隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 善果现起 The Outflow Of Good Result
2014/9/4   热度:189
隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 善果现起 The Outflow Of Good Result 1-3. THE OUTFLOW OF GOOD RESULT善果现起 I recieved an invitation from the director and group of doctors of the hospital in Korngaan to give a Dhammatalk about the results of caring for and helping the sick due to traffic accidents. Bless you and listen. 我应空港医院主任及医生们的邀请来和大家做个法谈,谈谈「照护车祸病人的果报」,祝福你们并请听我道来。 1-3-1. THE PATH : WORKING ACCORDING TO DUTY佛道:善尽职责 People who do service, whether they are policemen, soldiers or whatever kind of service, one should know one's duties, because we've learned those duties for doing service. When we do service we must perform those duties properly. If we don't perform our duties properly, it is called not respecting our duties and it is the cause for defects and ruin. All of us Thai people live together and we must help by caring for our duties. Besides this, we must try to help and advise others who don't know yet, about our duties. This is a reflection and I'd like to speak straightforwardly. 担任服务工作的人,不管是警察、军人或任何的服务,都应该要明白自己的责任,因为我们已经学过做这些服务的职责。我们在服务时必须正确地履行这些责任,如果我们没有正确地去履行,那就是不尊重我们的职务,这是造成个人缺失及体制破坏的原因。我们泰国人民生活在一起,必须大家善尽自己的责任来彼此互助。除此之外,我们也必须设法帮助及劝勉那些还不知道的人,让大家都知道自己的责任并尽一己之责。这是我个人的看法,而且我要直接了当的说。 For example, policemen and traffic officers, on land, on sea or in the air : there is a law that we know well. I've been in a plane and saw that the pilot obeyed all the regulations of flying, which includes respecting duties. I once asked an officer at the airport and was told that they have arrangements that the plane must land over there, drive somewhere and come back over here. And the one who has the duty really practices accordingly, which is not the same as traffic on land, as we know. There are officers who check things but it appears that there are cars that drive however they feel like, with a few little bribes. This is distorting our duties, because it is our duty to be strict and warn people according to our regulations. We have to remember that this person will practice the duties strictly. 举例来说,警察和陆、海、空的交通人员,都有一套我们熟知的法规。我有一次搭飞机时看到那飞行员遵守各项的飞航守则,其中就包括一条“尊重职责”。有一次我问一位机场工作人员,他跟我说他们都有排定:飞机必须在那里降落,再开到某处,然后回到这里,而负责这项职务的人必须确实依规定执行。如我们所知的,这和陆上交通是不一样的。我们陆上也有负责临检的交通人员,但似乎有些车子给了一点小小的贿赂,就可以在路上任意驾驶,这样就是亵渎我们的职责,因为严格的依照规定警告人们是我们的责任,所以我们必须谨记,一个人必须严格地履行职务。 Seeing it from another angle : In the situation where there is trouble at home, it is because this person is deficient in performing his or her duties. We are one who induces damage to be done. It is necessary to speak and criticize straightly, like this. We usually blame others but never blame ourselves. So today, I would like to advise all of us Buddhists or those who proclaim to be real Buddhists to know what the meaning of Buddhism is and what Buddhism advises to do and how. 从另一个角度来看,一般家中会有麻烦的情形产生,大都是因为人们履行责任时有过失的原故。我们正是那个麻烦制造者,但我们通常都会责怪他人而不会反求诸己,因此我不得不这样挑明着说与直接批判。今天,我想劝勉所有佛教徒或那些自称是真正佛教徒的人,一起来了解什么是佛教以及佛教要我们做什么和怎么去做? Buddhism recommends to have kindness, compassion, sympathy and equanimity. We probably know this, we've all heard it. In the time of the Buddha, there was a young doctor named Jivaka, who was someone who looked after his duties excellently. He cared for and cured people all over the place, from the great king, the monks and novices, down to villagers and the poor, without interest in personal gain. He got so much praise that he became the personal doctor of the Buddha. After some time, he was famous all over the country and he traveled around looking after people in almost every village, town, district and province. He worked without thinking of money ; he did his duty, realizing that a doctor must be just with his patients. 佛教就是劝人要慈、悲、喜、舍,这我们可能都知道、都听过了。在佛陀的时代,有一位叫齐瓦哥(Jivaka)的年轻医生非常善尽自己的职责。他不计个人得失,到各地去照顾并医治人们,包括大王、僧伽、沙弥乃至村民和穷人家。他得到很多的赞叹因而成为佛陀的专任医生,没过多久他就誉满全国,并且游行各地照护人们,足迹几乎遍满每一村落、乡镇、地区和省城。他做这些并不是为了钱,他只是尽他一己之责,因为他觉得医生本来就应当跟病人在一起。
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佛言佛语:这辈子学佛功德究竟圆满,是往生净土;即使是凡圣同居土下下品往生,祖师大德告诉我们,都是圆满的成就!修其他法门,我们这一生当中确实没有把握。取净土往生,善导大师讲,“万修万人去”,一个都不漏。“万修万人去”,条件是什么?如理如法地修学。如理如法地修学,没有一个不成就!念佛人之所以不能往生,是不如理或是不如法,或者两者兼有。既不如理,又不如法,那就没法子!理与法都在经典当中,所以我们对于经典,要依教奉行。 (摘录自佛言网,由明华居士发布)