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Environment Protection of Spiritual in B

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Buddhism’s environmental protection focuses more on the inner-self—the achievement of spiritual peace. Even with the technological advancements in modern society, the world is still bounded by materialistic and spiritual means no matter the cause. The materials we gain do not bring true spiritual-freedom, peace, and happiness because men cannot overcome the 3 delusions and fall in a never-ending cycle of desires.

Through centuries of evolution, the world and environment has changed much and mankind has never been able to withstand natural disasters—instead we foolishly blind ourselves in wars for power and control. Everyday people die of hunger, violence, and we endanger our own existence as much as endangering others. Like-wise, many corporations are blinded by power and wealth, they simply do not realize the pollution caused by their greed. Soon, blue sky and green forests will be of the past and a breath of fresh-air will become a luxury. Society has strayed too far from our pure and humble beginnings.

Purification of the Spirit
The 21st century is a brand new era where cultural and ethnic differences are slowly converging, advancing our society in becoming an “Earth Village”. With advancements and changes comes more reliability on people’s spiritual needs, which comes largely from religions. Among the religions, Buddhism’s wisedom and teachings bridges best with science, and offer the best spiritual cleansing for mankind. Buddhism wil be well-received in the world, and take on a very important role in the protection of the environment, spiritual needs, world peace, and all the burdens society has.

Buddhism shall raise society morals, confidence, and life values through the concept of karma (The Doctrine of Cause and Result). Traditionally the western world has treated life as one-time only, therefore one’s self-responsibility in life lowers but Buddhism sees it the other way around. In Buddhism life is merely a process, everything we do, say, and think will reflect on our quality of life so we must be responsible for every action we take. It is through these belief and values that Buddhism teach society to respect their own morals, rights, and spiritual peace.

Known as the smartest being on Earth, mankind is also the source for causing imbalance in nature. Even though recent awareness has increased about the damage done to our environment we do little in correcting our selfish values. Buddhism’s role will be in purifying our mind and soul, and bringing harmony to nature and all living beings. Everything’s interconnected, dependent of one another, and nothing happens without a cause so for every tree we consume we must plant back 2 more to keep the cycle going. Buddha Shakyaumuni once pointed out all living beings have Buddha Nature and are all equal so we must not kill for our own consumption and taste satisfaction.

Wisedom & Compassion
We are fortunate to be in this part of the world but somewhere else many do not have enough to eat, not enough warmth, and are constantly plagued by illness. We should not only care about our own safety and well-being but we should also reach out and help those in need give them the same safty &comfort that we enjoy. Buddhists should unite and help out at different causes – wherever there’s help in need, Buddhism will be there. We can help educate the poor, sooth the ones that’ve made mistakes, and set examples by doing to make Buddhism a base in society.

Spiritual Cleansing
Buddhists must observe every face and every corner of the society with wisdom and care and provide beneficial solutions to problems from Buddhism’s point of view. We will be a fresh scent of mint guiding and purifying spirits in society, leading the way with love, confidence, and passion—not with war, which haunts our world constantly. Buddhists will chant to the world “Make Love & Peace, Not War”, and bring back people’s senses knowing that we could do better with reasoning.

War resonates from greed and desire so in order to stop it once and for all we must start with our heart through wisdom and compassion. To change the world we must change ourselves first and when the originating innerself is pure with good intentions the results will surely reflect it. By raising our morals in an equal society filled with passion, peace and joy will bring the true cleanse to our spirits.

Dr. Huang Shu-Woei.
Hon. President; The Lay Buddhists Association Taiwan
Professor of Chinese Cultural University,Taiwan
Vice President of World Fellowship Buddhist. ;
Vice President of Taipei Lung Shan Temple;
President of Taipei Hwa Hwa Temple.

Birth date. July 20, 1949 Taipei,Taiwan

Dr. of Agr. Chinese Cultural University, Taiwan
Dr. of Agr., Research Institute of Evolutionary
Biology, Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture, Japan









Future Development of Envir


The Environmental Protectio


Buddhism and Spiritual Envi

华人学佛第一选择 (2020-2030)