
2014/9/3    热度:598   

  [ 作者: 李治华
  【英文标题】A Study On The Philosophy of The Shurangama Sutra
  【英文关键词】Shurangama sutra ; Creative Hermeneutics ; Shurangama School
  【英文摘要】This thesis is a study on the philosophy of the Shurangama
  sutra.The method of this thesis is Mr. Fu''''s "creative herme-
  neutics".The contents of this thesis includs:
  1.The intro-duction of the Shurangama sutra:⑴The historical background.⑵Heretofore , the criticism of phraseology & meaning about theShurangama sutra.
  2.The contents of subject of the Shu-rangama sutra:⑴The name,the gist,the outline of the Shuran-gama sutra. ⑵ The idealism of the " tathagatagarbha & trueheart ". ⑶The philosophical system of the Shurangama sutra.
  3.The Shurangama sutra involved Buddhism and other schools .Iproposed "Shurangama school" as the best intensely herme-neutic way.
  4. I proposed trans-idealism of " 5 gates ofmind" as the deep theory of Shurangama school.
  5.The pro-cesses & schools from the development of the principles of ch''''an.



五明学习 内明 净土宗 禅宗密宗成实宗地论宗法相宗华严宗律宗南传涅盘宗毗昙宗三论宗摄论宗天台宗综论其它


佛言佛语我们今天学佛,不是不用功,是真用功,为什么没有进步?或者说为什么进步那么慢?都是业障在作祟,这是第一个因素;冤亲债主来找麻烦、来障碍,这是第二个因素。 摘录自佛言网由佛前明灯发布