保罗·卡卢斯:佛陀的福音 觉悟 Enlightenment
2014/9/4   热度:931
保罗·卡卢斯:佛陀的福音 觉悟 Enlightenment Enlightenment 12.觉 悟 The Bodhisatta, having put Mara to flight, gave himself up to meditation. All the miseries of the world, the evils produced by evil deeds and the sufferings arising therefrom, passed before his mental eye, and he thought: [1] 菩萨在波旬逃离后陷入了沉思冥想中。尘世的所有痛苦、因恶行而生的罪恶以及因此而来的苦难,在他心灵之眼面前一一掠过,他想: 1 "Surely if living creatures saw the results of all their evil deeds, they would turn away from them in disgust. But selfhood blinds them, and they cling to their obnoxious desires. [2] “如果众生确实看到了他们所有恶行的后果,他们将会厌恶这后果。但是自我蒙蔽了他们,他们因此不能脱离令人生厌的欲望。 2 "They crave pleasure for themselves and they cause pain to others; when death destroys their individuality, they find no peace; their thirst for existence abides and their selfhood reappears in new births. [3] “他们渴望自己幸福却给他人带来痛苦。当死亡毁坏他们的个体时,他们找不到宁静。他们渴求生命永在,他们的自我在新生中重现。 3 "Thus they continue to move in the coil and can find no escape from the hell of their own making. And how empty are their pleasures, how vain are their endeavours! Hollow like the plantain-tree and without contents like the bubble. [4] “因而他们继续在烦恼中苟且生活,囿于他们自己所造的地狱而不能逃脱。他们的欢乐多么空虚,他们的努力是多么徒劳!像大焦树一样中空,像泡沫一样没有内容。 4 "The world is full of evil and sorrow, because it is full of lust. Men go astray because they think that delusion is better than truth. Rather than truth they follow error, which is pleasant to look at in the beginning but in the end causes anxiety, tribulation, and misery." [5] “尘世充满了罪恶和悲伤,因为尘世中欲望无处不在。人们认为妄念优于真理,所以他们陷入迷途。他们不去追求真理反去跟从谬见,跟从谬见开始看来是快乐的,但是最后的结果则是焦虑、磨难和痛苦。” 5 And the Bodhisatta began to expound the Dharma. The Dharma is the truth. The Dharma is the sacred law. The Dharma is religion. The Dharma alone can deliver us from error, from wrong and from sorrow. [6] 接着菩萨开始解说佛法。佛法是真理。佛法是圣道。佛法是宗教。佛法独自便能将我们从谬见、错误和悲伤中拯救出来。 6 Pondering on the origin of birth and death, the Enlightened One recognized that ignorance was the root of all evil; and these are the links in the development of life, called the twelve nidanas: [7] 觉悟者沉思着生死的起源,他意识到无知是所有罪恶的根源,这些是人生发展变化的环节,即所谓的十二因缘: 7 In the beginning there is existence blind and without knowledge; and in this sea of ignorance there are stirrings, formative and organizing. From stirrings, formative and organizing, rises awareness or feelings. Feelings beget organisms that live as individual beings. These organisms develop the six fields, that is, the five senses and the mind. The six fields come incontact with things. Contact begets sensation. Sensation creates the thirst of individualized being. The thirst of being creates a cleaving to things. The cleaving produces the growth and continuation of selfhood. Selfhood continues in renewed births. The renewed births of selfhood are the cause of suffering, old age, sickness, and death. They produce lamentation, anxiety, and dispair. [8] 最初是茫然无知的存在。接着在无知之海中有了生机、形状和组织。从生机、形状和组织中有了意识和知觉。知觉生出像个体生命一样存活的有机体。这些有机体发展为六入,即五种感觉和意识。六入和外物接触。接触引起感觉。感觉产生了个体生命的欲望。个体生命的欲望产生了对物的执着。执着引起了自我的成长和延续。自我在新的生命中继续。自我的新生是苦难、老、病以及死亡的原因。它们产生了悲伤、焦虑和绝望。 8 The cause of all sorrow lies at the very beginning; it is hidden in the ignorance from which life grows. Remove ignorance and you will destroy the wrong appetences that rise from ignorance; destroy these appetences and you will wipe out the wrong perception that rises from them. Destroy wrong perception and there is an end of errors in individualized beings. Destroy the error in individualized beings and the illusions of the six fields will disappear. Destroy illusions and the contact with things will cease to beget misconception. Destroy misconception and you do away with thirst. Destroy thirst and you will be free of all morbid cleaving. Remove the cleaving and you destroy the selfishness of selfhood. If the selfishness of selfhood is destroyed you will be above birth, old age, disease, and death, and you will escape all suffering. [9] 所有悲伤的原因在于最初的开端,它隐匿在生命起源的无知中。抛开无知,你将消灭从无知中产生的错误本能。消灭了这些本能,你将会清除从本能而来的错误知觉。消灭了错误知觉,个体生命中的种种谬见便会结束。消灭了个体生命中的谬见,六入中的幻相便会消失。消灭了幻相和外物的接触,错觉就不会产生。消灭了错觉,你就会远离欲望。消灭了欲望,你就会脱离可怕的执着。抛开了执着,消灭自我的自私自利。如果消灭了自我的自私自利,你将超越生、老、病和死,你将脱离一切苦难。 9 The enlightened One saw the four noble truths which point out the path that leads to Nirvana or the extinction of self: [10] 觉悟者看到了四圣谛,即指明通向涅槃或者破灭自我的四条道路: 10 The first noble truth is the existence of sorrow. [11] 第一圣谛是悲伤的遍在。 11 The second noble truth is the cause of suffering. [12] 第二圣谛是苦难的原因。 12 The third noble truth is cessation of sorrow. [13] 第三圣谛是悲伤的止息。 13 The fourth noble truth is the eightfold path that leads to the cessation of sorrow. [14] 第四圣谛是引导停止悲伤的八条道路。 14 This is the Dharma. This is the truth. This is religion. And the Enlightened One uttered this stanza: [15] 这就是佛法。这就是真理。这就是宗教。觉悟者吟出这首偈: 在无数的轮回生死中, 我徒劳地寻找痛苦之屋的建造者。 15 "Through many births I sought in vain The Builder of this House of Pain. Now, Builder, thee I plainly see! This is the last abode for me. Thy gable's yoke and rafters broke, My heart has peace. All lust will cease." [16] 现在,我见到了你这建屋者, 你的房梁和椽木被斩断, 我心中有安宁。一切欲望都止息。 16 There is self and there is truth. Where self is, truth is not. Where truth is, self is not. Self is the fleeting error of samsara; it is individual separateness and that egotism which begets envy and hatred. Self is the yearning for pleasure and the lust after vanity. Truth is the correct comprehension of things; it is the permanent and everlasting, the real in all existence, the bliss of righteousness. [17] 有自我也有真理。自我所在之处,不会有真理。真理所在之处,不会有自我。自我是轮回中飞逝而过的谬见,是个体的分散,自尊自大导致嫉妒和憎恨。自我是对空虚背后的快乐和欲望的渴求。真理是对事物的正确理解,它是永存和恒在,是一切存在中的真实,是正义的喜乐。 17 The existence of self is an illusion, and there is no wrong in this world, no vise, no evil, except what flows fromt the assertion of self. [18] 自我的存在是一种幻相,除了因主张自我而来的事物之外,这世上没有错误、没有邪恶、没有罪过。 18 The attainment of truth is possible only when self is recognized as an illusion. Righteousness can be practised only when we have freed our mind from passions of egotism. Perfect peace can dwell only where all vanity has disappeared. [19] 只有当认识到自我是一种幻相时,才可能获得真理。只有当我们将心灵从对自我的感情中解脱出来时,正义才能得以实施。只有在一切空虚消失时,全然的静寂才可得以停驻。 19 Blessed is he who has understood the Dharma. Blessed is he who does no harm to his fellow-beings. Blessed is he who overcomes wrong and is free from passion. To the highest bliss has he attained who has conquered all selfishness and vanity. He has become the Buddha, the Perfect One, the Blessed One, the Holy One. [20] 理解佛法的人有?了。不伤害生命的人有福了。战胜错误脱离感情的人有福了。征服一切自私自利和空虚的人获得了至高的喜乐。他成为佛陀、完美者、至福者、至圣者。 20
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佛言佛语:六百卷《大般若》,可以归纳成九个字,世出世间一切法,“无所有、毕竟空、不可得”。 (摘录自佛言网,由佛前明灯发布)