心中心学人要严守的基本戒律 五戒 不杀生 --- 不残害生灵。 不偷盗 --- 不偷、不抢别人的财物。 不邪YIN --- 正当的男女关系,不沾花惹草,不红杏出墙。 不妄语 --- 说话句句真实,不虚伪,不说谎。 不饮酒 --- 酒能乱性,使人失去理智,因此必须戒绝。 五 戒 的 阐 释 不杀生 觉察道因杀害生命所造成的痛苦,我发誓去培养慈悲心病学习保护人类、动物及植物的方法。我下决心不杀生,也不让别人杀生,并且不忽视任何在世界上,在我们的思想里和生活上有杀生行为。 The First Mindfulness Training Aware of the suffering caused by the destuction of life, I am committed to cultivating compassing and learning ways to protect the lives of people, animals, plants, and minerals.I am determined not to kill, not to let others kill, and not to support any act of killing in the world, in my thinking, and in my way of life. 不偷盗 觉察道因剥削、社会不平等,偷窃及压迫所造成的痛苦。我发誓去培养关爱心并学习去为人类、动物及植物的幸福而努力。我发誓以分享我的时间、精力及物质资源给那些真正需要的人来练习布施。我下决心去不偷窃,并且不占有任何属于他人的东西。我会尊重别人的财物,但是我会去阻止他人利用人类的苦难,或地球上其它生物的痛苦来获利的行为。 The Second Mindfulness Training Aware of the suffering caused by exploitation, social injustice, stealing, and oppression, I am committed to cultivating loving kindness and learning ways to work for the well-being of people, animal, plants, and minerals.I will practice generosity by sharing my time, energy, and material resources with those who are in real need. I am determined not to steal and not to possess anything that should belong to others. I will respect the property of others, but I will prevent others from profiting from human suffering or the suf the suffering of other species on Earth. 不邪YIN 觉察道因邪YIN所造成的痛苦,我发誓去培养责任感并且学习去维护个人、夫妇、家庭及社会的安全及完整。我下定决心不去参与没有爱心和长期允诺的性关系。为了维护自己及他人的快乐,我下定决心尊重自己的承诺。我会尽一切力量去保护孩童使其不受性虐待,并且去防止夫妇和家庭因邪YIN而造成破裂。 The Third Mindfulness Training Aware of the suffering caused by secul misconduct, I am committed to cultivating responsibility and learning ways to protect the safety and integrity of individuals, couples, family and society.I am determined not to engage in sexual relationship without love and long-term commitment. To preserve the happiness of others and myself, I am determined to respect my commitments and the commitments of others.I will do everything in my power to protect children from sexual abuse and to prevent couples and families from being broken by sexual misconduct. 不妄语 觉察道因为缺乏正语(以正念来言语)和无法去倾听他人言语所造成的痛苦。我发愿去培养有爱心的言语(爱语)和深入倾听他人,以便带给别人喜悦和快乐,并且解除他人的苦痛。了解道话语可以带来欢乐或痛苦,我发愿去学习说真实的话,使用能够激发自信心,喜悦和希望的话语。我的话语。我下决心不去散播我不知道或不确定的消息,也不去批评或责备那些我不确定的事情。我会克制不去说那些会造成分化,不和谐或造成家庭或社团分裂的话语。我会尽最大力量去调停并解决所有的大大小小的冲突与纷争。 The Fouth Mindfulness Training Aware of the suffering caused by unmindful speech and the inability to listen to others, I am committed to cultivating loving speech and deep listening in order to bring joy and happiness to others and relieve others of their suffering.Knowing that words can create happiness or suffering, I am determined to speak truthfully, with words that inspire self-confidence, joy and hope.I will not spread news that I do not know to be certain and will not criticize or condemn things of which I am not sure.I will refrain from uttering words that can cause division or discord, or that can cause the family, the work place or the community to break. I am determined to make all efforts to reconcile and resolve all conficts, however small. 第 五 条 戒 律 觉察道因缺乏正念来消费所造成的痛苦。我发愿去培养身心得健康,为了自己,家庭和社会,我要练习以正念来摄取食物、饮料和消费。我发现只摄取那些有助于维护我的身体、意识、以及家庭和社会的幸福与安祥的物品。我下定决心不使用酒品或任何麻醉物品,不去继,不去摄取含有毒素的食品或物品,例如说某些不良的电视节目、杂志、书籍、影片或谈话。我要察觉到以那些毒物来伤害我的身体或意识誓背叛我的祖先,我的父母,我的社会和下一代。我要为自己和社会而使用某种饮食或消费方式,以此努力地转化我内心与社会里的暴力、恐惧、愤怒与疑惑。我了解到为了自我转化合转化这个社会,一种正当的饮食习惯是具有关键性的。 The Fifth Mindfulness Training Aware of the suffering caused by unmindful consumption, I am committed to cultivating good health, both physical and mental, for myself, my family, and my society by practicing mindful eating, drinking, and consuming. I will ingest only items that preserve peace, well being, and joy in my body, in my consciousness, and in the collective body and consciousness of my family and society.I am determined not to use alcohol or any other intoxicant or to ingest foods or other items that contain toxins, such as certain TV programs, magazines, books, films, and conversations.I am aware that to damage my body or my consciousness with there poisons is to betray my ancestors, my parents, my society, and future generations.I will work to transform violence, fear, anger, and confusion in myself and in society by practicing a diet for myself and for society. I understand that a proper diet is crucs crucial for self-transformation and for the transformation of society. 心中心十种行愿 善男子等。有十种行愿。今当宣说。如说而行。必证觉地。何等为十。 一、佛佛俱信。法法无碍。清净僧众。尊视如师。 二、持戒不缺。摄心常定。诸法空相。平等无著。 三、慈心众生。励行戒杀。视众生如己。不忍食其肉。 四、人有所求。等心施舍。温和谦下。骄慢不生。 五、不违本愿。常利自他。不自称赞。不见他过。 六、贫富贵贱。性本不二。口常软语,令生欢喜。心意质直。远离谄媚。随顺人情。善转俗谛。 七、佛说教诫。体会力行。护持佛法。如护己命。救护众生。而不望报。众生骄慢。亦不退心。 八、不轻正法。不使他轻。不谤三宝。不令他谤。有轻谤者。善言开解。令其信入。不堕邪网。 九、常护正念。不亏暗室。胜行坚固。不厌疲劳。发弘誓愿。摄心不退。常住大乘。破除邪见。 十、所修本法。一一遍持。清净密印。莫污染结。须为自利利他而修。不因名闻利养而用。 善男子等。如是行愿。能一一受持者。是持法证。决定直至无上正等正觉。更不退转。欲证菩萨及金刚身。满足不难。 心中心的十二种心貌 尔时阿难偈赞佛已。复白佛言。世尊。如是因缘。如是神力。如是自在。如是决定。昔未曾闻。佛以何缘。今乃说尔。如来一切智者。知众生沉沦苦海。昔何不说如此妙法。普令众生。早已得度。佛言。阿难此心中心法。常住法界。我未出世。此心出世。我未受生。此心受生。我未得定。此心先定。我未发慧。此心先慧。如此定慧。是佛住处。是佛行处。佛思维处。佛决定处。一切菩萨金刚。乃至下愚凡夫。不依心法行。而能成正觉者。无有是处。惟众生心病。因时轻重。如来法门。应病与药。末法众生。障深垢重。非此妙法。无由得除。故昔不说。今始付授也。阿难复白佛言。世尊。如来心地。十地菩萨。犹不能知。何况下愚凡夫。未来众生。欲修此法。而心不了。愿垂慈悲。为说相貌。佛言。阿难。有十二种心。是心中心相貌。何等为十二。 一、不厌自苦。不嫉他乐。不矜自乐。救护他苦。 二、一切众生。皆过去父母。救护众生。如子救亲想。 三、不恼众生。常行利他。种种方便。善为引导。 四、佛四念处。作出离想。如念修学。常不放逸。 五、诸佛法要。净愿因行。发决定心。勤学不退。 六、以布施度悭吝。以持戒度贪染。以忍辱度忿怒。以精进度懈怠。以禅定度散乱。以智慧度愚痴。 七、七菩提分。常须勤修。修而不著。不假对治。 八、依八正道。作胜行处。依圣言量。为轨范师。 九、佛及僧宝。接足承事。所礼佛像。不轻慢礼。 十、须具十信。 信佛常住,未曾涅槃;信佛大悲,常拔众苦;信佛大慈,常与众乐;信佛平等,无爱憎心;信佛不厌,常行方便;信佛神通,不时示现;信佛言教,真实不虚。信佛法力,不可思议;信佛密法,有决定力;信佛末世,不舍众生。 十一、深观诸佛。如在目前。诸魔远离。永无障碍。 十二、诸法空相。亦非断常。非中道义。不住不离。 阿难。修法众生。若能如是心行者。决定成佛。更无疑也。阿难白佛言。世尊。如此相貌。乃佛境界。云何众生。能行此心。佛言。阿难。一一相貌。尽力所能。不能全行。但自修法。必定成就。非众生心所测。若众生心能测者。不名为佛心也。