To Serve our Buddhist compassion

2014/9/5    热度:120   

To serve our Buddhist compassion, charity and public welfare

Humanistic Buddhism's was appear in the last century, the appearance of Humanistic Buddhism are developing. The change in Buddhism come from individual self cultivation. In the same time the contribution from Buddhism to society is needed. As the part of the society, we leave the society we are not able to have society life and social dynamic. Buddhism in pro and con condition are able to break through the passing bottleneck that has obtained the rebirth.

Buddhism came from social life, precisely because our society has been recognized only the survival of Buddhism, the cornerstone of the most powerful. For the community to the people there are real emotional and even religious significance, such a thought as would be acceptable to the community

Since ancient times, Buddhism, the core of "mercy" on the thinking of the well-known, was also a delight in talking about the people in the world. Then this fine reputation comes baseless to come by no means. Buddhism since ancient times are still uphold the Buddha's teaching to face the suffering with the compassion and wisdom. More than 2500 years ago, the result of Prince Siddhartha's observe that all living beings in the world addicted to samsara, who suffered from birth, old, sickness and death in order to generate the bodhicitta he get ordained to find the path of liberation.. After six years of seeking the truth, finally he find the ultimate truth by realizing the end of samsara and attain the Anuttarasamyaksambodhi. He preached the truth for more than forty years to lead the people until his parinirvana.

“Carya Nidhana Sutra" : "Three Realms are suffering, when i settles it "; Another example is the" Past and Present Causes and Effects Sutra “ : This life do a lot of Merit to all Deva and Human Beings" . The Buddha who vowed, to manifest Buddhism concern all living beings, makes the benefit for every sentients beings is the great spirit of compassion.

In accordance with the original Buddhist scriptures to explain, "maitri" and "karuna" are separately manifests Buddhism from two different aspects to all sentient beings concern. Maitri is happiness to all Sentient Beings, Karuna is compassion to all sentient being’s suffering " Maha Prajna Paramita Sastra," said that: "Maha Maitri is The Greatest of the happiness of all sentient being’s, “Maha Karuna is to release all the sentient beings from all of the sufferrings. Maha Maitri is the cause of Happiness to all beings. Maha Karuna gives hope to leave unsatisfactoriness from all the beings.

Buddhism regarding"suffering" for loka dharma world with the fundamental law, follow the path and cultivating the truth to out of this endless sea of samsara. Therefore, to change the sufferings to be happiness with the spirit of compassion, to extincting Dukkha is the most fundamental thinks. The Buddhist spirit of compassion in Mahayana Buddhism has been the most adequate to carry forward, and even be regarded as the most fundamental spirit of Buddhism. If the "Buddhist view of life immeasurable," said that: "Buddha’s heart is The greatest compassion" " Maha Prajna Paramita Sastra " is even more explicit: "Compassion is the root of Buddha Path."

Maitri the cultivation and practice is also necessary for the Budhisattva to cultivate Paramita. It is in this way of thinking, there is a natural under the guidance of the Buddhist charity, and endless public good. Altruism in the heart of Northern Buddhism, in particular, to be heard, and given the lofty status. To achieves Buddhahood as the final goal in Mahayana Buddhism, Bodhisattva's six Paramita, four absorbs (cattari sagraha-vastАni) is the most important step for the Bodhisattva to the ultimate goal of Mahayana Buddhism. Donation is one of the first parami. In the Jataka stories there are many record of The Bodhisattva pratice from the first paramita. There are numbers of stories about Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who vowed to help all sentient beings. Among of them, "slice their meat to feed pigeons," and "sacrificed their lives for hungry tiger" are well-known stories as the idea of altruism and sublimation to show the spirit of the great compassion.

Those Altruism and selfless heart are carefully considered as the sufferings of the people, so, be it in Mahayana or Theravada Buddhism have the "four immeasurable heart," as the key to self-cultivation in order to expand the great compassion heart.

Buddhism in social reality has built its community purposed for their society, so people can live in harmony, making continues effort. Just like the former said, regardless of Buddhism's extension shape was oneself society has brought the unprecedented life turning point for Buddhism .Buddhism brings hope for the Buddhist itself and its society by solid public utility benefit realistic society in misery all living things, thus increasing compassion heart and the great Mahayana vow.

Buddhism in the aspect of charitable and the public utility, May say browses broadly comprehensive. The contribution of Buddhist community from giving aid for disaster, to contribute money to students, medical service, environment and animal protection. In difficult situation, in front of the pain, the form which the Buddhism mercy provides relief always can bring warm and auspicious feelings to all sentient beings. Economy, politics, culture and so on each one domain. Buddhism is holding very important role bridge which link to regard the humanity.

In facing each kind of natural disasters, the Indonesian Buddhism deeply felt in society of all human beings difficulties, participation positively organize to resist natural disaster which provide relief and charitable activity, Food and drugs are granted to the disaster victims and also a series of essential items. Regarding these hygienic medical services through thousand relatives in the quite backward area, the fear of Indonesian Buddhism is not far away, but the person still go in to carry on giving free medical treatment for the victims. At the same time, it has the victims difficulty with the life without the safeguard, the Indonesian Buddhism also organizes the indefinite tense which provides daily necessity。

Although Buddhism has the glorious and bright history in Indonesia, but as a result of the historical development and the evolution, Buddhism's strength already becomes quite weak, even if is under the such stern environment, the great compassion heart still urged and is inspired each bodhisattva with our own strength, the Buddhism enterprise as well as the Buddha’s compassion heart will popularize to be society each misery quoin. Based on various aspects endeavors, Buddhism had the new appearance and the new vitality in Indonesia, they organizes for a social association, Buddhism participates in playing the suitable frontage positive impetus role, such as in welfare peaceful old, the health as well as the ancestor education aspect, Buddhism all is the indispensable strong character.

We believed under such great aspirations, Indonesia's Buddhist culture can send out the impressive ray. Buddhism charitable also because of our common diligently help many all Human Beings. But as a result of all sorts of condition restraint, Buddhism's public utility development and In accordance with the original Buddhist scriptures to explain, "maitri" and "karuna" are separately manifests Buddhism from two different aspects to all sentient beings concern. Maitri is happiness to all Sentient Beings, Karuna is compassion to all sentient human being’s suffer " Maha Prajna Paramita Sastra," said: "Maha Maitri is The Greatest of happiness of all sentient being’s, “Maha Karuna is to release all the sentient beings from suffer. Maha Maitri is the cause of Happiness to all beings. Maha Karuna is gives hope to leave unsatisfactoriness from all the Beings.

promoted also unusually slow, the enterprise scale and the pattern lacks the standardization, the scientific style, not only this launches to enterprise itself brings the disadvantage factor, simultaneously does to own Buddhism for charity's management also has the noticeable adverse effect. Therefore it makes the public welfare philanthropy the colleague, was sure to remember could not forget to lose the lord Buddha this badly, therefore Buddhism helped the distressed and the responsibility might say that was shoulder heavy responsibilities a quarter and also not to have to relax

The second session of world Buddhism forum grand meeting, the world various elder, are predestined friends this meeting on this occasion, hoped Buddhism's brilliance will develop brightly, and will let the Buddha’s mercy shine to all living beings which will need to help, because we will let this world to the Buddha’s instruction be more harmonious, to let all of human beings be more peaceful!



五明学习 五福文摘 佛教入门历史传记身心灵生活艺术人与自然 人文杂话其它素食起步


佛言佛语生灭心可以说是真妄和合,有真有妄。悟了,它是真的;迷了,它是妄的。可不是说它一半是真,一半是妄,那就搞错了!没有半真半妄的。悟了就叫如来藏,迷了就叫阿赖耶。学佛的宗旨,是破迷开悟。所谓凡夫,就是迷了如来藏,生灭心里头迷了如来藏。一迷一切都迷了,宇宙人生的真相就看不出来,这是迷失了。迷了之后,我们受的是一切苦,不平等、不自由,这个麻烦大了!我们起心动念、一切造作,这是众苦之因。所造的是缚具,所造的是分别业,迷了才干这些事情,才有六道轮回、生死不断。不觉的心,是一个迷的心,就是无明。凡夫统统用阿赖耶里面的“不觉义”,所以才迷惑颠倒。正如同《地藏经》所说的“起心动念无不是业”,因为他起心动念是依那个不觉的心。 摘录自佛言网由佛前明灯发布