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念佛四十八法:12) 有定无定持名

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念佛四十八法:12) 有定无定持名


  12) 有定无定持名

  Fixed Periods of Buddha Recitation

  With the previous method, you are enjoined to practice Buddha Recitation at all times without interruption. However, because there are no definite periods for Buddha Recitation [the method demands a good deal of self-discipline]. Few people can therefore practice it.

  With this method, the expedient of fixed periods of recitation is introduced. There should usua ly be two periods per day, in the morning and in the evening, and these periods should be strictly observed every day, without fail, throughout life.

  Furthermore, if during the twenty-four hour period, you can recite the Buddha’s name one additional time, do it once; if you can recite it many times, do so many times. It does not matter whether the recitation is audible or not. The ancients had a saying:

  Utter one fewer idle phrase;

  Recite the Buddha’s name one more time; How wonderful it is!



  There are people who cannot recite the Buddha’s name at all times, because of work or family obligations. Thus, we have the expedient of fixed periods of Buddha Recitation. In this way, everyone can practice the Pure Land method. One crucial point to remember: once the fixed periods are established, they should be adhered to without deviation, even during sickness or other suffering. The above notwithstanding, whenever we have a free moment, we should immediately think of the Buddha’s name.

  To replace sentient beings’ thoughts with Buddha-thoughts, while not necessarily a sublime method, is still a rare expedient which can turn delusion into enlightenment.


念佛四十八法:13) 对像离像持名

念佛四十八法:14) 忙中持名

念佛四十八法:15) 闲中持名





念佛四十八法:11) 到处持名

念佛四十八法:10) 随分持名

念佛四十八法:9) 调息持名

念佛四十八法:8) 默然持名

念佛四十八法:7) 金刚持名

华人学佛第一选择 (2020-2030)