念佛四十八法:24) 恳切持名
2014/9/4   热度:280
念佛四十八法:24) 恳切持名 24) 恳切持名 Recite the Buddha’s Name in Earnest In daily life, if you see anyone stuck in a situation that deserves compassion, but you do not respond, it is contrary to human morality. However, if you only develop intellectual compassion but fail to act, how can you merge with the compassionate nature of the Buddhas? Once compassion has developed, you must find a way to save others from suffering – a way to help all sentient beings escape suffering once and for all. You should realize that the reason why Buddha Amitabha is honored with the title “Great Compassionate Being” is that He always rescues sentient beings. Since it is based on this compassion that you seek the Buddha’s assistance to escape suffering, how can you fail to recite with the highest level of resolve? 处一切无可如何之境,而不悲者,非人情矣!然处一切无可如何之境,而徒悲者,又 岂明佛性乎!既悲矣!则当思出苦,当思与一切众生毕竟出苦,当思佛之所以称大悲 者,为其能拔众生出苦也,我以悲心念佛,求佛之悲,拔我之苦,其念宜何如恳切 耶? Commentary The purpose of Buddha Recitation is to transcend Birth and Death. However, Birth and Death is a heavy chain, extremely difficult to wrench free of, as our bad karma and afflictions are too deep-rooted. Moreover, transgressions and evil karma are accumulating continuously, day in and day out. If our power of recitation is weak and our thoughts are not utterly sincere and determined, we cannot escape Birth and Death ourselves, let alone help others. Therefore, we must be extremely earnest and sincere in reciting the Buddha’s name, so as to be in unison with His Com- passionate M ind – like a lost child who longs to be re-united with his mother.
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佛言佛语:学佛一定要善巧,不懂善巧,你每天读经,每天听经,不能开智慧;不但不能开智慧,反而天天增长你的所知障。会听的人听而无听,无听而听,就会开智慧了,那是《金刚经》上佛教给我们的秘诀“不取于相,如如不动”。不取相,不是不要相,譬如我们今天对着经本,这是相,师父在那里说,我们在听,是相,这个相接触,接触怎么样?不执着。我看经,不着文字相,我听讲,不着言说相,心里面不打妄想,什么念头都没有。你听经,“这段讲得不错,那个讲得很好”,那就糟糕,你着了相。你要是着了相,你永远开不了悟。马鸣菩萨的《大乘起信论》,教我们三个原则:不着言说相、不着文字相、不着心缘相。我们无论是读经、听经,第一要“离言说相”,不能执着言语;第二要“离名字相”,不要执着这些名词术语;第三要“离心缘相”,心里面不要想这些道理。这里头没有道理,你才能够体会,你只要起心动念就错了,你一起心动念统统叫妄想。 (摘录自佛言网,由佛前明灯发布)