是‘怨憎会苦’? “And monks, what is the stress of association with the unbeloved? 于此,凡是那些不可喜的、不可乐的、不合意的诸色、诸声、诸香、诸味、诸触、诸法; There is the case where undesirable, unpleasing, unattractive sights, sounds, aromas, flavors, or tactile sensations occur to one; 或者凡是不义之欲、不利之欲、不爽之欲、无从执着中释放之欲,凡是它们一起1和合、2集合、3联合、4会合。 or one has 1connection, 2contact, 3relationship, 4interaction with those who wish one ill, who wish for one’s harm, who wish for one’s discomfort, who wish one no security from the yoke. 诸比丘!这被称为‘怨憎会苦’。 monks, this is called the stress of association with the unbeloved. 又,诸比丘!什麽是‘爱别离苦’? “And monks, what is the stress of separation from the loved? 于此,凡是那些可喜的、愉快的、合意的诸色、诸声、诸香、诸味、诸触、诸法; There is the case where desirable, pleasing, attractive sights, sounds, aromas, flavors, or tactile sensations do not occur to one; 或者凡是1有义利之欲、2有利益之欲、3爽快之欲、4瑜伽安稳之欲,或母、或父、或兄弟、或姐妹、或朋友、或同事、或亲戚,凡是它们一起1未和合、2未集合、3未联合、4未会合。 or one has 1no connection, 2no contact, 3no relationship, 4no interaction with those 1who wish one well, 2who wish for one’s benefit, 3who wish for one’s comfort, 4who wish one security from the yoke, nor with one’s mother, father, brother, sister, friends, companions, or relatives. 诸比丘!这被称为‘爱别离苦’。 This is called the stress of separation from the loved. 又,诸比丘!什麽是‘求不得苦’? “And what is the stress of not getting what one wants? 诸比丘!于生法,众生生起这样的欲望: In beings subject to birth, the wish arises, 「啊!真的!愿我们不出生,愿我们的出生不来。」 ‘O, may we not be subject to birth, and may birth not come to us.’ 然而,为了想要的却得不到,这就是那种求不得苦。 But this is not be achieved by wishing. This is the stress of not getting what one wants. 诸比丘!于老法,众生生起这样的欲望: monks, in beings subject to aging, the wish arises, 「啊!真的!愿我们不老,愿我们的老不来。」 ‘O, may we not be subject to aging, and may birth not come to us.’ 然而,为了想要的却得不到,这就是那种求不得苦。 But this is not be achieved by wishing. This is the stress of not getting what one wants. 诸比丘!于病法,众生生起这样的欲望: monks, in beings subject to illness, the wish arises, 「啊!真的!愿我们不生病,愿我们的病不来。」 ‘O, may we not be subject to illness, and may birth not come to us.’ 然而,为了想要的却得不到,这就是那种求不得苦。 But this is not be achieved by wishing. This is the stress of not getting what one wants. 诸比丘!于诸死法,众生生起这样的欲望: monks, in beings subject to death, the wish arises, 「啊!真的!愿我们不死,愿我们的死不来。」 ‘O, may we not be subject to death, and may birth not come to us.’ 然而,为了想要的却得不到,这就是那种求不得苦。 But this is not be achieved by wishing. This is the stress of not getting what one wants. 诸比丘!于愁、悲、苦、忧、闷法之众生,生如是之欲求: monks, in beings subject to sorrow, lamentation, pain, distress, & despair, the wish arises, 「啊!真的!愿我们不愁、悲、苦、忧、闷, ‘O, may we not be subject to sorrow, lamentation, pain, distress, & despair, 愿我们的忧、悲、苦、恼、闷不来。」 and may sorrow, lamentation, pain, distress, & despair not come to us.’ 然而,为了想要的却得不到,这就是那种求不得苦。 But this is not be achieved by wishing. This is the stress of not getting what one wants. 又,诸比丘!‘简单说,什麽是五取蕴之苦’? “And monks, what are the five aggregates for clinging/sustenance that, in short, are stress? 这就是:色取蕴、受取蕴、想取蕴、 Form as an aggregate for clinging/sustenance, feeling as an aggregate for clinging/sustenance, perception as an aggregate for clinging/sustenance, 行取蕴、识取蕴, fabrications as an aggregate for clinging/sustenance, consciousness as an aggregate for clinging/sustenance: 诸比丘!简单说,这被称为五取蕴之苦。 These are called the five aggregates for clinging/sustenance that, in short, are stress. 诸比丘!这被称为苦圣谛。 Monks, “This is called the noble truth of stress.