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狮吼音·开示集:慈悲的涵义 |
慈悲的涵义 在此教授之前,尊贵的法王给予了观音修持的口传。 Firstly His Holiness gave the oral transmission of the Chenrezig practice. 现在,各位已经得到了这个口传,各位应该在观想四臂白观音的同时念诵心咒(嗡玛尼贝美吽),但更重要的是,应当在任何可能的时刻修持慈悲。 Now that you have received this transmission you should recite the mantra (OM MANI PADME HUM) whist practicing the visualization of the white four-armed form of Chenrezig but more importantly you should practice compassion whenever possible. 各位应该了解持诵心咒其实要比仅仅读诵其字句更具力量和意义,尤其是在念诵的同时若能建立起虔诚心,那将会使心咒更有力量。 You should also understand that with the recitation of the mantra it is more powerful and meaningful than just merely reciting the words and it is especially more powerful if recited whilst building devotion. 我们真的需要去了解慈悲的涵义,以及为什么我们应该修持慈悲。若能从一位上师处学习到佛法那是非常不错的,但如果能够从我们自身的经验中体会到慈悲的意义,那将会更好。一旦我们了知什么是慈悲,将会让我们发展出不可思议的善德。当然,向上师学习佛法是很好的,因为他们会引导我们的心趋向所有能带来证悟的思想。 We really need to understand the meaning of compassion and why we should practice it. It is all very well and good to study the Dharma with a teacher but it is even better if we can find out what the meaning of compassion is with in our own experience. Once we know what compassion is then it makes incredibly good sense to us personally. Of course, it is good to study the Dharma with a teacher because they will introduce our minds to all the enlightening concepts. 一开始我们并不能准确地知道,我们学习和修持会带来什么样的结果,可一旦我们了解到一切事物都是完全彼此依赖、相互关联的,我们将更加注意我们的每一个行为。 In the beginning we cannot say exactly what the fruits of our study and practice will be but once we learn that everything is totally inter-dependent and inter-connected we will take more care of all our actions. 如果我们希望能帮助到每一位众生,就不能只使用一、两种方法。我们需要去学习许多的方法,并根据浩瀚又各个不同的需求提供必要的帮助。 If we really want to help every single sentient being then we can’t just use or two methods. We will need to learn many methods and apply what is necessary according to the vast number of individual requirements. 同时,知道这一点也许会有所帮助,那就是在我们修学之初,仅仅是发愿要帮助一切众生都会带来一定的利益。此后,当我们懂得如何将这个伟大的愿望契入我们的修持、融入我们的行持,我们便能真正地利益一切有情。 Also, it might be helpful to know that in the beginning of our study and practice having the mere intention of helping all sentient beings will be of some benefit. Later, when we will really know how to put this great intention into practice in all our actions then we will truly be able to benefit all sentient beings.