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念佛四十八法:4) 过珠持名

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念佛四十八法:4) 过珠持名


  4) 过珠持名

  Buddha Recitation with a Rosary

  With this method, the rosary is fingered with each recitation of the Buddha’s name. The word “Amitabha” may be recited, rather than the long formula “Namo Amitabha Buddha”, as it is very easy to achieve single-mindedness with the shorter expression.

  You can finger the rosary upon the first or third syllable of the word “Amitabha”. but whichever you decide, you should stick to it and not make mistakes. This is the method of using the rosary to focus the mind.

  念佛一声,手过一珠,单念四字,勿杂六字,以四字易成片也。于四字中,或在阿字 上过珠,或在陀字上过珠,划定规模,不得错乱,此借珠束心之一法也。


  The purpose of fingering the rosary is to achieve singlemindedness – each recitation fo lowing the previous one without a single intervening delusive thought. It is as though all the beads are glued together without a single gap.

  Moreover, such recitation is a skillful means of reminding beginners who have not yet achieved correct thought to focus on the Buddha’s name. Through this method, the indolent can become industrious, the dilatory can redouble their efforts and strive harder. When correct thought is achieved, the Buddha’s name does not leave the m ind – at that time, whether or not one uses a rosary no longer matters. Therefore, practitioners of limited good roots need this method as an expedient. Otherwise, there is no use buy ing a rosary and letting it gather dust.


念佛四十八法:5) 高声持名

念佛四十八法:6) 低声持名

念佛四十八法:7) 金刚持名

念佛四十八法:8) 默然持名

念佛四十八法:9) 调息持名



念佛四十八法:3) 端身持名

念佛四十八法:2) 戒口业持名

念佛四十八法:1) 护意根持名



华人学佛第一选择 (2020-2030)