2014/9/8   热度:408
编者按: 谈到素食,让人不免想到寺院的斋饭,那是种难忘的特殊香味儿。同时,寺院素食因其出世间的因缘似乎在人们的心中多了几分朦胧与神秘。希望本专题能够将这“若即若离”化开,回复它本来的亲近…… 主料:百灵菇 辅料:香菜、香芹 做法:将百灵菇用油炸成黄色,同香芹、香菜、调料用高压锅煮二十多分钟即成。出锅装盘、摆成花型。 二、灵山相会 主料:香菇 辅料:菜丝 做法:香菇剪成丝、腌制、挂糊、炸脆,用素耗油汁、糖等调料炒制,装盘码成山形。 三、慈航普渡 主料:黄瓜 辅料:紫米饭、鲜果丁 做法:黄瓜、做船型,把紫米饭、鲜果丁分别放在小船上即可。 四、桂花山药 主料:山药 调料:桂花酱 做法:将山药去皮,切成条形,用桂花酱拌一下即成。 五、茄汁芦荟 主料:鲜芦荟 做法:将芦荟去皮,切成条形,用茄汁料拌均即成。 六、白灼芥蓝 主料:芥蓝 调料:自调的汁 做法:芥蓝焯水后,摆盘,把自调的白灼汁用小碟装上,蘸食。 七、一相三昧 主料:黄金饼、炸素食、拌菜 (即一个菜,三种不同原料,三种味道拼盘) 八、芥味芦笋: 主料:芦笋 辅料:红椒圈、紫甘蓝 做法:将芦笋用开水浸烫捞出,用芥味膏调汁,把浸烫过的芦笋放在调汁中,用玻璃杯把芦笋装上即成。 九、 菩提道果 主料:香菇丁、白果、板栗、瓜丁、胡萝卜等原料炒制而成。 十、三根普被 主料:茶树菇、蟹味菇、青红椒丝、素火腿丝。 做法:用油炸茶树菇至软,用水焯蟹味菇,然后炒制而成。 十一、功德圆满 主料:豆腐 辅料:素腊肠、杏鲍菇、香菇、素火腿末。 做法:豆腐揉碎,将辅料类全切成粒,调在一起,做成丸子,经炸、炖而成。 十二、优昙飘香 主料:适季蔬菜。 辅料:鲜茉莉花或其他鲜花。 做法:炒制而成。 十三、黄飞鸿脆椒素食蔬 主料:黄飞鸿脆椒、素食半成品、青红椒、香菜。 做法:把素食半成品用油炸成黄色,同黄飞鸿青红椒、香菜一起炒制而成。 十四、鲜菌菜心 主料:广东菜心 辅料:新鲜的菌类 做法:用水焯菜心、鲜菌,然后把菜心摆在盘中,焯鲜菌浇在菜心上即成。 十五、紫气东来(原名铁板黑椒排) 主料:香菇,木芹,土豆条,青红椒丝粒。 做法:把椒排切斜十字花刀,过油炸后,放在烧热的铁板上,用素耗油汁浇在上面即成。 十六、罗汉上素 主料:香菇,木耳,大枣,银耳,广东菜心 做法:焯水后炒制而成。 十七、吉祥四宝 主料:山药,胡萝卜,芦笋,口磨 做法:主料切条。飞水,炝锅,放入主料,调料即成。 十八、满腹经纶 Ingredients: Vegetarian “Ham”, asparagus, carrot, beech mushrooms, bamboo fungus. 做法:素火腿,胡萝卜切条装入竹荪中,将蟹味菇炒好后,浇在竹荪上即成。 十九、鲜汇芥蓝 主料:芥蓝 辅料:冬笋,香菇 做法:芥蓝加水飞水装盘,用油、姜、盐、老抽、素蠔油、糖制汁入辅料浇在芥蓝上即成。 (阿龙 校对)
1. Mushroom “Lotus Throne”:Boiled White King Oyster Mushrooms in Flower Shape
Main Ingredient: white king oyster mushrooms
Additional Ingredients: caraway, parsley
2. Sauteed Shataki Mushrooms in Brown Sauce
Main Ingredient: Shataki mushrooms
Additional Ingredients: shredded vegetables
3. “Prajna Paramita Boat”: Carved Cucumber “Boat” with Purple Rice and Diced Fruits Stuffing
Main Ingredient: cucumber
Additional Ingredients: purple rice, seasonal fresh fruit
4. Chinese Yam in Aromatic Osmanthus Sauce
Main Ingredient: Chinese yam
Additional Ingredient: Osmanthus sauce
5. Aloe Marinated in Fresh Tomato Juice
Ingredient: fresh aloe
6. Scalded Chinese Broccoli
Main Ingredient: Chinese broccoli
Additional Ingredient: home-made sauce
7. Assorted Appetizers of Three-Flavored Cakes and Vegetables
Ingredients: golden pastry, fried veggies, mixed vegetables
8. Scalded Asparagus with Mustard Sauce
Main Ingredient: asparagus
Additional Ingredients: red bell peppers, red cabbage
9. “Awakening Bodhicitta”: Sautéed Gingko Nuts with Assorted Diced Vegetables
Ingredients: gingko nuts, black mushrooms, Chinese chestnuts, white gourd, carrots, etc.
10. Stir-fried Tea Tree Mushrooms and Beech Mushrooms with Shredded Pepper
Ingredients: tea tree mushrooms, beech mushroomss, green and red peppers, vegetarian “ham”
11. “Merit Abounds” : Braised Vegan “Meat” Balls
Main Ingredient: tofu
Additional Ingredients: vegetarian sausage, abalone mushrooms, black mushrooms, vegetarian “ham”
12. Sautéed Seasonal Vegetable with Fragrant Flower
Major Ingredient: fresh vegetable in season
Additional Ingredients: fresh jasmine flowers, or other kind of flowers
13. Sautéed Vegan “Meat” with Crispy Hot Pepper
Ingredients: crispy hot pepper, vegan material, green and red peppers, parsley.
14. Scalded Cantonese Green Cabbage and Fresh Mushrooms
Major Ingredient: Cantonese green cabbage
Additional Ingredient: fresh mushrooms
15. “Purple Clouds From the East”: Sizzling Black Pepper Vegan “Steak” in Vegan Oyster Sauce
Ingredient: Shataki mushrooms, celery, potato, green and red pepper
16. “Buddhist Delight”: Sautéed “Arhat” Mixed Vegetables
Ingredient: Shataki mushrooms, black fungus, Chinese date, white fungus, Cantonese green cabbage
17. “Four Fold ‘Auspicious’ Vegetable Sautee”: Stir-fried Mixed Vegetables
Ingredients: Chinese yam, carrot, asparagus, Mongolian mushrooms
18. Stuffed Bamboo Fungus in Beech Mushroom Dressings
19. “Jade” and “Pearl”: Scalded Chinese Broccoli in Special Vegan “Oyster” Sauce
Major Ingredient: Chinese broccoli
Additional Ingredients: winter bamboo shoot, Shataki mushrooms
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佛言佛语:何以会看到善知识过失?善知识教化众生不是对我一个人说的,他教化的许许多多众生,根性不相同、嗜好欲望不相同,他接触那些众生要用种种方便、种种示现。我们愚痴,我们把他种种示现当作过失,误以为他的烦恼习气不断,不知道那是人家教化众生的手段方法。 (摘录自佛言网,由佛前明灯发布)