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哈菲兹(1325-1389),波斯伟大的抒情诗人,出生于一个贫穷家庭。原名沙姆士·乌德·丁·穆罕默德(mohammed shams od-din)。哈菲兹是他赢得的一个称号,意思是“能背诵《可兰经》的人”。他是伊斯兰教神秘分支苏菲派(sufi)的成员,也曾当过宫廷诗人。他的诗歌多为押韵华美的两行诗体,其中许多描写爱情、美酒和大自然。他的诗歌也反映了苏菲派所强调的灵性追求和爱。苏菲派的教义是要去除所有存在于个人(即lover,爱者)和真主(god,神,即beloved,被爱者)之间的面纱。所以不必介意译诗中把god、beloved译成神还是真主,如果你愿意,你可以把它们替换成任何你认为合适的词:上帝、一切万有、终极真理等等。


好诗 会让一个美丽的裸女 从文字中 显身,

她手中 挥舞利剑, 说道:

“如果你看我的腰 我会砍下你的头,

再抓住你的灵魂 握紧它的命根子,

然后带你上天堂 让你快乐地嚎叫。”

哈菲兹说: “这听起来很妙,真的 很妙。

那就请谁——开始写下 一些伟大的 诗行。”


that sounds wonderful...

good poetry makes a beautiful naked woman materialize from words,

who then says, with a sword precariously waving in her hands,

"if you look at my loins i will cut off your head,

and reach down and grab your spirit by its private parts,

and carry you off to heaven squealing in joy."

hafiz says, "that sounds wonderful, just wonderful.

someone please - start writing some great lines."

the subject tonight is love - versions by daniel ladinsky

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约瑟夫会回到迦南他父亲那里,继续走吧,不要绝望; 花儿会辉映雅各布的小屋,继续走吧,不要绝望。

时间会治愈伤痛的心,失落的希望会重现, 不同的心灵会得到抚慰,继续走吧,不要绝望。

当生命的春天来临,草地会长出新绿, 玫瑰会为甜蜜的夜莺之歌加冕,继续走吧,不要绝望。

如果这些天世界并没有按你的意愿转动, 那是宇宙的循环正准备改变,继续走吧,不要绝望。

如果绝望在低语,你就不会认识真主, 它在谈论隐藏在幕后的游戏,继续走吧,不要失望。

哦,心儿,当汹涌的洪水连根席卷生命, 诺亚船长等着带你驶向岸边,继续走吧,不要绝望。

如果你穿越沙漠去麦加朝圣 荆棘深深刺伤你,你的灵魂在呼喊,继续走吧,不要绝望。

尽管绿洲隐藏着危险,你的命运在远方, 但没有哪条路会永远延伸,继续走吧,不要绝望。

我的考验和敌人与我面面相觑, 但神秘总在为我撑腰,继续走吧,不要绝望。

哈菲兹,因贫穷而虚弱,独自在黑暗中, 今晚是你通往光明的路途,继续走吧,不要绝望。


dont despair...

joseph to his father in canaan shall return, dont despair walk on; and jacobs hut will brighten with flowers, dont despair walk on.

aching hearts heal in time, vanished hopes reappear, the disparate mind will be pacified, dont despair walk on.

as the spring of life grows the newly green meadow, roses will crown the sweet nightingales song, dont despair walk on

if the world does not turn to your whims these few days, cosmic cycles are preparing to change, dont despair walk on.

if desperation whispers youll never know god, its the talk of hidden games in the veil, dont despair walk on.

o heart, when the vast flood slashes life to its roots, captain noah waits to steer you ashore, dont despair walk on.

if you trek as a pilgrim through sands to kaabeh with thorns lodged deep in your soul shouting why, dont despair walk on

though oases hide dangers and your destinys far, theres no pathway that goes on forever, dont despair walk on.

my trials and enemies face me on their own, but mystery always backs up my stand, dont despair walk on.

hafez, weakened by poverty, alone in the dark, this night is your pathway into the light, dont despair walk on.

from: the spiritual wisdom of hafez haleh pourafzal and roger montgomery

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天空 是悬空的蓝色海洋。 星辰是它的 游鱼。

行星们是白鲸 我有时要搭上一程,

太阳和光明 永远将它们自己熔化

熔在我的体肤 熔进我的心中。

在这个狂野的游乐场 规则只有一条,

因为哈菲兹见过的每一个标记 含义都一样。


“玩得开心,我亲爱的;我亲爱的,玩得开心, 在这个真主的神圣 游戏中,

哦,在这个真主的 神奇的游戏中。”


a suspended blue ocean

the sky is a suspended blue ocean. the stars are the fish that swim.

the planets are the white whales i sometimes hitch a ride on,

and the sun and all light have forever fused themselves

into my heart and upon my skin.

there is only one rule on this wild playground,

for every sign hafiz has ever seen reads the same.

they all say,

"have fun, my dear; my dear, have fun, in the beloveds divine game,

o, in the beloveds wonderful game."

from: the subject tonight is love translated by daniel ladinsky

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那明亮的 一

——它总是引诱无形 化为有形——

才有魅力赢得 我的心。


——它总是 嘲笑二 这个字——





laughing at the word two


that illumined one

who keeps seducing the formless into form

had the charm to win my heart.

only a perfect one

who is always laughing at the word two

can make you know



from: the gift translated by daniel ladinsky

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“我与每一座教堂 每一座清真寺 每一座庙宇 每一座神殿相爱

因为我知道在这些地方 人们用不同的名字 称呼那唯一的神。”

你会不会告诉你的朋友 我有点儿奇怪,如果我承认

我其实与每一个人的头脑 每一颗心、每一个身体相爱,

哦,我为你的 每一个思想、渴望和肢体 真诚而彻底地疯狂

因为,我亲爱的, 我知道 正是用这些



would you think it odd...

would you think it odd if hafiz said,

"i am in love with every church and mosque and temple and any kind of shrine

because i know it is there that people say the different names of the one god."

would you tell your friends i was a bit strange if i admitted

i am indeed in love with every mind and heart and body.

o i am sincerely plumb crazy about your every thought and yearning and limb

because, my dear, i know that it is through these

that you search for him

from: i heard god laughing - renderings of hafiz by daniel ladinsky

* * *


现在正是时候,明白 你做的一切都是神圣的。

现在,为什么不考虑 自己与真主永远休战。

现在正是时候,懂得 你所有对与错的观念 只是孩子练习的轮子 当你最后怀着 真诚和爱 生活时 它们就会被丢在一边。

哈菲兹是神圣的使者 真主写下神圣的讯息 要他传递。

我亲爱的,请告诉我, 为何你还 把棍棒掷在你的心上 和真主身上?

你心中那个甜美的声音是什么? 它让你害怕

现在正是时候,让世界知道 一念一行都是神圣的。

现在正是时候,你算一算这种不可能性 一切都存在 而没有 真主的恩典。

现在正是季节,明白 你所做的一切 都是神圣的。

now is the time

now is the time to know that all that you do is sacred.

now, why not consider a lasting truce with yourself and god.

now is the time to understand that all your ideas of right and wrong were just a childs training wheels to be laid aside when you finally live with veracity and love.

hafiz is a divine envoy whom the beloved has written a holy message upon.

my dear, please tell me, why do you still throw sticks at your heart and god?

what is it in that sweet voice inside that incites you to fear?

now is the time for the world to know that every thought and action is sacred.

this is the time for you to compute the impossibility that there is anything but grace.

now is the season to know that everything you do is sacred.

translated by daniel ladinsky

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昨夜的暴风雨是通往真主的旅程。 我降服于它,降服于风—— 我的朋友,降服于我的工作。

每一个夜晚,电闪雷鸣。 每一个清晨,和风徐徐。

不是在哪个庇护所,而是在心潮澎湃的 洪流中,在蔷薇花蕾 绽放的风中, 每一朵水仙都戴上一个小小的冠冕。

精疲力竭的手儿无力举起, 在清晨,它会再次握住你的头发。

当我们友好相处,和平就会来临, 记住。哈菲兹!你真诚的愿望 和你的善行会让灵魂 自由呈现。


last nights storm

last nights storm was a journey to the beloved. i surrender to that, the wind that is my friend, and my work.

each night, the lightning flashes. every morning, a breeze.

not in some protected place, but in the flood of the hearts pumping, in the wind of a rosebuds opening out, that puts a small crown on each narcissus.

a tired hand collapses, exhausted, that in the morning holds your hair again.

peace comes when we are friends together, remembering. hafiz! your honest desire and your benevolence free the soul to emerge as what it is.

from: the hand of poetry trans. inayat khan/coleman barks

* * *


你不必再举止疯狂—— 我们都知道你擅于此道。

现在就休息,我亲爱的, 放下你所有辛苦的工作


在清晰的大山之镜中 看到漂亮的古代战士 神圣的元素 总在你心中

宇宙被用神圣的生命灌注 在如此久远之前

你要永远与 一切存在——与真主为伍!


you dont have to act crazy anymore

you dont have to act crazy anymore - we all know you were good at that.

now retire, my dear, from all that hard work you do

of bringing pain to your sweet eyes and heart.

look in a clear mountain mirror - see the beautiful ancient warrior and the divine elements you always carry inside

that infused this universe with sacred life so long ago

and join you eternally with all existence - with god!

from: i heard god laughing - renderings of hafiz by daniel ladinsky

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昨晚我感染了快乐病毒 那时我正在星空下歌唱。 它极易传染—— 快来吻我吧。


the happy virus

i caught the happy virus last night when i was out singing beneath the stars. it is remarkably contagious - so kiss me.

from: the subject tonight is love - versions by daniel ladinsky

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一瓶葡萄酒从马车上掉落 摔碎在田野上。

到了晚上,数百只甲虫和它们的表亲 在此聚集


它们甚至在附近找到一些果壳 当作锣鼓敲击起舞。 这让真主很开心。

随后,“夜之烛”在空中升起 一只喝醉的甲虫,放下它的乐器 对它朋友说——显然没有什么 理由,


在哈菲兹看来, 几乎每一个人都已把音乐放在一边

而抱住如此深奥无用 的问题不放。


what should we do about that moon ?

a wine bottle fell from a wagon and broke open in a field.

that night hundred beetles and all their cousins gathered

and did some serious binge drinking.

they even found some seed husks nearby and began to play them like drums and whirl. this made god very happy.

then the night candle rose into the sky and one drunk creature, laying down his instrument said to his friend - for no apparent reason,

"what should we do about that moon?"

seems to hafiz most everyone has laid aside the music

tackling such profoundly useless questions.

from: the gift translated by daniel ladinsky

* * *


在朋友们中间,爱似乎轻而易举, 但爱并不容易,并不容易。

清晨的空气穿过窗户,它的气息, 以及响个不停的驼铃,离开客栈远去。

我们就这样醒来,葡萄酒溢到 祈祷的地毯上,甚至客栈的主人 也在装货。我的生活已 由任性而变得声名狼藉, 我也不想隐瞒,让我 开怀大笑的喜悦。

汹涌的海洋,月亮躲在云后, 惧怕被它吞噬。

背负轻装、漫步海滩的人 怎懂得海上的夜航?

哈菲兹!留在你充满危险的生活中。 在这里,你会遇见 驱散恐惧的脸。


the danger

love seems easy in a circle of friends, but its difficult, difficult.

morning air through the window, the taste of it, with every moment camel bells leaving the caravanserai.

this is how we wake, with winespills on the prayer rug, and even the tavernmaster is loading up. my life has gone from willfullness to disrepute, and i wont conceal, either, the joy that led me out toward laughter.

mountainous ocean, a moon hidden behind clouds, the terror of being drawn under.

how can someone with a light shoulder-pack walking the beach know how a night sea-journey is?

hafiz! stay in the dangerous life thats yours. there youll meet the face that dissolves fear.

from the hand of poetry inayat khan/coleman barks

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我知道你会是什么样子 当你还没有品尝爱情:

你的面目僵硬, 你可爱的肌肉抽筋。 孩子们变得关心 你眼中奇怪的神情 它甚至开始担心你自己的镜子 和鼻子。

松鼠和鸟儿感到了你的悲伤 它们在高树上召开重要会议。 它们决定要念什么样的密咒 来帮助你的头脑和灵魂。

甚至天使也害怕这种疯狂 它会与世界为敌 并将尖石和利矛掷向 无辜者 和你自己。

哦,我知道你会是什么样子 如果你还没有品尝爱情:

你会捉摸你的朋友和老师 说的每一句话, 它们会不会话里有话。

你会掂量每一个字的分量 就像称一条死鱼。

在你每个黑暗的角落 你会拿一把尺来丈量 你曾经信赖的一颗心 美丽的尺寸。

我知道你会是什么样子 如果你还没有从爱的手中 畅饮。

这就是为什么所有伟人都说 牢记真主 是一种必需, 这样你就会明白,并看到他 是如此喜欢游戏 并且想要, 只是想要提供帮助。

这就是为什么哈菲兹说: 把你的杯盏带到我这儿来。 因为我只关心 熄灭你对自由的渴望!

一个健全的人唯一关心的 就是付出爱!


i know the way you can get

i know the way you can get when you have not had a drink of love:

your face hardens, your sweet muscles cramp. children become concerned about a strange look that appears in your eyes which even begins to worry your own mirror and nose.

squirrels and birds sense your sadness and call an important conference in a tall tree. they decide which secret code to chant to help your mind and soul.

even angels fear that brand of madness that arrays itself against the world and throws sharp stones and spears into the innocent and into ones self.

o i know the way you can get if you have not been drinking love:

you might rip apart every sentence your friends and teachers say, looking for hidden clauses.

you might weigh every word on a scale like a dead fish.

you might pull out a ruler to measure from every angle in your darkness the beautiful dimensions of a heart you once trusted.

i know the way you can get if you have not had a drink from loves hands.

that is why all the great ones speak of the vital need to keep remembering god, so you will come to know and see him as being so playful and wanting, just wanting to help.

that is why hafiz says: bring your cup near me. for all i care about is quenching your thirst for freedom!

all a sane man can ever care about is giving love!

from: i heard god laughing - renderings of hafiz - daniel ladinsky

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我要饮酒,伺酒的姑娘,那只刻着葡萄花纹的酒杯, 因为曾经貌似令人愉悦的爱情已成为我心中的重负。

啊,西风怎样从客栈的门口吹送她麝香的气息; 感觉我们的心跳得飞快,看着我们的恐惧展开。

我们拜访爱情,为什么以为自己会永驻? 我们知道,恋人们总想另觅新欢。

所以我们请教长者:是什么法则让爱情变得痛苦? 清醒,他笑道,当你喝醉了,你会觉得好些。

爱的黑暗风暴在盲目的海洋上肆虐 惧怕冒险无助于你摆脱困境。

看清所有这些相聚的朋友中谁还拥有你,亲爱的 爱的秘密是你必须舍去欲望的束缚。

哈菲兹,与你的恋人尽情享受,相拥畅饮; 不要和她一起去取悦你的世界,而只要付出爱和友善。


the secret

i need a drink, wine maiden, that cup with grape stain lined, for love that once seemed pleasing has burdened down my mind.

ah smell how west wind wafts her musk through the tavern door; now feel our pumping hearts beat fast, watch our fears unwind.

why do we who visit love think wed stay forever? we know the yearn to wander will always lovers find.

so we asked the elder: what law makes love bring pain? sobriety, he laughed, youll feel better when youre wined.

your plight cannot be aided by that dull fear to risk the toss and turn of loves dark storm upon the ocean blind.

see clear in all these gathered friends who still hold you dear loves secret is that you must love without desires that bind.

hafez, enjoy the one you love, drink deep and embrace; seek not with her to please your world, just give love and be kind.

from: the spiritual wisdom of hafez haleh pourafzal and roger montgomery

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带走我的一滴泪水, 把它丢进大海

看这大地和人类的伤口 中的盐分开始消失。

带走我的一滴泪水 用你的手掌当作它的摇篮。 乘上一头大白驼 把我的爱带到每一个沙漠, 向每个曾在我们的世界上 行走过的先知致敬。

哦,带走我的一滴泪水 不要只因为悲伤而哭泣,

因为生命远不止于 你现在所了解的东西。

带走我的一滴泪水 去做一个快乐的人, 哦,做一个快乐的人—— 他现在并永远活在 我的心中。

当我碧绿海洋中的一滴水 触及你灵魂的嘴唇, 它会溶解一切,只剩下你的喜悦 和一个永恒的奇迹。

然后, 真主会高兴地雇你为 他的游吟诗人

去周游世界, 让大地上的每一个人 都听到 真主的美名 以千百种和音回响!

今夜,哈菲兹自己也在歌唱 在真主的灿烂荣耀中,

因为我心中的杯盏 已显现真主的容颜, 而我拥有他誓言的文字:


哦,哈菲兹,带走你的一滴泪水, 因为你正在哭泣,就像一枝金色蜡烛——


每一个跪地祈祷、 热爱真主、聆听你的人, 让他们的伤口 开始立即 消失。


i will hire you as a minstrel

take one of my tears, throw it into the ocean

and watch the salt in the wounds of this earth and men begin to disappear.

take one of my tears and cradle it in your palm. mount a great white camel and carry my love into every desert, paying homage to every prophet who has ever walked in our world.

o take one of my tears and stop weeping only for sadness,

for there is so much more to this life than you now understand.

take one of my tears and become like the happy one, o like the happy one -- who now lives forever within me.

when a drop from my emerald sea touches your souls mouth, it will dissolve everything but your joy and an eternal wonder.

then, the beloved will gladly hire you as his minstrel

to go traveling about this world, letting everyone upon this earth hear the beautiful names of god resound in a thousand chords!

hafiz himself is singing tonight in resplendent glory,

for the cup in my heart has revealed the beloveds face, and i have his oath in writing

that he will never again depart.

0 hafiz, take one of your tears, for you are weeping like a golden candle-

throw one tear into the ocean of your own verse

and let the wounds of every lover of god who kneels in prayer and comes close to your words begin, right now, to disappear.

from: i heard god laughing - renderings of hafiz - daniel ladinsky

* * *


当你的灵魂 开始唤醒 你的眼睛 和你的心 以及你身体的每一个细胞 并迈向伟大的爱的旅途时, 会发生什么事情?

一开始会有奇妙的欢笑 大概还有珍贵的泪水

以及一百个甜蜜的诺言 以及从来无人能信守的 英雄的誓言。

但真主还是欣喜愉悦 你曾试图做个圣人。

当你的灵魂开始从尘世中苏醒时, 会发生什么事情

是为了我们对爱的深切渴求 并且服务朋友?

哦,真主 会派给你 他的一个神奇、狂放的伙伴 就像哈菲兹。


what happens?

what happens when your soul begins to awaken your eyes and your heart and the cells of your body to the great journey of love?

first there is wonderful laughter and probably precious tears

and a hundred sweet promises and those heroic vows no one can ever keep.

but still god is delighted and amused you once tried to be a saint.

what happens when your soul begins to awake in this world

to our deep need to love and serve the friend?

o the beloved will send you one of his wonderful, wild companions ~ like hafiz.

from: i heard god laughing - renderings of hafiz - daniel ladinsky

* * *


可爱的世界,我已决定 我不要留下一个遗憾—— 那就是 当我临终之时 我还没有把你吻够。

i am determined

one regret, dear world, that i am determined not to have when i am lying on my deathbed is that i did not kiss you enough









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华人学佛第一选择 (2020-2030)