2014/9/3   热度:161
“禅门公案”的语用学研究 作者: 庞亚飞 【资料形态】硕博文库 【文献属性】山西大学,外国语言学及应用语言学,2005年度硕士学位论文 【文章标题】“禅门公案”的语用学研究 【英文标题】Treatise on the Linguistic Phenomena in the Pubic Issues of Chan School from the Pragmatic Perspective 【文章作者】庞亚飞 【指导教师】于国栋 【中文关键词】禅门公案; 语用学; 关联理论; 顺应理论; 【英文关键词】the public issues of Chan School; pragmatic; Relevance Theory; Linguistic Adaptation Theory; 【中文摘要】佛教作为传统中国文化不可分割的部分,对中国社会生活的各个方面产生着深远的影响,是我国社会科学研究的重要课题之一。公案原来指官府司法判断的典型案例,禅宗把这个术语借用乐趣,指禅师名宿的言行范例,以供参学者从中领会禅的意旨。禅师在校验学人对禅的宗旨是已经领会时,往往取公案加以参照。因此,公案既是探讨祖师思想的资料,又是判断当前禅僧是非的标准,具有典型性和权威性。众多学者关于佛教的著述可谓汗牛充栋,成绩斐然。住语言学领域,目前的研究主要集中在佛教对中国语言文字的影响,但是关于佛教语言本身的研究却比较零散。近年来,虽然有些学者就此展开了尝试性的研究,但就方法论而言,主要采用了定性的研究方法,而且重点是从描写佛教的起源、宗旨和目的来介绍佛教的语言观。 中国佛教研究的过程,就是“从历史学的研究到哲学的研究再到文化学的研究”(方立天,2001)。从历史学的角度研究佛教,主要体现在整理研究佛教典籍,编撰各类佛教史,论述佛教的发展历程以及与中国政治、经济和文化的关系等。从哲学的角度研究佛教,主要是应用历史唯物主义的基本原理和方法,从哲学的高度研究中国佛教思想的深层内涵;... 【英文摘要】Buddhism, an essential part of traditional Chinese culture, exerts a great influence upon the various aspects of Chinese social life, and naturally and necessarily is one of research objects of social studies. Public issues of Chan School are the model literatures documenting Chen masters' successful experiences of meditation on and understanding of the truth, hence classical and authoritative. Many scholars have published a myriad of works on Buddhism and made numerous achievements. In linguistic field, th... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acknowledgements 4-5 Abstract 5-7 摘要 7-10 Chapter One Introduction 10-16 1.1 The object of the present research 10-11 1.2 The rationale of the research 11-13 1.3 A review of the relevant literature: perspectives and methodology in the existing studies 13-14 1.4 Notes on methodology and data collection 14-15 1.5 Outline of the thesis 15-16 Chapter Two Linguistic Phenomena in the Public Issues of Chan School 16-30 2.1 Chan School's linguistic view and its formation 16-20 2.1.1 Independence on words 17-19 2.1.2 Dependence on words 19-20 2.2 Categories of the public issues of Chan School 20-23 2.2.1 Non-verbal communication 20-22 2.2.2 Verbal communication 22-23 2.3 The characteristics of language use in the public issues 23-30 2.3.1 Employing symbols and parables to form a symbolic language system 23-25 Application of parable 23-24 Application of symbols and images 24-25 2.3.2 Employing unreasonable words 25-26 2.3.3 Putting mutually exclusive images together to form inconceivable intuitive system 26-27 2.3.4 Employing behaviors 27-28 2.3.5 Employing extreme means 28-30 Chapter Three Description of the Conceptual Framework 30-37 3.1 Relevance theory 30-34 3.2 Linguistic adaptation theory 34-37 Chapter Four Relevance of Linguistic Phenomena in the Public Issues 37-51 4.1 Relevance: the cognitive crux of public issues of Chan School 37-43 4.1.1 The cognitive effects of the public issues 37-39 4.1.2 Ostension and implicature of the public issues 39-41 4.1.3 The processing efforts and the cognitive effects 41-43 4.2 The cognitive contexts and the identification of implicatures of linguistic phenomena of public issues 43-51 4.2.1 The importance of the encyclopedic knowledge in the construction of cognitive contexts 44-45 4.2.2. Subdivisions of encyclopedia involved in the public issues 45-51 General knowledge of life 45-46 The knowledge about Buddhism 46-48 The knowledge of Satori 48-51 Chapter Five The Heuristic of Sutras and the Inspiration of Heidegger's Philosophy View 51-54 5.1 The heuristic of Sutras 51-52 5.2 Suggestion of Heidegger's philosophy view 52-54 Chapter Six Conclusion 54-57 6.1 Major findings 54-56 6.2 Limitations 56 6.3 Suggestions for further study 56-57 Bibliography 57-59
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