2014/9/8   热度:297
短句翻译 1.佛教创立于约公元前6—5世纪的印度。 Buddhism was founded in India around the 6th to 5th century B.C. 2.据说佛教创始人为释迦牟尼。 It is said that the founder of Buddhism was Sakyamuni. 3.大约在2世纪,大乘佛教传人汉人居住的中原地区。 About the 2th century,Mahayana Buddhism entered Central China,inhabited by the Han nationality. 4.“三宝”即“佛”、“法”、“僧”。 The Three Precious Treasures include the Buddha,the Dharma(Law 0r Way)and the Sangha(the Monastic Order). 5.佛教在中国一直与儒学、道教共存。 Buddhism has always co-existed with Confucianism and Daoism. 6.佛像和菩萨雕塑供奉在寺院里,让人们拜祭。 Buddhism has and Bodhisattva statues have been placed for worship in monasteries. 长句翻译 7.直到现在,小乘佛教仍然流行于傣族地区。 Up to the present time.Hinayana Buddhism (Lesser Vehicle)is still prevalent as in the regions inhabited by Dai nationality. 8.传统之间相互共存促进了有中国特色的宗教的形成。 Their mutual co-existence of the tradition has produced a religion with distinct Chinese characteristics. 9.同一个寺院里除释迦牟尼以外,还供奉了许多其他佛像和菩萨雕塑。 In addition to Sakyamuni, many other Buddhism has and Boddhisattvas statues have been placed in the same monasteries 10.佛教在中国传播时,僧人把“道场”中国化,为不同的菩萨安排了不同的“道场”。 As Buddhism spread throughout China,Buddhist monks added Chinese characteristics to the Daochang and accordingly placed different Buddhas in the different Daochang in China. 11.四个主要宗派为天台宗、华严宗、净土宗和禅宗,这四个宗派都形成于公元581年到755年之间。这些宗派在中国和日本有相当大的影响。 The four major sects(Tiantai,Huayan,Jingtu and Chan)appeared between 581 and 755A.D., and they had considerable influence in both China and Japan. 12.“八正道”为“正见”、“正思维”、“正语”、“正业”、“正命”、“正勤”、“正念”、“正定”。 This eight-fold path consists of right knowledge, right thought,right speech,right behavior,fight livelihood,fight effort,right mindfulness and right concentration. 13.修“八正道”的佛法修行人渴望实现“涅磐”。“涅椠”超越了死亡和诸种烦恼,脱离了生死的轮回,进人到安静、自在、无为的快乐境界中。 By following the eight-fold path,Buddhist followers aim to attain Nirvana, a condition of eternal and tranquil bliss that is beyond the limits of death,rebirth,thoughts and feelings. 多句翻译 14. 释迦牟尼是一位王子。他年轻时,痛感人世间遭受的贫穷、苦难、疾病、死亡。29岁时他毅然舍弃物欲世界,出家修行。. Sakyamuni was a prince.When he was young, he sadly saw that people suffered in poverty,pain,sickness and death.Around the age of 29,the prince made his break from the material world and plunged off in search of enlightenment. 15.传说,释迦牟尼来到一棵菩提树下,静坐苦思,后来觉悟成佛。 As the story goes,Sakyamuni came to a fig tree.He sat beneath it and then he slipped into deep meditation.Afterwards he achieved enlightenment and became Buddha. 16.“四谛”即苦、集、灭、道。 The four noble truths:life is suffering,the cause of suffering is desire, the answer is to quench desire, and the way to this end is to follow the eight-fold path. 17.大乘佛教认为,每个人与一切众生都有着同体的联系,佛祖不会入涅檗而抛弃众生,相反,他会继续普度众生。 Mahayana Buddhism(Greater Vehicle)holds that the fate of an individual is linked to the fate of all others.The Buddha doesn't float off into his own Nirvana,leaving other people behind. He continues to exude spiritual、help to those see—king Nirvana. Hinayana(Lesser Vehicle)holds that the path to Nirvana is an individual pursuit.People who seek Nirvana must tread its path on their own. 19.天台宗为中国佛教最早的宗派,创始人为中国隋代的智颤。他以《妙法莲华经》为基本依据,将其他佛教经典分为“五时八教”,提倡禅定和佛教义理双修。 Tiantai was the earliest sect of Chinese Buddhism.It was founded by Zhiyi during the Sui Dynasty.Zhiyi took the Lotus Sutra as his basis; he classified the other Buddhist sutras into five periods and eight types of teachings and he also emphasized both meditation practice and scriptural study. 20.华严宗出现于公元7世纪,创始人为唐朝的法藏。此宗在公元7世纪后期传入朝鲜,公元725年到740年之间传人日本。 Huayan Sect was established in the 7th century by a Chinese monk,Fa Zang,of the Tang Dynasty.This sect reached Korea in the late 7th century,and Japan between 725 and 740. 21.禅宗是佛教的一个宗派。梵文“dhyana”的汉语音译为“禅那”,意思是“静虑”。相传印度的菩提达摩创建了此宗禅法,中国人称他为“达摩”。此宗重视禅定,认为人人心里都有佛性。 Chan Buddhism is a sect of Mahayana Buddhism.The“Channa” is a transliteration of the Sanskrit term“dhyana”.which means“meditation".It is said that the founder of the Chan Buddhism was Bodhidharma who was known to the Chinese as Da Mo.This sect emphasizes meditation,it holds that the universal“Buddha, nature” is immanent within ourselves. 22.净土宗以描述西方净土的印度佛教经典为基础,凡是一心专念阿弥陀佛的修行者和认为传统佛教的清规戒律太繁琐的居士,都可以专修此法。 Jingtu Buddhism is based upon a number of Indian Buddhist texts describing a pure land to the west.Especially it is designed for those, who devoutly chant the name of Amitabha and for laypersons who find traditional Buddhist moral rules and meditation discipline too strict. 23.藏族人信仰佛教。藏传佛教俗称“喇嘛教”。在公元7世纪吐蕃国王松赞干布统治时期,佛教传人西藏。公元14世纪末,藏传佛教有了不同的宗派,其中包括红教、白教和黄教。 The Tibetan people believe in Buddhism.It is called Lamaism.It spread into Tibet during the reign of Tubo King Songtsan Gambo in the 7th century.By the end of the 14th century,the Tibetan Buddhism had a variety of sects, including the Red Sect,the White Sect and the Yellow Sect. 24.公元前65年,佛教传播到中国。传播者为两个印度僧人,他们受汉明帝邀请,来中国建立寺庙。刚开始,由于主流传统文化的原因,佛教在中国并没有什么影响。 Buddhism was first introduced to China about 65 B.C.by two Indian monks who had been invited by Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty to establish a monastery in China.In the beginning,Buddhism did not have much influence in China due to the prevailing traditional Chinese culture. 25.在早期,佛教术语、思想,以及佛教的艺术形式必须中国本土化。初期的一种办法是用道家术语,其优点是让人听起来熟悉。 At the early stage,Buddhist word and ideas, as well as its artistic forms, had to be translated into Chinese terms.One early solution was to employ Daoist terminology,and this had the advantage of sounding familiar. 26.另一种方法是不翻译,而采用音译,用汉字近似地再现原词的发音,而不是表达原词的含义。音译很恰当地在汉语中再现外国固有名称,并成为常规用法,迄今还在使用。 Another solution was not to translate at all but to transliterate,that is,to employ Chinese characters to approximate the sound rather than the meaning of the original word.Transliteration was most suitable for reproducing foreign proper names in Chinese, and this became the standard practice continued to this day. 27.普贤的坐骑是白象,“普贤”之意即为德行无边无量。普贤是释迦牟尼的肋侍之一,有些寺庙把释迦牟尼、文殊、普贤同祀于大雄宝殿。 Puxian(Samantabhadra)symboHzes infinite virtue and is represented riding a white elephant.“Puxian”is considered to be one of Sakvamuni’s close assistants.In some monasteries, the statues of Sakyamuni.Wenshu and Puxian statues are placed in the Grand Buddha Hall. 28.阿弥陀佛又名接引佛,他随释迦牟尼得道成佛。接引佛为西方极乐世界的教主,能接引众生,往生西方净土。 Amitabha is also called Jieyin Buddha.Along with Sakvamuni.he attained the state of Buddha-hood through his perfect enlightenment.Amitabha takes charge of the Buddhist Western Paradise.and his work is to usher sentient beings into the paradise when they pass away. 29.弥勒佛通常供在寺庙的第一重殿。佛教传人中国后,弥勒佛迅速“中国化”,在民间广受崇拜。 The statue of Maitreya is usually placed in the first main hall of a monastery.When Buddhism entered China.Maitreya quickly took on Chinese characteristics and became popular among the people. 30.观音有三十三种化身,如千手相、十一面相、四十八臂相。观音有大慈大悲、救苦救难菩萨之号,他的法力广大,因中国古典文学名著《西游记》而家喻户晓。 Guanyin has 33 various images.including an image with 1000 hands,an image with 11 faces. and an image with 48 arms.Guanyin serves as the Bodhisattva of perfect compassion and kindness,helping the needy and relieving the distressed.His infinite Buddhist power is known in every household due to the popularity of the famous Chinese literary classic,The Pilgrimage to the West. 31.根据佛教经典,文殊菩萨是转轮圣王的第三太子。相传佛教传人中国后,他在五台山显相。文殊手持宝剑,表示法力广大、智慧超凡. According to the Buddhist classics.Wenshu was the third son of the Holy King in charge of reincarnations. Legend has it that as Buddhists entered China, Wenshu appeared on Mt.Wutai. Wenshu holds a sword that symbolizes his infinite Buddhist power and perfect wisdom. 32.根据佛教经典,地藏受释迦牟尼的委托,立下宏愿,在佛祖寂灭后、弥勒佛未降生前,尽度六道众生,拯救诸苦。皆如愿,遂成佛,称其为地藏。 According to the Buddhist classics, during the period from the Nirvana of Sakyamuni to the advent of Maitreya, Dizang Bodhisattva vowed to save all beings from suffering in the Six Paths.He vows not to achieve Buddhahood until all the Hells are empty, and is thus therefore referred as the King of Hell. 33.四大天王被称为“四大金刚”,源于印度佛教传说。这四大金刚能够驱逐邪魔,护持众佛祖,保天下风凋雨顺,故多塑于寺院的第一重殿。 The Four Heavenly Kings are depicted as the Four Warrior Attendants(Vajras).Their origin stems from an Indian Buddhism legend,and these kings are able to drive out evil and monsters.protect Buddhas, and assure favorable conditions for the growth of crops each year.Therefore, their images are usually placed in the first main hall of a Buddhist monastery. 34.根据佛教经典,十六罗汉是释迦牟尼的弟子。受佛祖嘱托,他们不入涅槃,长住人间,受世人供养而为众生造福。 According to Buddhist classics,Sakyamuni's disciples are sixteen Arhats.They are instructed by the Buddha not to ascend into the Buddhist Western Paradise,and instead they are asked to reside in the world, the human beings take care of them, and in return the Arhats bring benefit to human beings. 35.十六罗汉的传说受到了汉族佛教徒对于罗汉的崇敬,他们将罗汉的人数和法力“扩大化”,于是有了“五百罗汉”之说。 The legend pf the Sixteen Arhats gave rise to the esteem for the Arhats fron Buddhist followers in the regions inhabited by the Han nationality. In addition, the followers increased the Arhat numbers and magnified their Buddhist power, thus bring forth the saying about the 500 Arhats. 应变能力练习 中峰寺古称乾明观,公元4世纪由乾明道长开建。据《方舆考略》载:北魏时有明果和尚住锡峨眉山宝掌峰下,见乾明道士每年农历三月三日托东汉时瞿武升仙掌故,以妖术惑众。明果知其为妖孽作祟,约集山民以弓弩降伏妖术,众皆慑服。观中道士,皆改道信佛,改观为寺。因寺后有大小十七峰环绕,寺建于居中的白岩峰下,故名中峰寺,为山中六大故寺之一。唐宋间,寺中高僧名士云集,规模宏大,寺周遍种白牡丹,林园花开,冠于全山。 zhongfeng Monastery has an old name.Qian-ming Tempk. A Daoist abbot whose name was Qian-ming, built the temple in 4th century. During the Northern Wei, according to the relevant historical documents, a Buddhist monk by the name of Mingguo stayed under the foot of the Baozhang Peak of Mt. Emei. Every March 3 of the Chinese Lunar Calendar, Monk Minggno saw Qianming practice witchcraft to deceive people by spreading the story in which Qu Wu of the Eastern Han Dynasty ascends to Heaven as an immortal. Monk Mingguo knew that it was the mischief done by the evildoer. So he gathered some local people to subdue the witchcraft with arrows and bows. Everyone agreed to obey Mingguo because of his persuasive power. Even the Daoist priests in the Qianming Temple were all converted to Buddhism, and the Daoist temple became a Buddhist Monastery. It was named the Zhongfeng Monastery, which means "the Central Peak", because the monastery is located right at the foot of the Baiyan Peak surrounded by 17 large and smaller peaks. The monastery gradually became one of the six largest ancient monasteries on the mountain. During the Tang and Song dynasties many eminent monks and celebrities gathered in the Zhongfeng Monastery, which was magnificent in scale and layout. White peonies grew around the monastery, and the whole peak was crowned with flowers, plants and gardens.
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佛言佛语:钱财到面前来的时候,要把它用在善的地方。什么是善?利益众生是善,自己享受是恶,你要是能够记住这个原则,你的一生一定是幸福快乐。 (摘录自佛言网,由佛前明灯发布)