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隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 禅定与觉悟 Jhana - Nyana |
隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 禅定与觉悟 Jhana - Nyana
ADJUSTING VIEWS 第1篇:观念矫正 1-1. DIVINE EYE - DIVINE EAR圣眼圣耳 Today, I will talk about the teachings of the Buddha. We have come here in order to develop awareness, concentration and wisdom. The word develop means to do a lot or to make progress. The Buddha has the knowledge to be able to see everything as it is, therefore we should practice to be a bit like that. 今天我要谈谈佛陀的教导,我们来这儿是为了要培养觉性、禅定和智慧(觉-定-慧)。“培养”意味着要多练习以及要有进展。佛陀具足智慧所以能如其本来的看待一切事物,因而我们修行就应该是要学习佛陀那样的智慧。 1-1-1. JHANA - NYANA 禅定与觉悟 Nyana translates as realizing, really seeing, truly understanding. But most people think that one needs to enter Jhana first, before one can have Nyana, the kind of jhana where one sits with eyes closed and unmoving, being able to fly and disappear and so on. But the Buddha doesn't teach that because it doesn't lead to realization and the overcoming of suffering. The Buddha only teaches Nyana and Jhana that give rise to the divine eye and the divine ear. May you all understand this matter properly for your own benefit. Nyana翻译为觉悟、真实看见及真实了解。很多人以为在得到觉悟之前必须先得到禅定——那种坐着不动、闭上眼睛,然后能飞天遁地或隐形不见等的禅定。但是,佛陀并没有教这种禅定,因为这些不能趣向觉悟及灭苦。佛陀只教导能获得圣眼及圣耳的觉悟及禅定之法。为了你们自己好,但愿你们大家对这点能有正确的了解。 Entering Jhana means to have awareness that knows and sees physical sensations in the various postures and knows and sees the feelings and thoughts in the mind, for example love, like, anger, hate, jealousy, worry, irritation, drowsiness and sadness. So we can enter Jhana any moment, no matter what we're doing. When we are aware in this way, delusion will not arise in the mind.And this mind without delusion will have the wisdom to view all things according to reality. This is called Nyana. “得到禅定”的意思就是指“有了觉性”,也就是在一切行住坐卧当中能知道和看见身体的感受,以及能知道和看见内心的感受与念头,例如情爱、欢喜、瞋恚、愤恨、妒忌、忧虑、苦恼、昏沈、悲伤等。由此可知,无论我们做什么事,随时随地都可以得到禅定。当我们依这样的禅定而有了觉性时,内心就不会再有迷惑。而这个没有迷惑的心,就会有智慧如实地看待各种事物,这就是所谓的觉悟(Nyana)。 This kind of Nyana and Jhana lie within the reach of the Buddha and His disciples. If we make ourselves to have some too, it will be a shift in our minds. At least we will be one who has the eye that sees Dhamma, that is to say the divine eye and divine ear or to enter the very stream of Nibbana. Nibbana here, doesn't mean the Nibbana that one has to wait for until after death. Even making merit, generosity and keeping precepts is the same ; it is not for obtaining heaven when one dies. Whoever thinks like this doesn't understand yet and doesn't have the divine eye and ear yet, it is one's own assumption. As for one who has Nyana, he or she makes merit today and gets it today, he or she keeps precepts or practices meditation today and receives the results of it today, no need to wait for death. One must get it the moment one acts, speaks or thinks. The Buddha teaches not to attend to the past and the future but to consider only the present. 这样的觉悟及禅定才是佛陀和他的弟子们所教导的内容,假若我们自己也能够得到一些的话,我们的内心就会有所转变,至少我们会得到“见法之眼”,也就是进入涅槃法流的圣眼及圣耳。这里所说的涅槃,并不是那种要等死了以后才能得到的涅槃。甚至其它像做功德、布施或持戒这些也都和涅槃一样,都不是为了求死后可以生天的。有那种想法的人并没有真正了解佛法,也没有圣眼及圣耳,那些都只是他个人的假设和想法而已。而一个有Nyana觉悟了的人,他今天做功德今天就得到,今天持戒或禅修,今天就得到结果,通通都不须等到死后。一个人在他身行、口说、心思的当下就得到了,佛陀教导我们只要关注当下而不要回到过去或去到未来。
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