
2014/9/3    热度:649   

  [ 作者: 陈秀真
  【英文标题】The Process of Spiritual Cultivation as Revealed in the chapter on “Going Forth on the Stages of The Great Vehicle” in the second Assembly of the Prajbaparamita-Sutras
  【英文关键字】Prajbaparamita-Sutra ; Dawa Bodhisattva-Bhumi ; Yanatraya Dawa-Bhumi ; Bodhisattva''s samyaktva-niyama ; Marga-jbana
  第四章《《大般若经.第二会.修治地品》的“菩萨十地”所透显适宜根机的修学设计:兼论 《解深密经》和《华严经》的菩萨初地》,这章是本文的重要论述所在,分以四个面向:1“菩萨十地”接合大乘与二乘为佛乘的方便施设,2“菩萨十地”的修学要项,3大乘与二乘的分际与连贯,4运用六个课题来对照《大般若经》、《解深密经》和《华严经》的菩萨初地,以建构出三部典籍各自特重的面向所在。
  【英文摘要】The thesis mainly states the practice and the study plan, in accordance with the practitioner’s gift, of the “Dawa Bodhisattva-Bhumi” in the chapter on “Going Forth on the Stages of Ten Great Vehicle” in the second assembly of the Prajbaparamita-sutras It also discloses that the four guiding principles of practices and learning as revealed in “Dawa Bodhisattva-Bhumi” are important in themselves Furthermore, the thesis explores the first stage of boddhisattva in Sajdhi-nirmocana-sutra and Buddhqvatajsaka to direct to the aim of this research: To manifest the fact that a bodhisattva’s practice and learning of “Dawa Bodhisattva-Bhumi” in the Prajbaparamita-sutras is close to the learning process of the Buddha Ground In short, a bodhisattva has to put into practice the Six Paramitas and all of the bodhi branches in “Dawa Bodhisattva-Bhumi” in order to obtain the similar abundant fruit as borne from the chapter on the Ten Stages in Buddhqvatajsaka
  Here, the approach to the way of practice and learning and the purport of “Dawa Bodhisattva-Bhumi” in the Prajbaparamita-sutras is different from the prevalent scholarship Scholars nowadays tend to hold that the Ten Stages in the Prajbaparamita-sutras are the common stages of the Three Vehicles, which are different from the Dawa Bodhisattva-Bhumi in the Buddhqvatajsaka In the Prajbaparamita-sutras, there co-exist the Common Ten Stages of the Three Vehicles and the Non-common Ten Stages of a Bodhisattva (Dawa Bodhisattva-Bhumi) If one does not approach it from the text itself and its inherent meaning, one might find it difficult to master the relationship between these two kinds of Ten Stages and is likely to go astray, leading to an improper cognition Furthermore, the Buddhist scholars have argued over the issue whether Samyaktva-niyama which Bodhisattvas attain by means of Marga-jbana is the Bodhisattva’s first stage or by-passed eight stage of non-returning (acala) The issue concerning the practice paths leading to Bodhisattva;s Ten Stages is very important, since many Buddhist scholars make arguments over it by finding their standpoints from different textual sources These arguments will be discussed in this study
  There are five chapters contains in this thesis which illustrates the practice courses of the Bodhisattva’s Ten Stages The summery of their main points is as followed First chapter, an introduction, and a needed guiding to this work The second chapter is a quick look at the scholarly studies and the sources concerning Bodhisattva’s Ten Stages Third, the Bodhisattva’s Stage illustrated in the chapter on “Going Forth on the stages of Ten Great Vehicle” in the second assembly of the Prajbaparamita-sutras The three ways achieving the Buddha stage, the fundamental of the Bodhisattva’s stages, are Bodhisattva’s four stages, the ten stages of three vehicles, and the ten Bodhisattva’s stages The fourth, the practice arrangements for their suitable practitioners, demonstrated in the chapter on “Going Forth on the Stages of Ten Great Vehicle” in the second assembly of the Prajbaparamita-sutras This chapter is the core of this thesis, and contains four approaches They are: (1) The Bodhisattva’s Ten Stages connect the great-vehicle and the two vehicles, and is, thus, the expedient device for the Buddha Vehicle; (2) the important contents of the practice and the studies of Bodhisattva’s ten stages; (3) the differential and the connection between the great vehicle and the two vehicles; (4) the contrast of pramudita through the application of six issues in the Prajbaparamita-sutras, the Sajdhi-nirmocana-sutra, and the Buddhqvatajsaka in order to construct the special features of these three sutras Finally, Chapter Five concludes the thesis and ushers in future expectations It exposes every aspect of a practitioner’s journey according to the Ten Stages of a bodhisattva as in the chapter on “Going Forth on the Stages of Ten Great Vehicle” in the second assembly of the Prajbaparamita-sutras For example, it discusses the relationship among the four stages of a bodhisattva, the interaction of practice and learning between the two kinds of Ten Stages, and the connection of practice and learning regarding the first stage of a bodhisattva in the Prajbaparamita-sutras, Sajdhi-nirmocana-sutra, and the Buddhqvatajsaka These aspects constitute the core study of this research which places Dawa Bodhisattva-Bhumi in the second assembly of the Prajbaparamita-sutras on the Seed Ground in the practicing process
  志谢 I
  摘要 II
  目录 IV
  第壹章 绪论 1
  第一节 研究重点和研究主题 1
  第二节 研究动机和问题意识 2
  第三节 研究方法和论述架构 2
  第四节 研究目标 3
  第贰章 检视文献和学界研究成果 4
  第一节 相关文献 5
  一.原典 6
  (一) 般若经 6
  (二) 华严经 12
  (三) 解深密经 13
  二.第二手资料 14
  第二节 评述学界的研究成果 16
  一.大部著作 18
  二.佛典解说或提要 19
  三.专门论着 20
  第三节 本文侧重义理之建构 21
  第四节 结语 21
  第参章 《大般若经.第二会.修治地品》的“菩萨地” 22
  第一节 《大般若经.第二会.修治地品》的菩萨地的定义 24
  第二节 三种修成佛地的轴线 29
  一.菩萨的四种阶位 29
  二.共三乘的十地 41
  三.不共的菩萨十地 41
  第三节 “菩萨地”的三种修学轴线:四种阶位、三乘十地与
  “菩萨十地”三种之间的关联 42
  第四节 菩萨地的修学指导原则 44
  一.与一切智智相应作意 46
  二.以大悲为上首 46
  三.以无所得为方便 46
  四.与众生平等同共回向一切智智 47
  第五节 结语 47
  第肆章 《大般若经.第二会.修治地品》的“菩萨十地”所透显
  菩萨初地 49
  乘与二乘为佛乘的方便施设 51
  一.教学手段 52
  二.学习者的根机 60
  三.二乘行者改换车乘的转折 61
  第二节“菩萨十地”的修学要项 65
  一.正修“菩萨十地” 66
  (一) 修学心态 66
  (二) 修学法目 67
  1 点的切入:初地 68
  2 线的切入:二地 69
  3 面的切入:三地以上 69
  (三) 修学理则 71
  二.修学效益 73
  第三节 大乘与二乘的分际与连贯 74
  第四节 对照《大般若经》、《解深密经》和《华严经》的
  菩萨初地 75
  一. 背景介绍 76
  二. 《大般若经》、《解深密经》、《华严经》三者于菩萨初地
  的关连 81
  (一) 增上意乐清净 82
  (二) 证入菩萨正性离生 83
  (三) 对治愚痴和麁重 84
  (四) 八种殊胜 86
  (五) 波罗蜜多 87
  (六) 五种相构成六波罗蜜多应修学的内在理趣 88
  第五节 结语 89
  第伍章 结论与展望 92
  一.每章的要点 92
  二.本研究的目标 95
  (一) 菩萨双修二种十地展现适机的修学设计 95
  (二) 《大般若经.第二会.修治地品》的“菩萨十地”
  参考文献 98
  附录一《般若经》六种版本的对照 104
  附录二《大般若经.第二会》六到彼岸品·随顺品的经文 108
  1  西晋.竺法护翻译,十卷《光赞(般若波罗蜜)经.十住品》,
  (286 AD),收录于大正新修大藏经(底下简称大正藏)第
  222经,第八册(T 222, vol 8, pp 196b-199a)
  2  西晋.无罗叉 (亦称无叉罗) 翻译,二十卷《放光(般若波罗
  蜜)经.治地品》,(291 AD),收录于大正藏第221经,第
  八册(T 221, vol 8, pp 27a-29b)
  3  后秦.鸠摩罗什翻译,二十七卷《摩诃般若波罗蜜经.发趣
  品》,(403-404 AD),收录于大正藏第223经,第八册(T 223,
  vol 8, pp 256c-259c)
  4 东晋.佛驮跋陀罗翻译,六十卷《大方广佛华严经.十地品》,
  (418-421 AD),收录于大正藏第278经,第九册( T 278 vol
  9, pp 542a-578a)
  5 唐.玄奘翻译,五卷《解深密经.地波罗蜜多品》,(647 AD),
  收录于大正藏第676经,第十六册 ( T 676, vol 16,
  pp 703b-708b)
  6 唐.玄奘翻译,六百卷《大般若经》(660-663AD),收录于
  1 Ed, N Dutt, Calcutta Oriental Seires, no 28 (1934), 269 pp (1st
  abhisamaya) Pabcavijwati-sahasrika-Prajbaparamita I
  2 Takayasu Kimura, Pabcavijwati-sahasrika-Prajbaparamita
  IIIIIIVV, (Tokyo:Sankibo Busshorin Publishing Co, Ltd,
  1986 ── IV, 1990 ──V, 1992)
  3 Watanabe Shogo, Pabcavijwati-sahasrika-Prajbaparamita VI
  (Anupurvqbhisamayqdhikarah), (日本:东洋大学大学院纪
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  4 Edward Conze (tr), The Large Sutra on Perfect Wisdom:with the
  divisions of the Abhisamayalavkara, (Berkeley:University of
  California Press, 1975)
  * 龙树菩萨造,后秦.鸠摩罗什翻译,一百卷《大智度论.发趣
  十五册( T 1509, vol 25, pp 409c-419c、584c-587b)
  (1) 英文
  1 Edward Conze, The Prajbaparamita Literature, second
  edition (revised and enlarged), Bibliographia Philologica
  Buddhica, no 1, (Tokyo: The Reiyukai, 1978)
  2 John Powers, Hermeneutics and Tradition in the Sajdhi-
  nirmocana-Sutra, (Leiden:EJ Brill, 1993)
  (2) 日文
  1 三枝 充悳《《般若经》的成立》,收录于梶山雄一等着,
  2 渡边章悟,《般若部》,收录于《大乘经典解说事典》,胜
  3 Hanayama Shoyu, A Summary of Various Research on the
  Prajbaparamita Literature by Japanese Scholars, Acta
  Asiatica 10 (1966)
  4 伊藤瑞叡,《华严菩萨道的基础的研究》,(京都:平乐寺
  5 山田龙城,《大乘佛教成立论序说》,(京都:平乐寺书店,
  6 高峰了州着,释慧岳译,《华严思想史》,(台北:中华佛
  1 山口 务,《般若部》、鎌田茂雄,《华严部》、橘川智昭,
  2 *椎尾辨匡、梶芳光运,《般若经六/卷十二》,收录于《国
  3 龙山章真,《十地经:梵文和译》,(东京:株式会社国书
  (3) 中文
  * 蔡耀明,《吉尔吉特(Gilgit)梵文佛典写本的出土与佛教
  (1) 英文
  1  Edward Conze, Mahayana Buddhism from Thirty Years of
  Buddhist Studies: Selected Essays, The Development of
  Prajbaparamita Thought, Oxford: Bruno Cassirer, 1967
  2 Egil Fronsdal, The Dawn of the Bodhisattva Path: Studies in
  a Religious Ideal of Ancient Indian Buddhists with Particular Emphasis on the Earliest Extant Perfection of Wisdom Sutra, United States:UMI A Bell & Howell Company, 1998
  3 Luis O Gomez, The Bodhisattva as Wonder-worker, Prajbaparamita and Related Systems, Berkeley Buddhist Studies Series 1, Studies in honor of Edward Conze, ed, by Lewis Lancaster, Korea, 1977
  4 Hajime Nakamura, Indian Buddhism: A Survey with
  Bibliographical Notes, Buddhist Tradition Series Vol 1,
  Delhi:Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt Ltd, 1996
  5 Hirakawa akira, A History of Indian Buddhism: from
  Wakyamuni to Early Mahayana, Buddhist Tradition Series Vol 19, tr, & ed, by Paul Groner, Delhi:MotilalBanarsidass Publishers Pvt Ltd, 1993
  6 Nalinaksha Dutt, Mahayana Buddhism, Delhi:Motilal
  Banarsidass , 1978
  7 Nancy R Lethcoe, The Bodhisattva Ideal in the Asta and
  Pabca Prajbaparamita sutra, Prajbaparamita and Related
  Systems, Berkeley Buddhist Studies Series 1, Studies in
  honor of Edward Conze, ed, by Lewis Lancaster, Korea, 1977
  8 Paul Williams, Mahayana Buddhism: The doctrinal
  foundations, London and New York:Routledge, 1989
  (2) 日文
  1 山田龙城,许洋主译,《大乘佛教的兴起》,收录于《印
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  4 梶芳光运,《大乘仏教的成立史的研究:原始般若经的
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  4-4, 1941)
  6 梶芳光运,《般若思想的形成》,收录于梶山雄一等着,
  7 矶田熙文,《bhumi-sambhara─Dharmamitra》,(IBK 26-1, 1977)
  8 平川彰,《地的思想的发达和三乘共通的十地》、《大乘独
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  27-2, 1979)
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  12 高丽行真,《初期大乘佛教菩萨观─特般若经
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  13 高原信一,《“大事”十地的构成
  的一考察》,( IBK 3-2, 1955), pp 130-1
  14 神林隆净着,许洋主译,《菩萨思想的研究.上》,录自
  15 荒牧 典俊,《十地思想的成立和展开》,高崎 直道等撰,《华严思想:讲座大乘仏教3》,(东京:株式会社春秋社,
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  34-1, 1985)
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  18 水野弘元,《菩萨十地说的发展》,(IBK 1-2,
  19 林贤司,《大品系般若经十地十地的一考察》,(
  IBK 27-1, 1978)
  20 梶山雄一着,臧世俊译,《空的智慧:般若经的现代诠释》,
  21 梶山雄一着,《般若思想的形成》,收录于梶山雄一等着,
  22 Hisao Inagaki , The Adoption of the Buddha’s Life Pattern
  in the Ten-Bhumi Systems,( IBK 11-2, 1963 )
  23 Kogen Mizuno, Relation between Mahayana Buddhist sutras
  and Theravada schools In the “Daijo-Bukkyo-no- Seiritsushitcki-Kenkyu”, ed by Shoson Miyamoto, Tokyo, 1954
  (3) 中文
  1 印顺,《初期大乘佛教之起源与开展》,(台北:正闻出版社,1986)
  2 蔡耀明,《由三乘施设论菩萨正性离生:以《大般若经.第二会》为中心》,收录于德妙文库第十:《般若波罗蜜
  3 蔡耀明,《《大般若经.第二会》的车乘构成与三乘施设》,收录于德妙文库第十:《般若波罗蜜多教学与严净佛土:
  4 蔡耀明,《因材施教与教学上的人我分际:以《论语》、《阿含经》、和《大般若经》为依据》,收录于德妙文库
  5 蒋义斌,《大品般若经与大智度论中的菩萨》,录自佛教与中国文化国际学术会议论文集。



五明学习 内明 净土宗禅宗密宗成实宗地论宗法相宗华严宗律宗南传涅盘宗毗昙宗三论宗摄论宗 天台宗综论其它


佛言佛语世出世间一切法和为贵,为什么不能和睦相处?为什么要斗争?斗争是毁了自己,也毁了别人。社会大众所受的影响更大,影响什么?社会大众对宗教不信任,都不是好东西,你看他们自己互相斗争。所以我们明白了,我们只有赞叹,没有毁谤,别人毁谤我,我赞叹他,决定不可以毁谤。为什么?我们不能谤佛,不能谤法,不能谤祖师大德,要给社会大众做好榜样。 摘录自佛言网由佛前明灯发布