
2014/9/4    热度:207   





  The earth that humanity resides in is facing progressive worsening of the environment and increasing shortage of resources. “Situation is created by mind”. The world that humanity faces is a world based on cause and effect, and one caused by the shared karma of humans. The change of our habitat needs to start with the changing of our minds. Buddhism inevitably can provide the contemporary environmental philosophy and environmental preservation undertaking rich thought resources and practical experiences. “Pure mind, pure land”. World Buddhists and Buddhist scholars are duty bound on how to sublime the realm of the mind and social responsibility among the present generation who is lost by the industrialization and lifestyle of consumerism.

  This subforum’s objective is to discuss the thought resources and practical solutions which Buddhism can provide for environment preservation and ecological equilibrium.



五明学习 内明 净土宗禅宗密宗成实宗地论宗法相宗华严宗律宗南传涅盘宗毗昙宗三论宗摄论宗天台宗 综论其它


佛言佛语“佛”这个字,是梵文音译,是“智慧、觉悟”意思。佛也是人,不是神,觉行圆满就是佛,愚痴迷惑就是凡夫。但我们平日经常所说的佛,一般就是指释迦牟尼佛或阿弥陀佛。 摘录自佛言网由佛前明灯发布