2014/9/7   热度:117
我體悟到空的本性 一切法是萬緣和合 我們必須看透 可是 仍然令人難以相信 直到 用自己的足力 踐履 破除眼觀的迷妄 也因而 切進真實本性 原來 法爾如是 In the forest of Dharma I come to realize that the nature of emptiness, all of the phenomena are interdependent arising Which we must have to gain an insight However, it had been still be unbelievable Until I use my own feet to tread And to eliminate the illusion and delusion With the result that approaching the real nature Oh! The Dharma is the suchness.
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佛言佛语:一切法从心想生”,你常常看佛、常常想佛,佛是无量的德行、无量的福报,所以你在行净业。如果你常常想阿弥陀佛、常常念阿弥陀佛,往生就很容易。 (摘录自佛言网,由佛前明灯发布)