2014/9/4   热度:108
佛教为何要加强国际交流 佛教为何要加强国际交流 面对全球化的影响,佛教不再闭门造车,而是走向国际,与各宗教进行对话、交流、联谊,以开创宗教和谐的互动局面,佛教亦可与不同领域的社会团体,进行文化、艺术、慈善、生命教育等合作的关系,使世界看到佛教,佛教不忘世界,更与国际的脉动,使弘扬佛法的脚步,与时俱进。 只是,佛教走入国际,需要更多外语人才的培养,国际交流的对话,需要更多元的接纳与广阔的包容。佛教如何因应现时代的需要,与世界接轨,建立对话交流的平台,以促进世界和平。 In the face of globalization, Buddhism no longer keeps its doors shut. Instead, it has now stepped into the world and enhances harmonious interfaith interactions by making exchanges, conducting dialogues and befriending different religions. Buddhism now even cooperates with social groups from different genres to promote culture, art, charity, and life education together. Not only can the world see Buddhism now, Buddhism also constantly bears the world in mind by keeping up with current international movements to ensure that the means of Dharma propagation are keeping up with the steps of time. However, in order to step into the world, multi-lingual talents are urgently needed to conduct international dialogues, and more diverse acceptance of this religion is required. How does Buddhism respond to modern needs in order to promote world peace through connecting with the world and establishing exchange platforms?
五明学习: 内明: 净土宗 | 禅宗 | 密宗 | 成实宗 | 地论宗 | 法相宗 | 华严宗 | 律宗 | 南传 | 涅盘宗 | 毗昙宗 | 三论宗 | 摄论宗 | 天台宗 | 综论 | 其它 |温馨提示:请勿将文章分享至无关QQ群或微信群或其它无关地方,以免不信佛人士谤法!
佛言佛语:笑着面对,不去埋怨。悠然,随心,随性,随缘。注定让一生改变的,只在百年后,那一朵花开的时间。# (摘录自佛言网,由明华居士发布)