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编者按 禅源于中国并在东亚思想传统中产生了深刻而长远的影响,关于禅学研究,近代以来中、日禅学研究的复兴,特别是日本学者的研究已经有了非常丰富的积累,而后西方学者的跟进,在问题和方法上更有不少的突破。禅学在西方学界虽然不像有些人所想像的那样如日中天(在学术史的研究中,仍然还是伏流和边缘学科),但也绝对不像另一些中国学者所批评得那样糟糕。明代大儒方以智说得好“欲求超胜,必先会通”,编者绝不认为我们要照搬洋人的研究,特别是对我们自己的学术史,我们理应有自己的问题脉络和优势。但从目前的学术运势来看,我们必须对西方的禅学研究先有所了解,然后才有可能进行评论,走出自己的路,对于他们的优势和问题也可以看得比较清楚。关起门来自以为是,或单以研究数量来品鉴研究水平的高下,只能说明我们学术研究的格局还太小。中国禅学研究近年来对于日本同行的研究已经略有引证和发挥(但还远远不够),对于西方禅学研究的了解还只能说处在启蒙的阶段。正是基于这样的考虑,我们才决定编选部分西方禅学书目供国内学人参考。这里所选禅学书目,只限于英文方面的研究著述,包括日文和德文部分被翻译成英文的著作和部分没有出版的博士论文。禅在西方的话语中已经渗透到日常生活的某些方面,有关这方面的书也出版不少,编者这里所选大抵根据学术原则,着重选择禅学学术史和思想方面的著作,禅与其他学科关联性的研究著作也略有抉择,而散见在不同期刊中的禅学论文,不少相当有价值,但整理起来还需要不少时间,这次没有来得及选入,望读者鉴谅。
Abe, Masao
Zen and comparative studies : part two of a two-volume sequel to "Zen and Westernthought", edited by Steven Heine. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1997.Zen and western thought , edited by William R. LaFleur; foreword by John Hick.London: Macmillan, 1985.
Aitken, Robert
The mind of clover : essays in Zen Buddhist ethics, 1st ed. San Francisco: NorthPoint Press, 1984.Original dwelling place : Zen Buddhist essays, Washington, D.C. : Counterpoint:
distributed by Publishers Group West, 1996.
The practice of perfection : the pdramitas from a Zen Buddhist perspective, New
York: Pantheon Books, 1994.
Ames, Van Meter
Zen and American thought ,Edition: 1st ed. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press,
Bancroft, Anne
Zen, direct pointing to reality , New York: Crossroad, 1979.
Beck, Charlotte Joko
Nothing special : living Zen, edited by Steve Smith. 1st ed. San Francisco: Harper
San Francisco, 1993.
Blyth, Reginald Horace
Zen in English literature and oriental classics, Tokyo: Hokuseido Press, 1942.
Buswell ,Robert E
Chinese Buddhist Apocrypha, Delhi: S ri Satguru Publications, 1990.
Cabezon ,Jose Ignacio
Buddhism and Language: A Study of Ira:lo - Tibetan Scholastiailism, New York:
State University of New York Press, 1994.
Chappell, D. W
Buddhist and Taoist Studies 1, Hawail: University of Hawaii Press, 1977.
Chuck, James
Zen Buddhism and Paul Tillich : a comparison of their views on man' s predicament
and the means of its resolution, 1962.
Chun, Paul Sang-wan.
The Christian concept of God and Zen "nothingness" as embodied in the zvorks of
Tillich and Nishida, 1978.
Cleary ,Thomas
Zen essence : the science of freedom , 1st ed. Boston, Mass. : Shambhala; New York
: Distributed in the United States by Random House, 1989.
Darling, David J
Zen physics : the science of death, the logic of reincarnation , 1st. ed. New York,
NY: HarperCollins, 1996.
Deshimaru, Taisen
Anneau de la vole. English: The ring of the way : testament of a Zen master, com-
piledby Evelyn de $medt and Dominique Dussaussoy; translated by Nancy Amphoux,
1st American ed. New York: Dutton, 1987.
Dumoulin , Heinrich
A history of Zen Buddhism, translated from the German by Paul Peachey. Boston:
Beacon Press, 1969, c1963.
The Development of Chinese Zen, New York: The First Zen Institute of America, Inc.,
Zen Buddhism: A History, Volume 1 India and China, New York: Macmillan Pub-
lishing Company, 1988.
Zen Buddhism in the 20th century , translated by Joseph O' Leary. 1st ed. New York
: Weatherhill, 1992.
Eusden, John Dykstra
Zen and Christian, the journey between ,New York: Crossroad, 1981.
Faure, Bernard
The Rhetoric of Immediacy: A Cultural Critique of Chan /Zen Buddhism, Princenton:
Princeton University Press, 1991.
Chan Insights and Oversights: an Epistemological Critique of the Chan Tradition,
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993.
The Will to Orthodoxy - A Critical Genealogy of Northern Chan Buddhism, Californi-
a: Stanford University Press, 1997.
Foulk, Theodore Griffith
The Chan school and its place in the Buddhist monastic tradition, 1987.
Fromm, Erich
Psychoanalysis and Zen Buddhism, London ; Boston : Unwin Paperbacks, 1986,
Gregory , Peter N
Studies in Chan and Hua-yen , (ed. with Robert M. GimeUo), Honolulu: University
of Hawaii Press, 1983.
Sudden and Gradual, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1987.
Traditions of Meditation in Chinese Buddhism, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press,
Tsung-mi' s Inquiry into the origin of man : a study of Chinese Buddhist hermeneu-
tics, 1981.
Hakeda , Yoshito S Trans.
The Awakening of Faith, New York:Columbia University Press, 1967.
Harding, D. E. (Douglas Edison)
On having no head : Zen and the re-discovery of the obvious , foreword by Huston
Smith, London; Boston: Arkana, 1986.
I-Iershock, Peter D
Liberating intimacy : enlightenment and social virtuosity in Ch' an Buddhism, Al-
bany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1996.
Hoover, Thomas
The Zen experience, New York : New American Library, 1980.
Humphreys, Christmas
A Western approach to Zen; an enquiry,Edition: [lst U.S.A. ed. ] Wheaton, Ill.,
Theosophical Pub. House , 1972, c1971.
The way of action; a working philosophy for Western life, London, Allen & Unwin,
Zen Buddhism, London: Mandala, 1984.
Hyers, M. Conrad
Zen and the comic spirit, London, Rider :1974, c1973.
Ives, Christopher
Zen a~akening and society, forewords by Masao Abe and John Hick. Honolulu: Uni-
versity of Hawaii Press, 1992.
Izutsu, Toshihiko
The interior and exterior in Zen Buddhism, Dallas, Tex.: Spring Publications, 1984,
Toward a philosophy of Zen Buddhism, Boulder, Colo. : Praj? a Press, 1982,
Johnston, William
The still point: reflections on Zen and Christian mysticism, Rose Hill Books ed. New
York: Fordham University Press, 1977, c1970.
Kalmner, Reinhard
Zen and Confucius in the art of szoordsmanship : The Tengu-geijutsu-ron of Chozan
$hissai, translated into English by Betty J. Fitzgerald. London : Routledge & K.
Paul, 1978.
Kasulis, Thomas P.
Zen action/zen person, Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1981.
Keightley, Alan
Into every life a little Zen must fall: a Christian philosopher looks to Alan Watts and
the East, foreword by John Hick, London: Wisdom Publications; Longmead, Shaftes-
bury, Dorset: Distributed by Element Books, 1986.
Kennedy, Robert E.
Zen spirit, Christian spirit: the place of Zen in Christian life, New York: Continu-
um, 1995.
Kopp, Wolfgang
Befreit euch yon allem. English Title: Free yourself of everything: radical guidance
in the spirit of Zen and Christian mysticism, translated from the German by Barbara
Wittenberg-Hasenauer. 1st ed. Boston: C.E. Tuttle Co., 1994.
Lai , Walen
The Awakening of Faith in Mahayana : A Study of the Unfolding of Sinitic Ma-
hayana Motifs, Cambridge: Harvard University, 1975.
Early Ch' an in China and Tibet, (ed. With Lewis R. Lancaste), Berkeley:Asian Hu-
manities Press, 1983.
Levering, Miriam
Ch' an enlightement for laymen : Ta-hui and the new religious culture of the Sung:
a thesis, 1978.
Liebenthal ,Walter
Chao Lun ( the Treatise of Seong-Chao ) A Translation With Introduction, Hong
Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1968.
Limaye, Sureldla V.
Zen (Buddhism) and mysticism, 1st ed. Delhi, India : Sri Satguru Publications,
Ixmri, John Daido
The heart of being: moral and ethical teachings of Zen Buddhism , edited by Bonnie
Myotai Treace and Konrad Ryushin Marchaj ; foreword by Hakuyu Taizan Maezumi.
1st ed. Boston: Charles E. Tuttle, 1996.
McRae ,John R
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Merton, Thomas
Zen and the birds of appetite ,New York: New Directions, 1968.
Mizun0 , Kogen
Buddhist Sutras : Origin, Development, Transmission, Tokyo: Kosei Publishing Co.,
Nagashima, Takayuki Shono
Truths and fabrications in religion : an investigation from the documents of the Zen
(Chan) Sect, London: A. Probsthain, 1978.
Odin, Steve
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York Press, 1996.
Ogata, Sfhaku
Zen for the West. For the Buddhist Society of London, New York:Dial Press, 1959.
Olson, Carl
Zen and the art of postmodern philosophy: two paths of liberation from the represen-
tational mode of thinking , New York: State University of New York Press, 2000.
Owens, Claire Myers
Zen and the lady : memoirs - personal and transpersonal in a zoorld in transition,
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Powell, Robert
Zen and reality, an approach to sanity and happiness on a non-sectarian basis, Lon-
don, Allen and Unwin, 1961.
Ross, Nancy Wilson
Three ways of Asian wisdom: Hinduism, Buddhism, Zen, and their significance
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Rupp, George
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Sayama, Mike K.
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Schloegl, Irmgard
The wisdom of the Zen masters, London: Sheldon, 1975.
Sekida, Katsuki
Zen training : methods and philosophy, edited, with an introd. , by A. V. Grim-
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Stryk, Lucien
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Suzuki , D. T
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