念佛四十八法:28) 心念心听持名
2014/9/4   热度:597
念佛四十八法:28) 心念心听持名 28) 心念心听持名 Self-Nature Recitation, Self-Nature Listening The m ind begins to think, which moves the tongue; the tongue in turn moves, producing sound, and that sound returns to the Self-Mind. This is the method of “m ind reciting, m ind listening.” If the m ind recites and listens, the eyes cannot see wrongly, the nose cannot sme l wrongly, the body cannot move wrongly because the master (the mind) has been “kidnapped” by the words “Amitabha Buddha”. 心忆而后动于舌,舌动而复返于心,舌既有声,耳还自听,是为心念心听(注二)也。 心念心听,则目自不能妄视,鼻自不能妄嗅,身自不能妄动,一个主人翁,被阿弥陀 佛四字请出来也。 Commentary To recite the Buddha’s name is to recite the Buddha of the Self-Mind; the ears hearing the Buddha’s name actua ly hear the Self-Mind. The sound comes from the Self-Mind and returns to the Self-Mind, turning around and around in a circle. Not even a bit of deluded thought remains, and as a result, all mundane dusts, all deluded realms disappear. Recite the Buddha’s name, recite the Mind, The M ind recites the Buddha; Meditate, Meditate on the Self-Nature, The Self-Nature meditates.
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佛言佛语:我们完成任何功德善事之后,都要马上回向,为什么呢?因为我们自己因为信念不坚定,对很多事情无明,甚至是愚痴的,有时我们做了善事之后,会后悔,后悔之后再回向,就不圆满了。那如何做回向呢?我们念佛的人,通常将所做善事之功德回向给尽虚空、遍法界无量无边的众生,愿他们都能离苦得乐,都能早日脱离六道轮回,早日往生西方极乐世界。象发心一样,我们也可以在做完上面回向之后,再加上:如家人生病,就回向给家人的冤亲债主早日蒙佛得度,早生极乐等。 (摘录自佛言网,由明华居士发布)