隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 其它 Miscellaneous

2014/9/4    热度:330   

隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 其它 Miscellaneous


  Part 2: Walking The Path 第2篇:行道

  2-3. Stages of Practice 修学阶段

  2-3-5. Miscellaneous 其它


  A problem that I would like to draw your attention to is that most of us tend to be attached to the scriptures, which is good, it's not that it's bad, but we should reflect with awareness and wisdom.


  To give an example : It is generally believed that one gets rewarded so and so much for making merit, being generous and keeping precepts ; my parents believed that and myself, I have made merit, made offerings, kept precepts, supported an ordination, helped to erect a temple, a hall and dwelling places, but I still didn't know what merit really is.


  When I was a kid, my parents told me one gets lots of merit by putting food into a monks bowl ; one recieves results for centuries. But in reality, aeons or centuries are a figurative way of talking of people in the past and it has been handed down to clarify the Dhamma, so that people with the divine eye and ear would see. People with the divine eye and ear are people with awareness and wisdom, the kind of wisdom that is able to pierce the outer bark of phenomena until seeing the truth in its entirety. It is not the divine eye and ear as we generally understand it.



  Let me stress again that having come here, we should make ourselves into the best type of rice, putting all our effort and intelligence into it. When we've heard the instructions and teachings, we should comprehend it and remember it. Make yourself into a flower fully in bud ; when it recieves sunlight, it blooms straight away. All of us here, the same : if we have enough intelligence, we're ready to mature and bloom just like that flower.


  The teachings of the Buddha compares with sunlight that exists already. If we practice in the right way, the results of practice and Nibbana will appear. On the contrary, even though the teachings and code of conduct laid down by the Buddha exist ; if we don't practice accordingly, we definitely won't reap the fruits of practice or Nibbana.



  Let's reflect on the belief that we have to perfect certain qualities in search of Nibbana by filling up a big pond, throwing sesame seeds in the pit, hole or pond ; one seed at a time, until it is full. This obviously takes a long time. Believing this is to take it literally without using wisdom ; someone like that doesn't have the divine eye and ear. Filling up a pit 100 leagues wide, 100 leagues deep with sesame seeds, one seed every 100 years - 1 year in heaven equals 100 years on earth - an angel comes to throw it in ; when it's full this is called one aeon. The real meaning of this that can be practiced, is that the filling up of the pond with the sesame seeds is to develop awareness by turning the hand up and down, having awareness every moment is the meaning of each sesame seed, when awareness is perfected, there is no more suffering, in other words the pit is full. So people with the divine eye and ear try to do this all the time in order to perfect awareness, concentration and wisdom, and they don't let time get wasted.



  It is the same with merit, demerit, hell, heaven and Nibbana : we tend to misunderstand the true meaning ; we tend to believe that after making merit we get reborn as something or other in heaven. People who say that heaven is like this and like that with many different levels, are only just talking but they don't know for themselves, they've read it in a book, they remember it and tell others without reflecting or investigating the truth of it properly.

  But somebody with the divine eye and ear will comprehend the matter instantly, having examined it.



  The reason that there are these wrong beliefs is that the Buddha passed away a long time ago and in the time of the Buddha there was no writing, not even during the first few councils after the passing away of the Buddha and the eras were far apart from each other. Only at the fifth council were the teachings recorded in script ; this was as much as 450 years after the passing away of the Buddha : that's a very long tirne ! Those who were present at this latter council may really have known the teachings and code of conduct completely or to some extent, or i t may be that they didn't really know but only knew from memory and recorded it as they could remember it. And then people in modern times believe according to what they hear and read in books.


  The Buddhist scriptures, that we take these days to be the reference or authority, are good, it is not that they are not good but how much has disappeared, been adjusted and been added to it, is hard to guess. Just think of yourself, having grown up to have your present age, who can remember the first word that your parents spoke to you, what did they say ? Just that much, we can't even remember and it's not even as long ago as 100 years !


  Somebody with the divine eye and ear will see the truth as it is and will see through the books and information, he or she will view what is the genuine truth and will have the chance to realize and really know the things that the Buddha taught for us to practice without having to believe anybody or any scriptures whatsoever. I believe that this very way of developing awareness will give people the wisdom to come to realisation and real insight.







五明学习 内明 净土宗禅宗密宗成实宗地论宗法相宗华严宗律宗 南传涅盘宗毗昙宗三论宗摄论宗天台宗综论其它


佛言佛语“信”字不容易!我们今天想修净土法门,听到人家那里讲禅宗,心里羡慕,还想学;听说那个地方有密宗灌顶,也想去参加,这是什么?虽有信,没有根! 没有根的信,就像水上浮萍一样,随风飘荡,八识田中种一个福田而已,这一生不可能有成就。大家自己可以省察一下,也可以观察这些学佛的朋友,哪个人有成就,哪个人没有成就,我们心里都会有数,很清楚、很明白。凡是心地会动摇、见异思迁这种人,这一生不可能成就;凡是坚信不疑,绝无动摇,这个人这一生会有成就。真正有信根,跟大家说,跟一个老师,走一个道场,这个人有信根。你对哪个老师深信不疑,对你有好处!经上常说:“信为道元功德母,长养一切诸善根”,你看信多么重要! 摘录自佛言网由明华居士发布