隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 圣眼与圣耳 Divine Eye - Divine Ear
2014/9/4   热度:168
隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 圣眼与圣耳 Divine Eye - Divine Ear 1-1-4. DIVINE EYE - DIVINE EAR圣眼与圣耳 What I said at the beginning, that the Buddha teaches us to have the divine eye and ear means the eye and ear that are able to see and hear what appears out of not-knowing i.e. greed, hatred & delusion that core up at the senses, it doesn't mean seeing or hearing something else. These 3 defilements are comparable to bandits or satan that come to snatch the throne or seat of awareness, concentration and wisdom away, so that one is deprived of cleanliness, brightness and peace. We should find and keep this kind of divine eye and ear because it is the divine eye and ear that will lead us to Nibbana. Life will be without suffering. 我前面一开始说:佛陀教导我们获得圣眼与圣耳。这是指能看见和听到贪瞋痴心的眼睛和耳朵,而不是能看见或听到其它什么东西。贪瞋痴心深藏在我们感官的核心底层,而且当我们没有觉知时它就会流窜而出。这三种烦恼就好比是强盗或魔鬼,会夺走觉-定-慧的皇冠与宝座,而让我们失去清净、光明和安祥。我们必须去找到并守护这样的圣眼与圣耳,因为,就是这圣眼与圣耳能引领我们趣入涅槃,让生命没有苦恼。 Even at the moment that you hear me talking, may you be filled with virtue and Dhamma. Know like; know dislike. Know boredom, know annoyance, whatever the mind thinks : know and see it ! 就在你们听我讲话的这个当下,愿你们内心都能满载着善德与正法。知道喜欢,知道不喜欢,知道无聊,知道烦扰,不管你心里在想什么:都要知道并且看见它! In order to have this type of divine eye and ear we have to train in awareness, train in concentration, we must have awareness and concentration every moment i.o.w. whatever the mind thinks: know it and see it ! 想要拥有圣眼与圣耳,就必须修练觉性,修练禅定,我们时时刻刻都必须要有觉性与禅定,换句话说,不管你心里在想什么:都要知道它、看见它! That the Buddha teaches to solve the problem in the present means at the moment of contact. He teaches to have awareness, concentration and wisdom to know and see the objects that arise in the mind. So awareness, concentration and wisdom must be ready every moment not to make way for satan. Whoever has awareness, concentration and wisdom to conquer suffering like this, even a little bit, is considered to have the divine eye and ear, to some extent, because one is able to see heaven in one's heart and hell in one's mind already. 我们说:佛陀教导我们解决当下的问题。这意思就是指根尘接触的当下。他教导我们要用觉-定-慧去知道并看见我们心中生起的东西。所以我们必须时时刻刻都保持觉-定-慧,不让魔鬼有机可乘。任何能像这样用觉-定-慧去灭苦的人,即使才一点点的觉-定-慧,都可以说是得到了某种程度的圣眼与圣耳,因为他已经能够在心中看到天堂与地狱。
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