禅宗对语言与真理的看法 ---- 一个西方哲学的理解进路
2014/9/7   热度:373
禅宗对语言与真理的看法 ---- 一个西方哲学的理解进路
[ 作者:谢孟锡
【文章标题】禅宗对语言与真理的看法 ---- 一个西方哲学的理解进路
【中文摘要】本文主旨在于提供禅宗一个西方哲学的理解进路。禅宗向来都带着极浓厚的神秘色彩﹐尤其是禅师们的言语举止﹐诸如公案﹑棒喝等﹐都令人莫测高深。本文的主要目的即在于尝试着以新的角度来解答禅宗的秘密。首先﹐我们必须设定的原点是 ---- 禅师们的言﹑行是有意义的。然后﹐我们问﹕当某人清醒﹑而认真地对我们说话﹐却令我们摸不着头脑时﹐问题可能会出现在什么方﹖ 状况只可能出现在两个地方﹕某人所使用的“工具”和所表达的“内容”﹔要不就是某人使用语言的方式和我们不同﹐要不就是某人所说的内容是超出我们常识所能接受的﹐所以我们听不懂。因此﹐我们就可以明确地区分出两个方向来﹕“言行” -- 禅师们所使用的表达工具﹔“真理” -- 禅师们所欲表达的内容。所以﹐我们问﹕“表达”如何可能﹖ 永恒的“真理”如何可能﹖于是﹐我们借着对楞伽经﹑金刚经和六祖坛经上的经文来追问它们的答案。我们问﹕释迦牟尼对这两个问题的看法为何﹖ 禅宗六祖慧能如何说明这两个问题﹖ 接着﹐我主观地选择索绪尔和维根斯坦对语言的反省﹐来作为西方哲学所提供的理解进路﹔选择休姆来作为上述佛经中所欲传达真理的一个西方哲学的理解进路。通过索绪尔和维根斯坦﹐我们得到的结论是﹕ 语言的本质是一种传递心灵状态的工具﹐而心灵状态即为所谓的“意义”﹐只有言说(speech)才得以传递完整的意义﹐由此﹐我们就可以了解禅师们的言语﹑行为是一种高度的传递艺术。通过对休姆的理解与批评﹐我们得到的结论是﹕释迦牟尼所欲传达的真理﹐即为对心灵之本质的正确认知﹐由此﹐我们就得以瞭解禅师们所欲表达的真正内容。在进行论述的过程中﹐我们会发现﹐以上的那两个问题会将我们带得更远﹐更多的问题会一一浮现﹕“反省”如何可能﹖ “推论”如何可能﹖“理解”如何可能﹖ “回忆”如何可能﹖于是﹐我们会发现﹐当我们以东﹑西方的智慧来面对共同的问题时﹐它们就会在我们对问题的深层探讨中﹐交融为一个不可分割的整体。至此﹐这篇论文的真正面貌才会显露出来﹐它事实上是东西哲学汇通的一个释例。
【 英文摘要】In my thesis of Master of Philosophy " The main idea of Language and Truth of The Zen Buddhism ---- one way to understand through The West Philosophy " , first, by way of the research of the theory of Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913) and Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951), I had disscussed the nature of
Language in detail; and by way of the explanation and criticise of the theory of knowledge of David Hume (1711-1776), I had explained and cleared elementally the nature of Truth; finally, by way of West Philosophy, I made the nature of Language and of Truth as two supporting pillar to contribute to the
nderstanding toward The Zen Buddhism . In my thesis, the research of the nature of Language stop finally at "Language, is one of the transmissive tool of meaning (sort of state of mind)". And in the process of the research of the nature of
Truth, first, through Hume''''s theory of perception, I built up a
"Model of Mind", according to it, I gave a further
nderatanding and explanation to what people called "Understanding", "Reason", "Intuition" and "Experience"; second, on the basis of "Model of Mind", I separated "Truth" into two forms, and gave each of it clear and definite
distinctions and explanations. By way of the research above, it is clear to find that, through these two different ways of trace ---- Language and Truth, finally, both of them reveal the same request ---- they ask further understanding about Mind, and such request can also be regarded as the request to research the nature of philosophy. Therefore, what I called "The new foundation of understanding" can be decided as : a
brand-new foundation of understanding through the cognition toward the Mind.
五明学习: 声明: 语言 | 音乐 | 文学 | 声明 | 其它 |温馨提示:请勿将文章分享至无关QQ群或微信群或其它无关地方,以免不信佛人士谤法!
佛言佛语:佛菩萨应化在这个世间度众生,他不是业力来的,他是愿力来的,乘愿再来!他发什么愿?大慈大悲、救苦救难。凡夫是业力在作主,佛菩萨是愿力作主。为什么我们的愿力作不了主?我们有业,业力大过愿力。 (摘录自佛言网,由佛前明灯发布)