2014/9/7   热度:423
以佛学的涅槃思想诠释赫曼·赫塞在《流浪者之歌》所呈现的超验哲学 作者: 简诚信 【资料形态】硕博文库|中国台湾 【中文摘要】赫曼?赫塞之小说《流浪者之歌》是他生平著作中呈现出受东方的哲学与宗教影响最显着的一本着作。本论文采用佛学的观点探究“流浪者之歌”中赫塞所呈现的自我观、本体论和超越哲学;再引用部分康德的哲学思想,阐述赫曼?赫塞在极具东方文化与宗教为背景的小说背后,与之相通的西方超越哲学观点。 【英文摘要】The culture of the ancient Hindus and the ancient Chinese had a great influence on Hermann Hesse’s works. The present thesis is an analysis of Hermann Hesse’s transcendental philosophy as illustrated in Siddhartha and the relationship of Hesse’s philosophy to Buddhism and Western transcendental philosophy. Chapter One introduces part of Hermann Hesse’s life to demonstrate the Eastern influence within his novels. It isolates some Buddhist and Kantian concepts related to Hesse’s transcendental philosophy in Siddhartha. Chapter Two deals with Hesse’s concept of self and relates it to the Buddhist concept of self, Buddha-nature. Through this comparison, it rejects Ziolkowski’s comment that Hesse seems merely to add an oriental exotic and legendary atmosphere to the novel. Chapter Three examines Hesse’s ontological conceptions through a discussion of Buddhist concepts, mainly the “five aggregates,” and Kant’s transcendental idealism, and illustrates Hesse’s conception of “two realities.” Chapter Four compares Siddhartha and Gotama Buddha to extend the contradiction between empiricism and transcendentalism, philosophy and religion, and West and East. Hesse’s transcendental philosophy synthesizes Eastern Buddhism and Western Kantian idealism. By investigation of Kantian transcendence, the discussion examines how Hesse transcends the gap that Siddhartha has questioned about Gotama Buddha and suggested a solution to the problem. Chapter Five concludes that Hesse confirms the Path of the Bodhisattva, of possessing both compassion and wisdom, is the answer to attain Nirvana. It also implies that Hesse’s definition of enlightenment is to synthesize both religious transcendence and philosophical empiricism into a new consciousness. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHINESE ABSTRACTi CHAPTER I: Introduction1 【参考文献】 Works Cited
【英文标题】Buddhist Nirvana and Hermann Hesse’s Transcendental Philosophy in Siddhartha
【中文关键词】赫曼?赫塞| 流浪者之歌|涅盘|物自身|康德|超越|佛性
【英文关键词】Hesse Hermann ; Siddhartha ; Nirvana ; Buddhist-nature ; Transcendence ; Things in Themselves ;
1.1 Hermann Hesse and Siddhartha2
1.2 The Transcendental Philosophy 7
CHAPTER II: Concept of Self19
2.1 Hesse’s Self 19
2.2 Path to the self28
CHAPTER III: Existence40
3.1 Illusionary Existence and True Existence41
3.2 Five Aggregates and Four Noble Truths49
CHAPTER IV: Transcendence63
4.1 The Twin 63
4.2 Kantian Transcendence69
CHAPTER V: Conclusion75
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