念佛四十八法:30) 光中持名

2014/9/4    热度:183   

念佛四十八法:30) 光中持名


  30) 光中持名

  Recitation in the Light of the Self-Mind

  If [all] sounds are the sound of the Self-Mind, then [all] lights are also the light of the Self-Mind. If the sound of the Self-Mind exists anywhere, the light of the Self- M ind also shines from that place. If you rest in the sound of the Self-Mind to recite the Buddha’s name, you are resting in the light of the Self-Mind as you recite. This is also the supreme realm where the polluted, afflicted m ind has been eliminated. The practitioner should strive to cultivate this method.

  声者心声也,光者亦心光也。心声旋绕之处,即心光焕发之处。安住于心声中而念 佛,即安住于光明中而念佛也,此亦胜境,能灭心垢,宜勤习之。



五明学习 内明 净土宗禅宗密宗成实宗地论宗法相宗华严宗律宗南传涅盘宗毗昙宗三论宗摄论宗天台宗综论其它


佛言佛语我们平时在与别人讨论佛法过程中,如果说错话,或者理解错了经文的意思等等,经常被他人说成谤佛谤法,会堕地狱,其实是不会的,因为真正谤佛谤法会堕入地狱,是指对佛经或佛法的恶意否定,其实世间本无善无恶,善恶与我们的心念及动机有关。南无阿弥陀佛! ​​​​ 摘录自佛言网由明华居士发布