2014/9/5   热度:172
English Version of the Abstract and Outline of TITLE : “The Importance of Protecting Spiritual Environment admist the Global Financial Disaster – Facing Crisis with Compassion and Wisdom” KEY WORDS : Master Sheng Yen’s Rules for SEP Cyclic System of DDM’s SEP THE CAUSE AND EFFECT OF FINANCIAL TSUNAMI 2. COLLECTIVE KARMA : FROM THE BUDDHIST PERSPECTIVE 2.1 Impermanance and evil karma 2.2 Three vexations of human nature 2.3 A song of lament for the civilization of capitalism ? 2.4 A reflection of collective karma 3. BUDDHIST SPIRITUAL ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION (SEP): SHENG YEN’S RULES 3.1 The concepts and rules of Master Sheng Yen’s SEP 3.3 The impetus for implementing Sheng Yen’s rules for SEP 3.4 The practice of Sheng Yen’s rules for SEP via the “six ethics of mind” social movement 4. FACING UP THE FINANCIAL TSUNAMI CRISIS WITH SEP 4.1 Application of Sheng Yen’s rules for SEP 4.2 Cultivating good causes and conditions 4.3 Unconditioned Compassion 4.4 Compassionate Leadership 5. CONCLUSION BISHOP, MATHEW & GREEN, MICHAEL, Philanthrocapitalism : How the Rich Can Save the World. London : Bloomsbury Publishing Plc , 2008 2. DDM’s “Six Ethics of Mind” Value Chain 3. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
The 2nd World Buddhist Forum
Essay for the “Spiritual Environment Protection in Buddhism” Sub-Forum
The importance of protecting the spiritual environment admist the global financial disaster ─ facing crisis with compassion and wisdom
Mr. Leon Ei-min Liu
Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Foundation
Financial Tsunami
Capitalist Civilization
Spiritual Environment Protection(SEP) in Buddhism
The Six Ethics of Mind Value Chain
Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR)
Compassionate Leadership / Leaders
The "financial storm and tsunami" that started in the US in 2007 has led to a global economic recession. For now, the "tsunami" has not subsided and we are still assailed by waves after waves of problems. There is even a possibility of a global economic depression. Countries around the world are facing the greatest challenge posed to the human race in the twenty first century.The world is in turmoil and people are not at peace. The livelihood of many people is threatened in an unprecedented manner. The extent of human suffering has reached a critical point. How do we deal with the situation and surmount the trial of hardship?Facing this unavoidable common fate of the human race, each of us must introspect ourselves. In addition, families, schools, neighborhoods, enterprises, the whole society and nation must work together and make use of what we call protecting the spiritual environment in Buddhism - the ideas and methods of compassion and wisdom to face both favorable or unfavorable circumstances. This will enable us to stay calm and be courageous in time of trial. People may thus overcome their insecurity, fear, despair, dejection, grudge, and even their disappointment and hatred towards the society.The positive thing about the current crisis is that the dark side of capitalism - an economic system of greed, may also be deeply examined. In fact, the insight of "protecting the spiritual environment" may even help improve the system.We can say that the ongoing crisis is an adverse condition that may lead to eventual advances. If we can accept and face the problem positively, and deal with it in the best possible manner, the crisis can be turned into an opportunity for the human race to better itself, and to bring about a pure land on earth.
3.2 Five keys to mind: the fivefold spiritual protection
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CHAN, SHEN YEN, A Proposition for Living in the 21st Century.
Taipei: Dharma Drum Mountain Foundation, 2004
GATES, BILL, “A New Approach to Capitalism in the 21st Century”. World Economic Forum 2008. Davos, Switzerland, Jan. 24,
JENNER, G., Das Ende des Kapitalismus. Frankfurt am Main : Fisher Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH, 1999.
Chinese version, Beijing : Social Science Literature Publishing,2004
MARX, KARL H., Das Kapital. , 1867; Capital, Moscow, USSR: Progress Publishers, 1887
PORTER, MICHAEL.E., Competitive Advantage. New York : The Free Press, 1985
WEBB, SIDNEY. & B., The Decay of Capitalist Civilization. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1923.
Chinese version, Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Publishing, 2005.
Cyclic System of Sheng Yen’s Spiritual Environment Protection
4. Compassionate Leadership: The Diamond Quadrant of Public Servant-Leaders’ Characteristics
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佛言佛语:世界就像一个舞台一样,我们出现在这个舞台上,表演这个角色,真正能够做到“恒顺众生,随喜功德”,也就是我们讲的“自在随缘”,这就是人生真正的价值。作帝王的,就像唱戏一样,在戏台上扮演一个皇帝,扮得很逼真,扮得很像,让观众都喝彩,成功的演员。另外一个在舞台上扮乞丐的,也扮得很像,惟妙惟肖,也是成功的演员,也让大家喝彩。他们两个是相等的、平等的,没有高下,都是一流的演员,都是最成功的演出,都达到满分,这就真正懂得人生。你今天是一个国家的总统,你这个总统是全世界所有国家的模范总统,这就叫佛、叫菩萨。佛菩萨就是世间的典范、模范,你做成功了。那一个人是在街上开出租的司机,他在他的生活、他的工作上,也是全世界计程车司机里面的模范、榜样,他就是司机菩萨,他是司机佛陀。他跟那个总统菩萨、总统佛陀没有两样,完全平等。 (摘录自佛言网,由佛前明灯发布)