Brief History of Buddhism in Cambodia
2014/9/5   热度:143
Most Venerables, Venerables, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, First of all, please let me express my deepest thanks to the organisers of the 2m World Buddhist Forum especially the Most Ven. Yi Cheng President of the Buddhist Association of China, the Most Ven. Hsing Yun President of the Buddha's Life International Association, the Most Ven. Kok Kwong President of the Hong Kong Buddhist Association, H.E.Mr. Ye Xiaowen Chairman of the China Religious Culture Communication Association, who have allowed me to participate in this prestigious conference. Buddhism started when Siddhartha Gautama achieved his spiritual goal and began teaching. The path he taught consisted of a code of conduct, a variety of meditation techniques, and doctrines about the nature of the world and humanity. Buddhism is a varied tradition and aspects include fundamentalism, devotional traditions. Nevertheless, many common points have been raised between scientific investigation and Buddhist thought. Some of notable scientists have a respectful views on Buddhism. Many scientists like Einstein and Albert North Whitehead strongly think there is a close link between our religion and science. Allow me to share with you some words from these famous scientists: Albert North Whitehead said "Buddhism is the most colossal example in the history of applied metaphysics." and Bertrand Russell, another Nobel Prize winner, wrote Buddhism is a combination of both speculative and scientific philosophy. As you can see, Science is a little theological threat to a Buddhist worldview because Buddhism had unique advantages such : 1. Buddhism did not assert or depend upon the existence of a God 2. Buddhism was a morai ideal in conformity of the scientific view of an ordered universe ruled by law (Dhamma) 3. Buddhism does not belief in gods but trust in natural law 4. Buddhism was a religion of self-help with all depending on the individual working out his/her own salvation. Your Holiness, MostVenerables, Venerables, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Buddhism and Science have increasingly been discussed as compatible and Buddhism has increasingly entered into the ongoing science and religion dialog. The case is made that the philosophic and psychological teachings within Buddhism share commonalities with modern scientific and philosophic thought, or at least, are less at odds with them. For example, Buddhism encourages the impartial investigation of Nature (an activity referred to as Dhamma-Vicaya in the Pali Canon) - the principal object of study being oneself. With a special focus on the nature of mind and its implications for the concept of reality, Buddhism offers explanations for metaphysical issues within psychology and studies of consciousness. Some popular conceptions of Buddhism connect it to discourse regarding evolution, quantum theory, and cosmology, even though most scientists see a separation between the religious and metaphysical statements of Buddhism and the methodology of science. But, if we study very carefully the Buddha's teachings, we could find a lot of elements which may complete many part of science. Buddhist may give his own contribution on the well being of human kind in addition of what science already discovered. Science and Buddhism can work together by mutual synergy in order to limit all illegal human actions. In this connection, we suggest the following recommendations : ♦ The Buddhist monks and nuns must promote dissemination or teaching the Dhamma to all people to keep in mind of the Culture of Peace and remind the peaceful mission of science. ♦ All Buddhist stakeholders should control the negative effects of the exponential progress of Information technology as you see in some negative website ♦ The Buddhist authorities can help people by educating them how to use the technology newly discovered by science according to the Buddha's teachings. ♦ All Buddhist must remind to their national leaders, as soon as possible, the good use of all nuclear discovers in order to avoid military using. ♦ All Buddhist must work with scientist for promoting a humanist science and technology that support the social well being and preservation of the environment. ♦ And, finally, Buddhism and science can contribute together in order to educate people to aware and respect the human rights. May all the human beings live in Peace and Serenity! Thank you for your attention. H.H.Tep Vong Great Supreme Patriarch of Dhammayutta Order ingdom of Cambodia
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佛言佛语:《往生传》里面讲的张善和,这个人一生杀牛,杀业非常重。他造的是十恶业,临命终时,一听到阿弥陀佛的名号,就念佛求生净土,阿弥陀佛就来接引他,这就是善根成熟;虽然是恶人,比一个普通的善人,他这个力量还要强大。莹珂法师三天往生,那是个不守清规、破戒的出家人,也是罪业很重的,他之所以能得救就是他信愿真切,他信得真,他愿切,所以念了三天就把阿弥陀佛念来,六天就往生,因此我们决定不可以轻视恶人。恶人回头,他的心力勇猛,我们学都学不到。所以佛在《八大人觉经》里面就告诫我们,教我们“不憎恶人”,不要轻慢恶人,人会回头的,他一回头,成佛了,将来是我们的老师,怎么可以轻慢? (摘录自佛言网,由佛前明灯发布)