隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 教内之法门 Things Inside of Buddhism
2014/9/4   热度:491
隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 教内之法门 Things Inside of Buddhism 2-1-1-2. Things Inside of Buddhism 教内之法门 So the prince gave up those methods and started to eat fruit. Because of this, the five disciples avoided and eventually left him; so he practiced by himself. Having eaten some rice offered by Miss Sujata, his body recovered strength. He reflected on the various methods that he had been practicing but which were not capable of shaking off the defilements. He still had troubles and suffering. So the prince turned around and looked at his mind, and was at last, successful. He attained Anuttara Sammasambodhi Nyana and became the fully Enlightened Buddha. He was able to conquer all the defilements and to extinguish suffering, leaving only coolness. His body was back to normal and His mind was free of suffering at last. He lived with and enjoyed the happiness of awareness and wisdom. Having attained this, the Buddha shrank back from teaching, reflecting that this practice was profound, and it would be hard to understand. So it can be taken that mind development is something difficult to do and that this is what Buddhist teaching is about. As for making merit, being generous, keeping precepts, and doing tranquility– meditation, it is not the teaching of the Buddha but a teaching of teachers at large. 于是太子放弃了那种苦行的方法而开始进食水果。因为这样,那五个弟子最后离他而去,所以,他开始独自修学。在吃了Sujata供养的一些饭食之后,他恢复了体力。他反省以前修学过的各种方法,但是那些方法依然无法除去烦恼。他还是有烦恼痛苦。于是太子反过来观照他自己的心,而因此终于成功了,他得到了无上圆满正觉的智慧(Anuttara Sammasambodhi Nyana) ,而成为完全觉悟的佛陀,他征服了所有烦恼并且止熄了诸苦,唯存一片清凉自在。他的身体回复正常而他的心终于解脱了苦恼,他的生活充满觉知与智慧的喜乐。在得到这种成就之后,佛陀却退缩不想教导众生,他沈思:这种修行非常深奥,一般人很难理解。因此可以这么说,「修心」是非常困难的事,而这也才是佛陀所教导的内容。至于作功德、布施、持戒及修止禅…等等,这些都不是佛陀所教导的,而是其他一般老师所教导的。
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佛言佛语:我们今天学佛,不是不用功,是真用功,为什么没有进步?或者说为什么进步那么慢?都是业障在作祟,这是第一个因素;冤亲债主来找麻烦、来障碍,这是第二个因素。 (摘录自佛言网,由佛前明灯发布)