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隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 教外之法门 Things Outside of Buddhism

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隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 教外之法门 Things Outside of Buddhism


  2-1-1. Developing Awareness is The Path That the Buddha Teaches 培养觉性是佛陀教导的道路

  2-1-1-1. Things Outside of Buddhism 教外之法门

  Making merit, being generous, keeping precepts and doing tranquility–meditation are a pair with the world. Whether there is a Buddha or there is no Buddha, these things exist anyway.


  When prince Sidhartha was born, the Brahmins were assiduously looked after, which is making merit and offerings. As for tranquility–meditation, it’s a matter of psychic powers, a matter of ambition. We’ve probably heard about becoming invisible, flying through the air, diving into the earth, reading other people’s minds, multiplying oneself, reciting magical verses to obstruct vision, and hearing by entering absorption. This is not insight.


  According to the Buddha’s biography, when price Sidhartha ordained, he studied with the hermit Alara and mastered seven absorptions; four form-absorptions and three formless-absorptions. But suffering still existed. That is to say, there was still greed, hatred and delusion. He was not satisfied with this and so studied with the last teacher, the hermit Uddaka, until he mastered the eight absorptions; four form-absorptions and four formless-absorptions. The hermit said: “That’s as much as I know.” But the prince was still not satisfied because there was still greed, hatred and delusion. He wasn’t liberated from suffering yet.


  This shows that tranquility is not able to put an end to suffering. After this, the prince tormented himself, together with the five ascetics who were following him. He fasted until his body was so thin that it was just skin over his bones, and he held his breath. But even after doing all this, greed, hatred, delusion, satisfaction and dissatisfaction still persisted. There were still defilements.






隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 教内之法门

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隆波田禅师:平常心 Normality - 教内之教导

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华人学佛第一选择 (2020-2030)