念佛四十八法:19) 老实持名

2014/9/4    热度:220   

念佛四十八法:19) 老实持名


  19) 老实持名

  True and Earnest Buddha Recitation

  To eschew wealth and fame, to avoid showing off one’s capacities, but merely to practice sincerely – this is something very few can achieve.

  The ancients taught that it is difficult to find a “dull and ignorant” Zen practitioner, even if we go out of our way. Yet, a practitioner of Buddha Recitation need only worry that he is not “dull and ignorant”.

  The two words “true and earnest” are a straight highway leading to the Pure Land. Why? It is because when Buddha Recitation is true and earnest, there are only the words “Amitabha Buddha”, and not a single deluded thought.

  既不求名利,又不逞才能,老实修行,最为难得,祖师云:参禅中觅个痴钝人不可 得,今之念佛人,正患其不痴钝耳?!老实二字,是生西方之一直大路,何以故?老 实者,不于阿弥陀佛四字外,添一毫妄想也。


  The practitioner who singlemindedly recites the Buddha’s name, is not attached to any external realm, is unmoved by any disturbances and sees everything as not connected in any way to himself – such a person may appear outwardly as extremely naive, “dull and ignorant”. However, he is precisely the one who is truly enlightened, truly pure. Such a person is not easy to find!

  Furthermore, according to Pure Land teaching: “without singleminded recitation, it is impossible to achieve re-birth in the Pure Land.” With singlemindedness, myriad conditions are left behind and only the Buddha’s name remains. At that time, the practitioner’s m ind and the Buddha Mind are in unison; the Western Pure Land is not separate from the practitioner. There is no need to probe deep or ponder far, for the Buddha’s realm is in front of us. The Pure land path is truly unique!



五明学习 内明 净土宗禅宗密宗成实宗地论宗法相宗华严宗律宗南传涅盘宗毗昙宗三论宗摄论宗天台宗综论其它


佛言佛语佛与大菩萨没有烦恼,为什么?他没有得失,得到了他不欢喜,丢掉了他不烦恼,他没有得失心,他真正快乐。 六祖说得好,“本来无一物”,有一个看法,就有了一物;又有了一个看法,就有了二物,你心怎么能清净下来呢?佛教我们把妄想见解舍掉,舍得越干净越好,越干净你的心就越清净,心越清净你的智慧就越增长,这是学佛的秘诀。 摘录自佛言网由佛前明灯发布