念佛四十八法:32) 不断持名
2014/9/4   热度:192
念佛四十八法:32) 不断持名 32) 不断持名 Uninterrupted Recitation Recite in the morning, recite in the evening, recite when you are at leisure, recite when you are busy, recite in clean places, recite in unclean places – there should not be a single thought which is not of the Buddha. Even if you have to entertain friends and serve guests every day and thus have to interrupt your recitation, only vocal recitation should be interrupted, not mental recitation. Practicing with such constancy, you can easily achieve samadhi. 朝也念,暮也念,无事也念,有事也念,净处也念,秽处也念,无有一念非佛者,即 使日用应酬有时间断,然断其言句不能断其真命脉也,功夫至此,成片易矣!
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佛言佛语:佛告诉我们,“一切众生皆有佛性”,佛性就是自性,众生的佛性为什么不见了?禁不起社会上种种邪恶的诱惑,无始来的烦恼习气现前,所以佛性不见了,就这么回事情。 佛性不见了,是不是真的不见?不是。佛跟我们说,是我们有障碍把它障住了。什么东西障碍了?烦恼习气障碍了。如何恢复?如理如法地修行。 这个如理如法,我们再说得明白一点,是随顺佛陀的教诲去做,不再随顺自己的烦恼习气。随顺佛陀的教诲去做,这个“去做”就是修行。 (摘录自佛言网,由明华居士发布)