隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 平静之道 The Path of Peace
2014/9/4   热度:220
隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 平静之道 The Path of Peace Part 2: Walking The Path 第2篇:行道 2-2. The Path of Peace 平静之道 May you all listen well, this time, so that Sati/Panya springs up. 希望你们这次都好好地听,引发出正念/智慧。 (Knowing Suffering 知道苦) Something we have in common is that we don't want suffering; we hate it. Then how does suffering arise? Suffering arises because we don't know. Suffering doesn't exist within us, and it doesn't arise all the time. What really exists for sure is normality. By nature the mind of each person is in a state of normality. 我们都有一个共同点,也就是,我们都不想有苦,我们讨厌它。那么,苦是怎么生起的呢?苦之所以生起,是因为我们不知道(它),苦并不存在于我们身心之中,而且也不是时时刻都有。我们绝对真确存在的是平常心,每个人的心本来都是在平常(真如)的状态中。 As we're working, if we do it with delusion, it is called suffering. Most people have suffering while working because they don't see suffering. People who go and see movies and shows do so because suffering leads them; this is due to our not watching minds. The moment we want to go and watch a movie, a thought flashes up that we want to watch a movie. We're not thinking it all day long. When the thought comes up, we don't see the thought. We only just know the thought, and we act, following the thought. This is called suffering. People who smoke are the same. Sometimes they don't even think to smoke but simply follow their moods. They take a cigarette to smoke because they think it is happiness; but actually it is suffering that compels them to do it. 我们工作时如果带着愚痴,这就是苦。大多数人工作时都有苦,因为他们没看见苦。那些在看电影及表演的人也一样,因为他们没看见心,于是苦带着他们团团转。当我们想去看电影的当下,才有一个想去看电影的念头出现,并不是整天都想着它。但是当念头生起时,我们没看见念头,只是知道念头(跟在念头后面),并随之起舞,这就是苦。抽烟的人也一样,有时他们根本不想抽烟,而只是随着心情而抽,比如,他们拿起烟来抽,只因为他们感觉抽烟是快乐的事,但实际上,是苦在逼迫他们抽烟。[/color] (Suffering Stinks 苦奇臭无比) As to this word suffering, the Buddha sometimes calls it suffering, sometimes defilement, sometimes stench. When talking about suffering or defilements one notes that it has an ugly smell to it, according to Buddhism. Suffering is something dirty and it stinks; nobody wants it. As soon as the body dies, it starts to rot and stink. But we can still wash and clean it. Excrement is something that stinks, and we detest it. Nobody wants to touch or grab hold of it. But even with such stinking things, the Buddha said, they don't stink all that much; they can still be touched and washed. But the stinking things to which the Buddha is referring are really stinky! They are greed, hatred and delusion, concealed in our minds, ready to bubble up. The Buddha condemns this emphatically. If anyone's mind still has greed, hatred and delusion, the Buddha says that it stinks more than excrement. “苦”这个字,佛陀有时称它苦,有时称它烦恼,有时称它恶臭。在佛教里,说到这个苦或烦恼,我们说它有让人厌恶的味道,意即苦是腐烂且发臭的,没有人想要它。我们的身体一旦死亡,就会开始腐败而发臭,但是,我们还是可以把它清洗干净;冀便是发臭的东西,而且我们厌恶它,没有人想去碰触或抓取它,但即便是这么恶臭的东西,佛陀说:这些还不够臭,粪便还是可以去碰,腐尸还是可以洗净。佛陀所说的恶臭之物那才真的是奇臭无比!那些东西就是:藏在我们心里,随时都会冒出来的贪、瞋、痴,佛陀特别强调这种恶臭。任何人如果心中还有贪、瞋、痴,佛陀说那样的心比粪便还臭。 As soon as the mind thinks something in a flash, a person who doesn't know, doesn't see and doesn't understand becomes deluded immediately. This arising is called by the Buddha a stain. The word "stain" means delusion. Even though we've never known, seen or watched our minds, we still say that we see. But in reality it is not seeing; it is only just knowing thought, and then we act according to the thought. When we say ‘to see’, it should mean that we see defilements. That is, we see that either there is greed, hatred or delusion mixed up in thought, or there is not. To see like this, we have to practice Dhamma first. 当心突然想东想西时,没有知道、看见、了解它的人立即就会迷惑,这样起心动念佛陀称之为染污,染污的意思是指迷惑。即使我们根本不曾知道、看见或看着我们的心,通常我们还是会说我们看见,但实际上那并不是看见,只是知道念头,并随之起舞。当我们说“看见”,意思是看见烦恼,也就是说,我们看见念头中有还是没有贪、瞋、痴。想要能像这样看见,就必须先修习佛法。
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佛言佛语:有人说:“我业障很重。”你问问他,什么是业障?他也说不出来。罪业很重,什么是罪业,他也搞不清楚!《地藏经》上讲得清楚,“阎浮提众生,起心动念,无不是业,无不是罪”。罪业是什么?罪业就是起心动念,就是打妄想。由此可知,学佛人他学什么东西?就是把妄想去掉而已。妄想去掉,心就定,心就清净,清净心起作用就是智慧。 (摘录自佛言网,由佛前明灯发布)