念佛四十八法:6) 低声持名
2014/9/4   热度:215
念佛四十八法:6) 低声持名 6) 低声持名 Buddha Recitation in a Low Voice When the m ind is scattered, or when you are tired and weighed down by many pressing tasks, you need not recite aloud. You need only focus your m ind and thoughts and recite carefu ly in a low voice. Only when your breath returns to normal, your spirits rise, and your m ind is calm and at peace, should you recite aloud. 若精神散失时,或劳极逼迫时,不必高声,自收敛神明,低声细念,候气息完固,精神勃兴,便可高声念佛。 Commentary The purpose of reciting the Buddha’s name in a low voice is to treat the disease of scattered mind. There are times when the volume and pressure of work or other demanding activities make m ind and body overburdened and weary. At these times, it is better to recite in a low voice, as reciting aloud can only add fuel to the fire and increase the power of the demon of scattered mind. To recite in a low voice, with each word, each sentence clearly and carefu ly enunciated, gradually settles the mind. When that point is reached, one can then recite aloud.
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佛言佛语:弟子问释迦牟尼佛:您既神通又慈悲,为何还有人受苦? 释迦答曰:我虽有宇宙最大的神通力,但依然有四件事情是做不到的:因果不可改;智慧不可赐;真法不可说;无缘不能度。 (摘录自佛言网,由佛前明灯发布)