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隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 魔鬼 Satan |
隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 魔鬼 Satan
1-1-5. SATAN魔鬼 Satan or the bandit is our desire and craving. it creates trouble for us just like a bandit. For example, we're addicted to smoking. We've got to spend the money that we've earned with sweat and tears to buy cigarettes to smoke, as soon as desire arises, we smoke already, no matter how many or how much it costs. If we have the divine eye and ear, we see and hear the voice of the bandit who tells us to go and see, go and listen, go and smoke. We eliminate him by not following the power of that desire and we don't have to lose money. 魔鬼或盗贼是指我们的欲望和贪爱,因为它像盗贼一样为我们带来麻烦。举例来说,我们沈溺于抽烟,就得花流汗流泪赚来的钱去买香烟来抽。不管烟有多贵,只要一生起欲望就抽。假若我们有圣眼与圣耳,能看到和听到那个盗贼要我们去看、去听、去抽的魔音,那么就能不受欲望的魔力驱使而消灭他,并且还不用花冤枉钱。 The external bandit, everybody can see and is easy to suppress, but the internal bandit, in the mind; is not seen, or is hard to see and hard to suppress. Whoever has a bandit in the mind, cannot see clearly. He or she mistakes a persons face for something else, mistakes a friend for an enemy or a ghost. Have you ever heard of this? They say that people, when they are quarrelling and anger arises, don't see anymore, some see a little bit only. It is because of the anger in the mind. When there is a lot of anger one doesn't see anything, it's dark. And when they don't see, they beat and kick each other. 外面的盗贼,每个人都能见到而且很容易镇压,但是内在心中的盗贼,是没办法看见的,或可说是很难看得到与镇压的。任何人只要内心有了盗贼,看事情就不清楚了,他会把人的表情误认为别的意思,会把一位朋友误会为一个敌人或魔鬼。你们听说过这些事吗?(当然!所以啊!)有人说:当人们争吵而生气时,就完全盲目不见了,就算有也只见到一点皮毛而已。 It is probably clear that before people have a fight, there is Moha or delusion overwhelming their minds. These people can't see heaven and hell and they create trouble for the society. They are people without virtue, without Dhamma, they are evil people. When there is no virtue, no Dhamma, where do you go ? Well, you fall in hell ! For this reason there are as much people falling into hell as rice grains in a sack. The Buddha compares the people that fall in hell with the hairs of a cow and the people who rise up to heaven with the horns of a cow. 有一点应该很清楚,那就是,人们在争斗之前内心一定是被无明痴惑给淹没了。这时他们看不见天堂和地狱并且会为社会制造麻烦,他们变成了没有善德没有正法的人,变成了邪恶的人。然而,当你没有善德没有正法的时候,你会去哪里呢?当然喽!你会掉到地狱去!有很多人就是因为这个原因而掉到地狱去,有如袋子里的稻谷。佛陀比喻说:掉到地狱去的人多如牛毛,而升到天堂去的人则少如牛角。
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