
2014/9/3    热度:272   

  作者:孙 侃
  Two Temples of The Tang Dynasty
  Foguang (Buddhist Glory) Temple and Nanchan (Southern Zen) Temple are two religious sanctuaries well preserved in northChina's Shanxi Province. Compared with other Buddhist temples only a dozens of kilometers away in the other part of Mount Wutai,which attracts millions of both Buddhist pilgrims and secular tourists per year, Foguang Temple and Nanchan Temple attract fewtourists though the two were very famous in ancient times. Lost in time, the two temples are located in the extremely poverty-strickenarea where funds for any major restoration projects in the past were hard to come by, though small maintenance projects took placeduring subsequent dynasties over centuries. That accounts for the fact that no major restoration projects took place to change theiroriginal structures and shapes, according to experts.
  Foguang Temple was first built during the years (471-499) of the Xiaowen Emperor of the North Wei Dynasty (386-534). In theYuanhe years (806-820) of the Tang Dynasty (618-907), Foguang Temple enjoyed prosperity and reputation as a Buddhist sanctuary.
  The most magnificent building in the temple is the East Hall. You need to walk along a corridor and through a door and then climba dozens of steep steps before reaching the Hall. The East Hall resides on a more-than-ten-meter-high foundation of rocks. Themagnificent hall features typical architectural characteristics of the Tang Dynasty. Inscriptions left over from the dynasties are stilllegible.
  The discovery of the Foguang Temple was a crowning moment in the history of Modern Chinese architecture. In June 1937, LiangSicheng (1901-1972) and his wife Lin Huiyin (1904-1955), traveled all the way from Beijing to Mount Wutai. They came to verify thelocations of Buddhist temples scattered in the mount area, as described by a French Sinologist in an academic book entitled DunhuangGrottos. During their stay there, they visited Foguang Temple. They fought bevies of bats, bedbugs, and thick dust during their visit tothe temple. Despite unimaginable hardships, they examined the East Hall meticulously. It was when they reached the dark space abovethe ceiling that Liang saw the roof structure. To his great surprise and tremendous delight, the roof structure comprised two mainrafters, a structure rarely used after the Tang Dynasty. Liang had only seen the structure in paintings and academic records before, butnever the real thing. In History of Chinese Architecture, a masterpiece written by Liang during the years from 1942-1944, Liang saidthat Foguang Temple was the only wooden building in China that could be accurately traced back to the Tang Dynasty.
  Nanchan Temple is another wonder left over from the Tang Dynasty. Thoughit has stood for centuries, no one actually knew exactly when it was first builtuntil 1953 when a group of experts came to the temple and conducted a fieldworkthere. They found a hardly legible line of words written in ink on a beam. Thewords said the temple was rebuilt in the third year of the Jianzhong period of theTang. The year was 782 A.D. Even if counted from that year as the starting point,the wooden-structured temple is more than 1,200 years old.
  The main hall of the temple is extremely magnificent. Its square base nearlyoccupies the half of the temple's compound. The hall is really an ingenious woodenstructure without a ceiling or a single pillar in the open space. A system of woodensquare blocks inserted between the top of columns and crossbeams make thestructure stable. The structure highlights a beautiful rhythm and a sturdy outlinethat conveys grace and beauty and suggests the outstanding features of the large-scale structures of the Tang Dynasty. Today, the main hall still has 17 clay godstatues, which resemble the Tang statues seen in Dunhuang. There are also sculptedlions outside and inside the hall, all wonders created in the Tang Dynasty.
  (Translated by David)



五明学习 内明 净土宗 禅宗密宗成实宗地论宗法相宗华严宗律宗南传涅盘宗毗昙宗三论宗摄论宗天台宗综论其它


佛言佛语我们学了佛,有幸遇到净土法门,我们依教奉行,在日常生活当中,我们只有乐没有苦,只有自在没有忧愁。我们拿这个法门劝家人,他们听了不相信,不相信不奇怪,不相信我们也不要烦恼,为什么?他没有那么深厚的善根福德因缘。我们要想帮他忙也帮不上,不但我们帮不上忙,一切诸佛菩萨都帮不上。善根要靠自己修,福德也要靠自己修,别人帮不上!佛只能把方法教给我们,至于做还得要自己去做,佛菩萨不能代我们做,这一点总是要知道。福德不够,他没这个福分,我们要生怜悯心;有福的人,我们要帮助他、成就他,实际状况,我们总要了解清楚,才不会受动摇。我们劝父母,他不相信,他不肯听、不肯学,我们也没有法子!只要我们尽到自己心力,就圆满了。 摘录自佛言网由明华居士发布