
2014/9/8    热度:274   

  Buddhist Solution for Environmental Issues


  李重硕教授/Prof . Hwaryeong Lee (韩国/Korea)

  Director, Central Education Center of Buddhist Chongji Order/


  Today, the natural disasters caused by environmental pollution are threatening the survival of human beings. The slogans by social organizations or governments are not powerless in preventing of such disasters. Human beings must grope for the ultimate solution for environment pollution. Otherwise, human beings will soon receive the entire karma effects from what they have done. Such karma effects will bring loss of lives and fortune, shortage of food and water, and various diseases.

  We should find out the solution from Buddhism in order to prevent such disasters. Buddhist philosophy, which emphasizes coexistence, will provide philosophical foundation as well as concrete method to prevent environmental pollution and save the earth.

  The Buddha did not mention about environmental pollution or solution for it, for there was no destruction of nature or environmental problem caused by such destruction. However, if we look for concrete method based on the spirit of compassion, to protect natural environment, we can recognize that following the Buddha’s teaching is no other than protecting of nature and living together with it, and that the way of life as such is also the way to protect environment.

  The Buddha already taught us through the doctrine of co-existence how we can coexist together with nature. Thereupon, Buddhists believe that they have to love all sentient beings and let them not to have any fears, that they have to keep their lives in frugality for the benefit of all sentient beings, and that they are cautious not to spend wastefully. We should know through the doctrine of dependent origination that nature is not what exist for our exploitation, but what supports our lives and thus should coexist with us.

  It is true that man’s desire is the driving force of human civilization in today. Men have pursued material satisfaction rather than internal happiness. They tried to produce wealth as much as they can in order to satisfy their desire. The fundamental cause of environmental pollution also comes from here. If entire human beings abandon their desire and purse frugal life, their wastes are minimized and are also destruction of environment.

  If we Buddhists understand, through the truth of dependent origination, the necessity of coexistence, practice it in our everyday life, moderate our desire, have compassion, and save all lives and resources, environment will be protected and the peace of the world will be realized.

  Therefore, environment issues will begin to be resolved, when we understand the Buddha’s teaching and practice moderate and frugal life.



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佛言佛语我们起心动念、一切的造作,哪怕造小小的恶因,都会留下种子,将来都会有果报。现代人不相信因缘果报,他为什么不相信?他没有真实的智慧,他不懂得这个道理。 摘录自佛言网由佛前明灯发布