念佛四十八法:3) 端身持名
2014/9/4   热度:200
念佛四十八法:3) 端身持名 3) 端身持名 Regulating the Body during Buddha Recitation Having decided to practice Buddha Recitation, you must keep your body pure (6) at all times and in all movements and gestures – whether walking, standing, sitting or reclining. When the body is pure, the m ind will also be pure. The Pure Land practitioner should ponder this teaching. It is never wrong. 既以此身念佛,于一切行、住、坐、卧时,务常端正,身若端正,心即清净,当人自验诚不我欺。 Commentary The body has a strong influence on the mind. Therefore, in order to have a strong, upright spirit and an unflinching faith in both self-power and Other-power (the power of the Buddhas), and to practice Buddha Recitation resolutely, it is necessary to cultivate an exceptionally pure body before starting out. The m ind is pure because the body-karma is tranquil and undefiled. Thus, for Buddha recitation to yield good results, the first condition is to keep the body pure.
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佛言佛语:老实人容易成就:倓虚法师的《影尘回忆录》记载一个晒蜡烛的法师,他是寺庙里的香灯师,没有念过书,也不认识字,他最大的长处是老实。一些年轻法师欺负他,六月热天,告诉他:“蜡烛要晒,不晒就长霉了。”他把蜡烛全搬到外面去晒,结果全晒化掉了。老和尚知道后叫他到阿育王寺去拜释迦牟尼佛的舍利。他老实拜了三年,每天三千拜,开悟了。能做诗,能做偈,还能讲经说法。 (摘录自佛言网,由明华居士发布)