念佛四十八法:33) 不杂持名
2014/9/4   热度:191
念佛四十八法:33) 不杂持名 33) 不杂持名 Recitation without Sundry Thoughts The absence of sundry thoughts is “stopping”. Stopping is the cause of samadhi. If you can put a stop to sundry (impure) thoughts, correct thoughts (samadhi) will naturally appear. Sundry thoughts fall into three categories: good, bad and neutral. To eliminate all three is to eliminate sundry thoughts.(16) The mind requires stillness. With stillness, neither good nor bad thoughts arise. The m ind requires clarity. With clarity, there is no “neutral” thought. There is no recitation except recitation of the Buddha’s name. Therefore, the m ind is always still. In recitation, there is [only] Buddha, therefore, the m ind is always bright and clear. 不杂者即是止也,止者定之机也,止杂念而正念现矣!杂念有三:一善念、一恶念、一无记念,三者除尽,方为不杂。心要寂寂,寂寂则善恶念不生,心要惺惺,惺惺则 无记念不生;佛外无念,故常寂寂;念中有佛,故常惺惺。
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佛言佛语:学佛,用什么心态去学?老实、听话、真干。听谁的话?听佛的话、听祖师的话。经典上所说的都是佛的话、都是祖师的话。祖师是有修有证的大成就者,而这里面许许多多是佛菩萨再来的、圣贤再来的,不可轻慢,更不可随意去批评。随意批评,等于毁谤三宝。 (摘录自佛言网,由佛前明灯发布)