保罗·卡卢斯:佛陀的福音 轮回和涅槃 Samsara and Nirvana

2014/9/4    热度:1010   

保罗·卡卢斯:佛陀的福音 轮回和涅槃 Samsara and Nirvana


  Samsara and Nirvana


  Look about and contemplate life! [1]

  寻求和沉思生命吧! 1

  Everything is transient and nothing endures.

  There is birth and death, growth and decay;

  there is combination and separation. [2]

  万物稍纵即逝,无物能够恒在。有生即有死,有成长也有衰败,有聚便有散。 2

  The glory of the world is like a flower:

  it stands in full bloom in the morning and fades in the heat of the day. [3]

  这世上的荣华恰如鲜花一般,在清晨中盛开,而在晌午时凋零。 3

  Wherever you look, there is a rushing and struggling, and an eager pursuit of pleasure.

  There is a panic flight from pain and death, and hot are the flames of burning desires.

  The world is vanity fair, full of changes and transformations.

  All is Samsara. [4]

  无论你在哪里观望,都有一种对快乐的迫切的、努力的、焦急的寻找。痛苦和死亡中有令人恐慌的生命流逝,那熊熊燃烧的欲望之火极为炙热。世界是空虚之物,充满了变幻和转化。一切都是轮回。 4

  Is there nothing permanent in the world?

  Is there in the universal turmoil no resting-place where our troubled heart can find peace?

  Is there nothing everlasting? [5]

  这世上无物常在吗?这喧嚣的宇宙中没有一个休憩之处能让我们烦恼的心灵找到平安吗?无物永恒吗? 5

  Oh, that we could have cessation of anxiety,

  that our burning desires would be extinguished!

  When shall the mind become tranquil and composed? [6]

  但愿我们能停止焦虑,但愿我们能熄灭欲望之火!什么时候我们的心灵可以变得安宁平静? 6

  The Buddha, our Lord, was grieved at the ills of life.

  He saw the vanity of worldly happiness

  and sought salvation in the one thing that will not fade or perish,

  but will abide for ever and ever. [7]

  佛陀,我们的主,为生命的种种不幸悲伤。他看到世间幸福的虚无,并在不会消逝和毁灭、可以永久停驻的事物中寻求拯救。 7

  Ye who long for life, know that immortality is hidden intransiency.

  Ye who wish for happiness without the sting of regret,

  lead a life of righteousness.

  Ye who yearn for riches, receive treasures that are eternal.

  Truth is wealth, and a life of truth is happiness. [8]

  你们这些渴望生命的人啊,知道不朽隐匿在无常之中。你们这些希望拥有没有遗憾的幸福之人啊,将率先得到正直的生命。你们这些想要财富的人啊,将会得到永久的财宝。真理就是财富,幸福就是拥有真理的生命。 8

  All compounds will be dissolved again,

  but the verities which determine all combination and separations

  as laws of nature endure forever and aye.

  Bodies fall to dust, but the truths of the mind will not be destroyed. [9]

  一切和合之物将再次被消解,而决定万物聚散的真理同自然规律一样永远存在。肉体会归于尘土,但思想的真理不会被摧毁。 9

  Truth knows neither birth nor death;

  it has no beginning and no end.

  Welcome the truth. The truth is the immortal part of mind. [10]

  真理知道既无生亦无死,真理无开端也无终止。让我们来欢迎真理吧。真理是思想的不朽部分。 10

  Establish the truth in your mind,

  for the truth is the image of the eternal;

  it portrays the immutable;

  it reveals the everlasting;

  the truth gives unto mortals the boon of immortality. [11]

  在你们的心灵之中确立真理吧,因为真理是永恒的形象,它描绘了永恒,揭示了恒在,赐给人类不朽的恩惠。 11

  The Buddha has proclaimed the truth;

  let the truth of the Buddha dwell in your hearts.

  Extinguish in your selves every desire that antagonizes the Buddha,

  and in the perfection of your spiritual growth you will become like unto him. [12]

  佛陀揭示了真理。让佛陀的真理在你们的心田中停驻吧。将你们心中每一个与佛陀教诲相反的欲望扑灭吧,这样在灵性成长的完善中你们将会像佛陀一样。 12

  That of your heart that cannot or will not develop into Buddha must perish;

  for it is mere illusion and unreal;

  it is the source of your error;

  it is the cause of your misery. [13]

  必须去除你们心中不能或不愿成佛的想法,因为这只是幻相和不真,是你们的谬见之源,痛苦之因。 13

  You attain to immortality by filling your minds with truth.

  Therefore, become like unto vessles fit to receive the Master's words.

  Cleanse yourselves of evil and sanctify your lives.

  There is no other way of reaching truth. [14]

  你们要靠用真理填充头脑来努力得到不朽。为此,你们要像容器一样随时装灌佛陀的话语。清洁你们自身的罪恶,使你们的生命得以圣洁。到达真理别无他路。 14

  Learn to distinguish between Self and Truth.

  Self is the cause of selfishness and the source of evil;

  truth cleaves to no self;

  it is universal and leads to justice and righteousness. [15]

  要学会区别自我和真理。自我是自私之因和罪恶之源;真理坚守无我,遍在宇宙并通向公平和正义。 15

  Self, that which seems to those who love their selves as their being,

  is not the eternal, the everlasting, the imperishable.

  Seek not self,

  but seek the truth. [16]

  自我,似乎是那些将自我当作本质来爱的人,不是永恒,不是恒在,是必然要消亡的。不要寻求自我,但要寻求真理。 16

  If we liberate our souls from our petty selves, wish no ill toothers,

  and become clear as a crystal diamond reflecting the light of truth,

  what a radiant picture will appear in us mirroring things as they are,

  without the admixture of burning desires,

  without the distortion of erroneous illusion,

  without the agitation of clinging and unrest. [17]

  如果我们将我们的灵魂从渺小的自我中解放出来,希望不去伤害他人,变得如同反射真理之光的透明钻石一样洁净,那么,一幅光明的图景将呈现在我们心中。这图景反映了事物的本来面目,没有各种混合在一起并蠢蠢欲动的欲望,没有扭曲的错误幻相,也没有执著和不安的焦虑。 17

  Yet ye love self and will not abandon self-love.

  So be it, but then, verily,

  ye should learn to distinguish between the false self and the true self.

  The ego with all its egotism is the false self.

  It is an unreal illusion and a perishable combination.

  He only who identifies his self with the truth will atain Nirvana;

  and he who has entered Nirvana has attained Buddhahood;

  he has acquired the highest good;

  he has become eternal and immortal. [18]

  然而,你们爱自我,不能放弃对自我的爱。但是,你们实在应该学会区分错误的自我和真实的自我。自我及由此而来的所有自尊自大是错误的自我。错误的自我是一种不真实的幻相、一种可以消亡的聚合。只有那些将自我等同于真理的人才能达到涅槃境界,进入涅槃境界的人才能达到佛的境界,获得至高的善,成为永恒和不朽。 18

  All compound things shall be dissolved again,

  worlds will break to pieces and our individualities will be scattered;

  but the words of theBuddha will remain for ever. [19]

  一切聚合之物将再次被消解,世界会毁灭成碎片,我们这些个体将被驱散,但是佛陀的话语将永远存留。 19

  The extinction of self is salvation;

  the annihilation of self is the condition of enlightenment;

  the blotting out of self is Nirvana.

  Happy is he who has ceased to live for pleasure and rests in the truth.

  Verily his composure and tranquillity of mind are the highest bliss. [20]

  破除自我便可得救,灭绝自我是悟道的前提,去除自我就是涅槃。不再为享受而活、在真理中得到休息的人是幸福的,心灵的真正安宁和寂静是最为快乐的。 20

  Let us take our refuge in the Buddha,

  for he has found the everlasting in the transient.

  Let us take refuge in that which is the immutable in the changes of existence.

  Let us take our refuge in the truth that is established through the enlightenment of the Buddha.

  Let us take our refuge in the community of those who seek the truth and endeavour to live in the truth. [21]

  让我们在佛陀那里寻求庇护吧,因为他在无常中找到了真理。让我们在万物皆变这一不变那里寻求庇护吧,让我们在真理那里寻求庇护吧,这真理是通过佛陀教导而得以成立的。让我们在寻求真理并尽心生活在真理中的群体那里寻求庇护吧。 21



五明学习 内明 净土宗禅宗密宗成实宗地论宗法相宗华严宗律宗 南传涅盘宗毗昙宗三论宗摄论宗天台宗综论其它


佛言佛语我们这个时代的人,争强好胜,从早到晚,贪财、贪色、贪名、贪利,什么都要,实际上临死的时候,一样也带不走。也许你认为“我现在还没死”,那是你一种错误的想法。你每天晚上睡觉,睡着就是小死了一回。你睡着的时候,这世间哪一样东西是属于你自己的?睡熟了,人家把你的身体抬走,你都不晓得,这跟死有什么两样? 摘录自佛言网由佛前明灯发布