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隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 人的种类 Some Types Of People

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隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 人的种类 Some Types Of People



  Today, I will give some reflections on fear. We tend to be afraid without reason. This type of people are called stupid people, they lack study in Dhamma, they are primitive people. Primitive people means people that don't know.



  A person and a human being are not the same. Even though the appearance is similar, there is a difference in virtuous qualities and intelligence. For example, some people do whatever they want to do, say whatever they happen to think of and eat whatever and whenever they feel like eating. These are the ordinary people.

  人(person)和人类(human being)是不同的。虽然容貌看似一样,但是他们在道德质量和心智上是有差别的。例如,有一些人他们想做什么就做,想说什么就说,想吃什么就吃,这些就是未开化的凡夫(ordinary people = person)。

  Worse then that are what are called animals. They have human faces but their minds are of an animal, that is, they have no shame just like animals. Meaning, individuals that have never cultivated their own minds any higher.


  As for human beings, it refers to those that try to control their minds, their minds are superior, they have more wisdom than ordinary people, they developed their minds high enough to shift to the level of human being.

  至于所谓的人类(human being),是指那些有在试着调伏自心的人,他们心灵质地较为好,比凡夫更有智慧,他们发展出高尚的心灵,因此提升至人类的层次。

  Ghosts are those that speak and do what is bad. They are called ghosts, even monks and novices who are ordained are the same ; when they don't obey and recognize the Dhamma and discipline, they also, can be called ghosts. Ghost here refers to the state of wickedness, not to a self. And so, some people have the appearance of a man or woman but in the mind there is a ghost. If anybody shifts up to the level of human being, one should recognize ghosts and not be afraid of them. If anybody is still afraid of ghosts, that person is just an ordinary man or woman. Ghosts have to live with ghosts, people cannot live with ghosts ; so people with an inferior mind are ghosts.


  At one time, they invited me to open a meditation retreat at a charnelground-monastery. They burned and buried dead people there. Sometimes a body wouldn't burn completely and they would bury the remains. If it was a child, they would just bury it. Dogs never have been afraid of corpses or ghosts, they would dig up the buried corpses to eat. This shows that dogs are not afraid of charnelgrounds, not afraid of the dark. So if people are still afraid of ghosts, I understand their minds to be lower than that of a dog, because dogs are never afraid of ghosts ; they never look for an auspicious day, they are not worried what is a good day and what is not. Wherever they go, they just go. They lie down whenever they want, no need to wait for a lucky omen. People who are fearful, wherever they go, they have to figure out an auspicious time ; this shows that their minds are not as good as that of a dog. When speaking the truth like this, people don't like it, but not speaking the truth is called deceiving people. If one is a human being, one doesn't have to fear ghosts or angels.






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华人学佛第一选择 (2020-2030)