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念佛四十八法:1) 护意根持名

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念佛四十八法:1) 护意根持名


  1) 护意根持名

  Buddha Recitation and the Mind

  Having made up your m ind to engage in Pure Land practice by reciting the Buddha’s name, you should not dwell on sundry good or bad actions (1) once they have been performed. In other words, everyday activities should be carried out in a matter-of- fact way, and once finished, be let go.(2) Do not hold on to them – or they will disturb your peace of mind.

  In fact, the reason you fail to let go of sundry good or bad actions is that your m ind has not yet been tamed. If you have recited the Buddha’s name to the point where the mind-ground is bright and clear, the m ind in samadhi has no room for sundry thoughts.

  You should realize that Buddha Recitation can turn ordinary persons into sages. It is the most important means of liberation in this world and the worlds beyond.



  Daily occupations are overly time-consuming. The dusts of the world – layers upon layers of them – cling to our lives. As a result, we cannot be free of speculation and calculation, and too much calculation causes the m ind to churn and be in turmoil; too much turmoil saps our energy and spirit. Therefore, when we realize that this life is fleeting, not permanent – a matter of borrowing and repaying – and return to the spiritual life, everlasting and true, we cannot but let go of false realms to live in the realm of True Suchness. Mundane or sacred, deluded or enlightened – everything is but M ind alone.(3)


念佛四十八法:2) 戒口业持名

念佛四十八法:3) 端身持名

念佛四十八法:4) 过珠持名

念佛四十八法:5) 高声持名

念佛四十八法:6) 低声持名








华人学佛第一选择 (2020-2030)