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大念住经:总说 |
Mahasatipatthanasuttam 大念处经 The Great Frames of Reference 如是我闻。一时, I have heard that on one occasion 世尊住在俱卢人中。俱卢人的市镇,叫做剑磨瑟昙。 the Blessed One was staying in the Kuru country. Now there is a town of the Kurus called Kammasadhamma. 在那裡,世尊喊诸比丘:「诸比丘!」 There the Blessed One addressed the monks, “Monks.” 「祥善者!」那些比丘应世尊。世尊说了这: “Venerable sir,” the monks replied. Uddeso 总说 「诸比丘!这一条道路 ,1为(ㄨㄟˋ)诸有情的清淨, The Blessed One said this: “ monks, his is the direct path 1for the purification of beings, 2为诸悲伤及诸啼哭的超越,3为诸苦忧的消灭, 2for the overcoming of sorrow & lamentation, 3for the disappearance of pain & distress, 4为真理的获得,5为涅槃的作证,就是四念住。 4for the attainment of the right method, & 5for the realization of Unbinding -- in other words, the four frames of reference. 哪四种?在这裡,诸比丘!比丘在身随观身而住, Which four? “monks, there is the case where a monk remains focused on the body in & of itself -- 热心、正知、具念,引离在世间的贪、忧 ; ardent, alert, & mindful -- putting aside greed & distress with reference to the world. 在诸感受随观诸感受而住,热心、正知、具念, He remains focused on feelings in & of themselves --ardent, alert, & mindful -- 引离在世间的贪、忧;在心随观心而住,热心、正知、具念, putting aside greed & distress with reference to the world, He remains focused on mind in & of themselves --ardent, alert, & mindful -- 引离在世间的贪、忧;在诸法随观诸法 而住, putting aside greed & distress with reference to the world, He remains focused on mental qualities in & of themselves -- 热心、正知、具念,引离在世间的贪、忧。 ardent, alert, & mindful --putting aside greed & distress with reference to the world.